Business Office Glossary
1098-T: The form prepared for enrolled students and submitted to the IRS that provides information on the tuition and fees charged and scholarships, grants, and third party payments received by the student in a calendar year. 1098-T forms are required to be mailed to students or available electronically (for those that opt-in for electronic delivery) by January 31 following the end of the reporting calendar year.
Account Balance: Available 24/7 on the WU-View home page, My Account tab under "Account Activity". Filter the activity by date or look at full account activity, then expand the information to see details for each term. Information by term is also available by clicking the "View Activity" box on the home page. All activity can be printed, downloaded as a PDF, or exported to Excel.
Authorized User: One or more persons designated by the student to be allowed access to financial information in WU-View. Business Office staff can discuss balances, payments, charges, etc., only with the student or an authorized user. Students can designate an authorized user for the Business Office in WU-View (requires a valid email address for the authorized user) or by completing and submitting a FERPA Release Form
Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP): A program for high school students to take college courses for credit at a partnering high school.
Debit Card – PIN-Based: A debit card payment where the payer enters a PIN to complete the transaction. PIN-based debit card transactions are the only type of debit card payments that can be made at the cashier counter in Morgan. A debit card that has the Visa or MasterCard logo on the front of the card is also a signature debit card, but can still be used to make a PIN-based debit card transaction at the cashier counter. Debit cards without the Visa or MasterCard logo are "PIN only" and cannot be used to make payments online in WU-View.
Debit Card - Signature: A debit card that has the Visa or MasterCard logo on the front of the card. Signature debit cards can be used to make payments in WU-View without entering a PIN, but can also be used at the cashier counter in Morgan if the user enters a PIN. Debit cards without the Visa or MasterCard logo are "PIN only" and cannot be used to make payments online in WU-View.
Deposits: In WU-View, the tab where law seat deposits are paid online. Payments can be made with a webcheck, signature debit card, or credit card with no additional fee.
Direct Deposit: A bank account the student sets up in WU-View that will accept refunds of excess financial aid and credit balances. Accounts used for direct deposit refunds must be validated prior to being available for use (a process that can take up to a week).
FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid that must be submitted each year in order to be eligible for grants, loans, and many scholarships. Information on submitting a FAFSA is available on the Financial Aid Office website.
FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 ensures the privacy of a student’s personal information is protected. FERPA restricts the release of educational records, including all financial records, to anyone other than the student without the student’s explicit written permission. Students can designate an authorized user for the Business Office in WU-View or by completing and submitting a FERPA Release Form .
Hold: A hold prevents the student from being able to initiate or complete certain transactions. Depending on the type of hold, the student may not be able to receive transcripts or diplomas, make enrollment changes, enroll in a new term, or make webcheck payments through WU-View. Holds commonly used by the Business Office include: BU Business Office, BR Bursar, IN Insufficient Check, EM Emergency Loan, CO Collections, PR Perkins, RF Hold from Refunding, and BN Bankruptcy.
Late Fee: A fee assessed after a term's payment deadline for students who (1) have a balance owing for the term, and (2) are not enrolled in a payment plan.
Late Installment Payment Fee: A fee assessed after each installment date in a term for students who (1) are enrolled in a payment plan, and (2) failed to pay the scheduled installment in full.
Payment Deadline: The date each term by which the student account must be paid in full, or the student must be enrolled in a payment plan, in order to avoid late fees or holds being added to the account.
Payment Plan: An optional payment plan available to students who wish to pay the charges for the term in 2, 3 or 4 equal installments. Enrollment is done through WU-View with a setup fee of $30 ($20 in summer) applied to the balance at the time of enrollment. The last day to enroll in a payment plan in the Fall and Spring terms is the payment deadline. The last day to enroll in a Summer payment plan is posted on the Business Office home page.
Refund: A system-generated refund of a credit balance on the student account due to excess financial aid or overpayment. Refunds are normally generated by the Business Office after financial aid disburses grants, scholarships, loans, etc., to the student's account. Refund payments to the student can take the form of direct deposit or paper check; Parent Plus Loan refunds are only available in the form of a paper check and can only be mailed. In WU-View, the Refunds tab is where direct deposit information is set up for refunds to students.
Service Fee: A fee charged by the credit card processor (TouchNet PayPath) for credit card payments made online in WU-View.
Statement: In WU-View, the link to view copies of electronic statements sent via email is on the home page. PDF copies of all statements can be viewed or printed. The term eBill (or eStatement) may also used to describe any statement sent electronically through WU-View.
Student Fee: A charge to all students taking one or more classes on or off campus, except during the summer term. Student fees support the Washburn Student Government Association, Student Publications, the Campus Activities Board, University Child Development, and the Cheer Squad and Dancing Blues.
Third Party Payment: An arrangement whereby some or all of the student’s charges are billed to and paid by a third party rather than the student. Third party payers can include organizations and agencies such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Military Tuition Assistance, Heartland Works, etc. Third party payments are typically applied to the student account prior to the invoicing of the third party payer, but can be affected by a change in enrollment or the application of grants or scholarships to the student account.
Tuition: The cost per credit hour established by the Washburn University Board of Regents for the academic year. Tuition cost is determined by residency, whether the course is on campus or online, the course level (undergraduate, graduate, law), and the program of study.
Webcheck: A webcheck, also known as an electronic check, is a method of online payment available in WU-View that uses the routing number and account number (not the debit card number) from the payer's bank account to make a payment towards the student account. Accounts used for webcheck payments must be validated prior to being available for use (a process that can take up to a week).
WU-View: The online payment portal for students to check account activity, make payments, save payment information, set up direct deposit accounts (Refunds tab) for financial aid and credit balance refunds, enroll in a payment plan (Payment Plans tab--with optional scheduled payments), pay a housing, tuition, or law seat deposit (Deposits tab), view current and prior bills (View Statements box on the home page), and set up authorized users. Current students and those who were enrolled within the past year can access WU-View by signing into MyWashburn and going to the Pay Now tile. Access for former students requires a PIN to use the "Former Students" link on the Business Office home page.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Business Office
Washburn University Business Office
Morgan Hall 103
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email