Washburn University's food and commodities pantry

Bods Feeding Bods is Washburn University's food and commodities pantry. As part of Harvesters Food Bank Agency Network we serve Washburn students, faculty, and staff experiencing food insecurity. Items stocks in the pantry often include shelf stable groceries and hygiene products.

A student smiles and waves while welcoming someone into the pantry.

Who is eligible to use the Bods Feeding Bods Pantry?

All current Washburn students faculty and staff who are experiencing food insecurity can utilize the pantry. Bods Feeding Bods does not have income requirements to utilize pantry services. Items from the pantry can be shared with other adults and children in a pantry shoppers household.

Bods Feeding Bods donation bins outside of their location in Kuehne Hall

Find us in Kuehne Hall

The pantry is located in Kuehne Hall, Room 101 right next to parking lot 6.

Bods Feeding Bods pantry hours:

  • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm
    • Last shoppers admitted at 11:50pm and 3:50pm
    • Shopping outside of our posted hours is available by appointment
  • Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays: Closed
We are closed on all university breaks and during university closures (such as inclement weather). If our opening times do not work for you, contact us to arrange an alternate pickup time.

Questions or comments?

For more information or to make an appointment for access when the pantry is not normally open, please contact us at bodsfeedingbods@washburn.edu.

GET IN TOUCH WITH Bods Feeding Bods

Bods Feeding Bods
Room 101, Kuehne Hall
Topeka, KS 66621

8 a.m. - Noon & 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Mon, Tues, Thu & Fri

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