Why minor in Game Design at Washburn?
If you want to work in the growing field of game design, this minor will provide a strong foundation you can tailor to your area of interest. This minor will fit particularly well with the requirements of a major in art, computer information science, mass media’s film and video concentration, or mathematics but is open to students in all majors.What is a minor?
A minor is a concentration in an area that is not as in-depth as a major, but can be added to a major to broaden or deepen your skills and knowledge in a particular area of interest. This is an interdisciplinary minor, which means it draws from several disciplines to provide different perspectives as you study.

A 5-course program
The minor in Game Design requires 15 credits (five courses) of designated courses, with at least two classes (six credits) at the 300+ level. Collaborate with the Game Design minor’s program director, Gaspar Porta, to determine the best courses for your unique goals.
Required Courses:
AR 222: Video Game Design (AR 120 or AR 333 is prerequisite)
AR 326: 2 & 3-D Digital Animation
AR 333: Digital Painting and Drawing (AR 120 or AR 140 is prerequisite)
BU 260: Business Plan Development
CM 390: Special Topics in Computer Information Science (Game Programming) (CM 245 is prerequisite)
EC 306: Game Theory and Applications (MA 140 and MA 141 are prerequisites)
MA 361: Game Design (MA 112 or MA 116 is a prerequisite)
MM 393: Special Topics/Mass Media (Visual Storytelling)
Additional Courses:
Additional courses that rely on the use of games or game material may also be approved by the director of the minor. Among those courses:
- HI 300: Topics in History Ancient Greece
- HI 300: Topics in History Medieval Experience
- HI 300: Topics in History Pirates of the Caribbean
- HI 300: Topics in History Traditional Japan
- HI 334: Civilization of Ancient Rome
- EC 200: Principles of Microeconomics (A special section taught periodically with over 60% examples and case studies from the gaming industry, prerequisite MA116 – recommended, or MA112 or higher)
Ready to create your study plan? Contact program director Dr. Gaspar Porta for more information about the Game Design minor at gaspar.porta@washburn.edu.
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