Minor in International Business
Globalization and international business have become the norm in today’s world. Many businesses, large and small, are involved in international business either directly or indirectly. Because of this dramatic shift to globalism in the business world, a great demand for graduates with an academic background in international business has developed. This background includes not only course work in business with an international flavor, but also courses dealing with the differences and similarities among people. You will obtain this knowledge by taking a course of study that includes a foreign language and understanding of different cultures in addition to business courses.
Interested in pursuing a minor in international business? Then it is important for you to meet with the international business advisor as early in your college career as possible. Together you will plan a curriculum that will include the necessary courses for the minor, allowing you to graduate in the normal period of time.
Many of the Washburn general education requirements may be met with courses that will enhance your qualifications.
The international business minor has three components: required business and economics courses, required language courses and a recommended international experience.
The specific requirements are as follows:
Required Accounting, Business and Economics Courses:
BU101 Introduction to Business*
EC200 Principles of Microeconomics**
EC201 Principles of Macroeconomics**
BU355 International Business
EC410 International Economics
BU368 International Marketing
One additional cross-cultural course approved by the international business advisor.
*AC224 and AC225 may be substituted for BU101 for purposes of this minor.
**EC200 and EC201 qualify for Social Sciences general education credit.
Candidates for the BBA degree cannot use Economics courses to fulfill the general education requirement.
Required Language Courses (minimum 10 hours):
Students are required to complete 10 credit hours of a modern foreign language beyond the 101 course. Six hours of foreign language may qualify for Arts and Humanities general education credit.
Students are strongly encouraged to participate in a study abroad program approved by the international business advisor. It is important that the student confer with the advisor concerning the courses to be taken at the other university. The courses must transfer to Washburn, meet graduation requirements, and not cause a problem regarding prerequisites. If a study abroad program is not possible, an appropriate substitute may be approved by the international business advisor. This substitute could include internships, approved short term travel/study abroad, a selected group of additional courses, or other international related activities. This international experience should take place during the junior or senior year. It is absolutely necessary that any international experience be approved by the international business advisor prior to engaging in such activity.
Contact: Professor Dmitri Nizovtsev, Dmitri.nizovtsev@washburn.edu Coordinator of International Business Programs
GET IN TOUCH WITH School of Business
School of Business
Henderson Room 114
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.1308
Fax: 785-670-1063