Accessing WU-View
In order to access WU-View, our online payment system, students must first activate their MyWashburn account. If you are already able to sign into MyWashburn, your account has been activated. If you have not activated your MyWashburn account, follow the instructions below.
- Students are automatically assigned a MyWashburn account when they are admitted to the University.
- MyWashburn provides secure access to self-service Banner functions, Desire2Learn, and other resources.
- Students will receive an email from Information Technology Services at the personal email address they provided when they were admitted to Washburn.
- This email will contain instructions about how to access IT resources at Washburn.
Once MyWashburn access is granted, students can sign in, go to the "Student Account Information" tile, then click on "WU-View Login." Once logged into WU-View, click the blue PAY NOW button to be directed to the payment portal. Current and admitted students can use the link below to sign into MyWashburn. Former students (away for more than one year) or authorized users must use the other labeled links to reach their access pages.
WU-View access for current students
Current Students includes any person enrolled in a class at Washburn or Washburn Tech within the past year. This link will take you to MyWashburn where you will sign in, go to the "Student Account Information" tile, then click "WU-View Login." After logging into WU-View, click on the blue PAY NOW button to be directed to the payment portal. If the system asks for a PIN to sign into WU-View, clear your browser history, close the browser, and try again.WU-View access for former students
Former students are those away for more than one year who no longer have access to MyWashburn. Login requires the Washburn ID and assigned PIN (please be sure to capitalize the "W"). A PIN can be obtained by contacting the Business Office at business-office@washburn.edu or by calling 785.670.2033.
WU-View access for authorized users
Authorized Users are those individuals granted access to the student's online WU-View account. Once a valid email address is entered, the new users are notified via email and assigned a PIN. Access is removed if the email address becomes invalid. A Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) profile will be required for newly added authorized users and for any users with no MFA who are adding or removing bank or card information. Users will be directed to a page to select from the following MFA options:
- Authenticator Application (preferred) - Apps such as Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play and used to provide a verification code to login.
- Text Message - A mobile phone number can be used to receive passcodes to login
- Email Address - A personal email address can be used to receive passcodes to login.
Once activated, in WU-View you can....
The most convenient way to pay online is with a debit card. There is no waiting for account validation, no service fee is charged by the processor, and a Business Office hold can be lifted if the balance is paid in full. For debit card transactions, please note that daily transaction limits on your bank account may restrict the amount that can be paid. Contact your bank to increase your daily limit if you feel the transaction will exceed your limit. Debit cards can only be used for online payments if a Visa or Mastercard logo is on the front of the card.
Electronic checks (webchecks) can also be used without a service fee, but holds will not be lifted for 7 to 10 days to allow time for the payment to clear the bank. Beginning in March 2021, banks require ACH validation of any newly entered checking account before it can be used for payment. This delays the ability to make an initial webcheck payment by approximately a week. Keep this in mind when planning to use checking accounts for payments and set up the account early enough for the validation to process. This change will not affect checking accounts set up as a saved payment method prior to March 2021 or those accounts that have been validated.
Online credit card payments run through a separate payment processor, TouchNet PayPath. Keep in mind that all credit card payments will incur a non-refundable service fee charged by the processor. Please review the Credit Card Policy for more information on the fee percentage for online credit card payments.
Click on the "Making a Payment" page for more payment options.
A term-based payment plan allows term charges to be spread out over three or four payments (two or three in Summer), as well an option for setting up automatic payments from a bank account (webcheck or signature debit card) or credit card (convenience fees will apply). Go to the Payment Plans menu to see all plans currently available.
Refunds to the student account can be automatically deposited to a bank account, avoiding the need to come to the cashier window to pick up a check. From the home page, go to the "Electronic Refunds" link on the right to set up an account for direct deposit.
Students must set up the direct deposit account. Authorized users cannot set up a direct deposit account on behalf of the student.
Beginning in March 2021, banks require ACH validation of any newly entered bank account before direct deposit refunds can be sent there. This delays the ability to use the account for direct deposit by approximately a week. Keep this in mind when planning to set up a direct deposit account and set it up early enough for the validation to process before a refund is generated, otherwise a paper check will print. This change will not affect bank accounts set up as a direct deposit account or a saved payment method prior to March 2021 or those accounts that have been validated.
Students can grant permission for parents and others to view their account information, set up payment plans on behalf of the student, and pay the student’s bill. The Business Office uses this authorization to satisfy the FERPA requirement for student permission to discuss account questions with persons other than the student. From the home page, go to the "Authorized Users" link on the right to set up or remove an authorized user.
Students and Authorized Users can save payment information for ease of later use. From the home page, go to the "Payment Profile" link on the right to set up or remove a saved payment method.
Starting in March 2021, a payment made from a newly entered bank account will require ACH validation from the bank before it can be used for payment. This will delay the ability to make the initial webcheck payment by approximately a week. Keep this in mind when planning to use checking or savings accounts for payments and set the account up early enough for the validation to process before the payment or installment is due. This change will not affect checking accounts set up as a saved payment method prior to March 2021 or those accounts that have been validated.
For debit card transactions, please note that daily transaction limits on your bank account may restrict the amount that can be paid. Contact your bank to increase your daily limit if you feel the transaction will exceed the limit.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Business Office
Washburn University Business Office
Morgan Hall 103
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email