Becoming a Business Student
In order to be considered a student in the School of Business, there are three steps you need to take once you begin classes on campus. Each of the steps will be explained below. Don’t forget, as a School of Business student you also may qualify for scholarships from the School.
Declaration of Major / Degree / Catalog Year
- The nine majors within the BBA degree are: Accounting, Business Data Analytics, Economics, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, and General Business.
- If you know you plan to seek a BBA, but haven't picked your major, you can declare a major in general business then file another form when you’ve made your formal decision.
Application for Admission to the School of Business
Work with your advisor to be sure you’re taking the courses you need to be able to apply for admission to the School of Business. Here’s what you’ll need before you apply:
- Complete 54 hours of college credit with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better.
- Complete MA116 College Algebra (or higher course) with a C or better.
- Complete Six required lower-division School of Business courses with a C or better. Those courses are:
- AC224 Financial Accounting
- AC225 Managerial Accounting
- BU250 Management Information Systems
- BU258 Foundations of Data Analysis
- EC200 Principles of Microeconomics
- EC201 Principles of Macroeconomics
- EC211 Statistics for Business & Economics
It is important to be formally admitted to the School of Business because students are not allowed to take more than 30 credit hours of accounting and business course work before admission to the School.
Once you're admitted to the School, you'll have at least 30 credit hours to complete. It is recommended that all correlate courses (CN150, and two of three of AN112/PY100/SO100) be completed before or very soon after admission to the School of Business. It is important to remember that some courses, including BU449 Strategic Management, as well as some 400-level accounting and business courses, require admission to the School.
The School of Business reserves the right to evaluate any credit hours offered for transfer relative to the current standards before accepting or rejecting such hours. Students should file an application for admission to the the School of Business office as soon as the student becomes eligible to apply. Students who have not already declared their major will do so at the time of admission by filling out the declaration of major form. If a student decides to change majors, the student may do so at a later time.
Application for Degree
Ready to graduate? Early in the semester of graduation, you'll need to file an Application for Degree form in the Office of the University Registrar in order to initiate a graduation check. The form should be filed in September for the fall semester and in February for the spring or summer semester. You're not considered a candidate for a degree until the University Registrar's Office has the form on file.GET IN TOUCH WITH School of Business
School of Business
Henderson Room 114
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.1308
Fax: 785-670-1063