Guidelines and Budget
The comprehensive quality initiative proposal consists of the narrative, project time line, and budget. Each component of the proposal should include the title followed by the document type (i.e., Title_Narrative, etc.) Please paginate and include the proposal title as either a header or footer on all pages.
Submit all documents at one time to Thomas Underwood, QI Coordinator, no later than March 25, 2013. Late entries will not be accepted.
Narrative (75 pts)
The narrative should be about 4,500 words, approximately 15 double-spaced pages in 12 point font.
- Cover Page
- Title
- Individuals involved in proposal development.
- Overview (1 page)
- Brief description of initiative.
- Scope and Significance (3-4 pages) 25 pts
- Rationale and evidence regarding the nature of the problem or opportunity and its relevance at this time.
- Alignment with the University mission and vision.
- Potential for significant impact on the institution and its academic core.
- Potential to improve and sustain institutional and educational quality, with particular focus on one of the three quality initiative sub-themes:
- student transitions
- faculty transitions
- technology competence
- Goals and Objectives (3-4 pages) 25 pts
- Specify purpose and goals reflective of scope and significance
- Intended outcomes with measurable objectives and milestones
- Process for evaluating progress
- Comprehensive plan or project design
- Evidence of Commitment and Capacity (3-4 pages) 25 pts
- Commitment of internal and external stakeholders
- Identification of necessary resources (human, financial, technical, other) and alignment to implementation plan and timeline. Include individuals committed to serve on project team
- Plan for integration and sustainability
- Anticipated obstacles and capacity to respond
Project Time Line (10 pts)
The time line should indicate various tasks and estimated completion date over the three year duration with a start date of July 1, 2013. Tasks should be consistent with stated goals and objectives and should reflect a realistic implementation plan.
Budget (15 pts)
An award of $150,000 to $300,000 over a three year period (FY 2014 - 2016) will be given for this project. The budget is only to determine cost estimates. Should the proposal be accepted, a final budget will be developed in partnership with the Finance Office. The budget is to be submitted in two parts:
- Detail Worksheet: The detailed worksheet shows item, calculations, and cost of every category expense in table format (excel document recommended) in its entirety and per each year. A template for the worksheet is provided.
- Narrative: The narrative should provide a thorough and clear description of every category expense listed in the detail worksheet. The narrative should explain how all costs were estimated and calculated, and how they are relevant to the proposal. The narrative must be broken down by year.
The budget categories include:
- Personnel: List each position by title, employee name, and FTE allocation. Only list University employees. Individuals who provide service on contract should be listed under the Consultants/Contracts category. NOTE: funding is for three years only. New positions should not be included unless there is a plan for sustainability beyond the project.
- Fringe: Fringe benefits are for listed personnel and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Estimate benefit rate of 25% per each position.
- Travel: Itemize travel expenses for project personnel by purpose (e.g., training). Show how costs are calculated (e.g., six people to 3-day training at $X airfare, $X ground transportation, $X lodging, $X meals). Even though the University does not reimburse via per diem, use federal per diem rates to estimate food and lodging.
- Equipment: Nonexpendable items, such as computer and books, that have an expected life beyond the three year project period.
- Capital Improvements: Expenses associated with some level of construction, such as facility remodel.
- Supplies: Any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. List items by type (office supplies, postage, copy paper, etc.) and show how these costs were calculated.
- Consultants/Contracts
- Consultant Fees: Enter name, if known, service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project for each consultant,
- Consultant Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants in addition to their fees (e.g., travel, meals, lodging, etc.).
- Contracts: Describe the product or service to be procured by contract and provide an estimate of the cost.
- Other Costs: List items not included in the above categories by major type. Show how costs were calculated.