External funding
External funding opportunities can include federal or state public entities, private foundations, professional associations, and corporate grants. Listed below are external public and private agencies with grant funding opportunities. Many of these agencies already have a relationship to Washburn University as a previous funder. Please contact the Office of Sponsored Projects prior to contacting an external funding agency by phone or email. The OSP is happy to assist in finding an appropriate external funding sources—contact OSP to schedule.
External Funding Sources
Public Funding
Federal grant opportunities are posted to Grants.gov regularly. Archived information of all grant opportunity listings is available through the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (cfda.gov). Many federal opportunities recur annually over a multi-year period—make sure to review archived and closed listings to prepare for upcoming rounds of grant opportunities.
Private Funding
Private funding agencies include family foundations, charitable trusts, community foundations, and corporate foundations. Most of these agencies have targeted giving interests and many provide specific guidelines for requesting funds. While these can change over time, the most recent information can be found by searching the particular foundation’s website or IRS Form 990s. Tax returns may also include a listing of grants awarded during a particular year. The Foundation Center and Chronicle of Philanthropy, among others, offer email alerts for upcoming grant listings. Guidestar.org, Foundation Directory Online, and FoundationSearch provide listings of IRS Form 990 for recent years, in addition to information such as giving history, areas of interest, or board of directors. Washburn University has a user license for FoundationSearch available for use by faculty and staff through the Mabee Library or you may contact OSP to schedule a time to use this service.
Internal Funding Sources
Information concerning Washburn University’s internal grant funding opportunities, procedures, and application process can be found on the academic internal grants website. If you are unsure if your project is best suited for internal or external funding, please contact your Dean or Department Head.