Campus Health & Safety
Washburn University is committed to providing a safe and healthy campus environment for its students, faculty, and staff and offers a range of services to support the physical and mental well-being of its community members.
The university has its own police department that is staffed by trained and licensed law enforcement officers who provide 24/7 safety and security services such as escorting students to their cars if requested. In addition, the university has policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety of its community members, including a comprehensive emergency management plan.
*If this is an emergency, please dial 911 or call Washburn University Police at 785.670.1300
police@washburn.eduon campus
iAlert is an emergency notification system used to alert students, facutly, staff and parents in cases of campus emergencies. iAlert program
Blue Light phones
About a dozen of blue light phones are located across campus and are a direct link to WUPD. Phone locations
Storm Shelters
Buildings on campus have safe locations to be used in the case of severe weather, including severe thunderstorms and tornados. Shelter locations
Student Health Services
All students are eligible to visit Student Health Services free-of-charge with a valid WU ID. Some of the services offered include physical exams, medication refills, immunizations and urgent care. Health Services
Counseling Services
Counseling Services offers both personal counseling and study skills/educational counseling. Services are focused on short-term counseling, but can assist in referrals to other providers.Counseling Services
Fire Evacuation Routes
Fire evacuation routes for each campus building.Fire Evacuation Routes
Safety and planning
The Washburn University Emergency Management and Safety Department is committed to creating the framework for a safer, less vulnerable campus community. Use these resources below to help plan for extreme weather or emergency situations.
Washburn University Police Department
The Washburn University Police Department (WUPD) is a certified law enforcement agency with the same responsibilities and authority as a city police agency or a sheriffs department.