Grant Proposal Discussions
Funding opportunities can vary from funder to funder, as can award amounts, application guidelines, giving areas, reports, and evaluation requirements. To assist with analyzing these opportunities, the OSP offers training and professional development workshops to all Washburn University faculty and staff.
Already have a project idea or a list of potential funding sources? Contact the OSP to schedule a small group, project-specific or individualized grant proposal discussion. We'll demonstrate the process of evaluating funding opportunities and funding agencies to determine which is a good fit for your project.
Ready to write a grant? The OSP can provide assistance in drafting a proposal and/or developing a project plan for completion and submission. To schedule a meeting with the OSP, please contact Mari Tucker (mari.tucker@washburn.edu or 785.670.1224).
Training Resources
Grant Development Checklists and Power Point trainings have been developed for a variety of topics. While the specific requirements for each grant opportunity can vary greatly, these checklists and presentations can help guide the preparation of your proposal. For further information or to request a training session, please contact contact OSP.
Other Grant Resources