Invest in Yourself
The Entrepreneurship Certificate can be valuable for any student on campus. It is designed for the student who seeks to be an entrepreneur in start-up ventures, operate a family business or work as an entrepreneurial change agent within a corporate setting. Companies want to hire graduates with initiative and who show entrepreneurial characteristics. Students who display entrepreneurial attributes will add more value to their companies, eventually start their own business and make a big contribution to the overall economy.
Entrepreneurship Certificate at Washburn
The Entrepreneurship Certificate program is designed primarily for students pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree offered by Washburn University. Students learn about various business disciplines and develop the following skills:
- How to create a detailed business plan for a start-up venture
- Learn how ideas can be brought to reality and commercialized through innovation and creativity
- Launch your ventures in the capstone clinic class
Explore the Program
The Entrepreneurship Certificate program requires four three-credit hour courses for Business or non-Business students. A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each course and at least six hours must be earned at Washburn University.
Required Courses:
- BU101 - Introduction to Business
- BU260 - Business Plan Development
- BU343 - Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Creativity
- BU370 - Entrepreneurship Clinic
Business students may substitute BU406 International Business and Entrepreneurship Experience for any class. BU406 can be used as a business elective in the BBA degree.
Apply for the Entrepreneurship Certificate program by completing the application form. Submit it to the Washburn School of Business office or email bba@washburn.edu.
This form should be submitted or updated by the end of the fourth week during the semester of completion. Please submit the form to the School of Business office, Henderson 114.Contact David Price, associate professor of Marketing Business in the Washburn School of Business, at (785) 670.3258 or david.price@washburn.edu.
By the Numbers
Self-Employed Americans
24 million
CEO Average Salary
Projected Job Growth
Program Cost
Washburn students pursuing the Entrepreneurship Certificate will pay for courses at the upper division rate. Financial aid and merit-based scholarships are available to those who qualify.
GET IN TOUCH WITH School of Business
School of Business
Henderson Room 114
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.1308
Fax: 785-670-1063