iCard GET App Flyer
Photo Submission Guidelines:
- Full color, clear with good contrast, WHITE background
- Taken within the past 6 months, showing current appearance
- Do not send copyright photos (those made by a professional photographer)
- Centered, frontal view of face and shoulders
- Unless worn daily for religious reasons, all hats or headgear should not be worn
- Eye glasses are acceptable (no sunglasses)
- If articles/objects such as tinted glasses or religious articles are not visible in your government issued ID, they should not be worn for your photo.
*Unacceptable photos include those with other people or objects such as hats or sunglasses, inappropriate expressions or gestures, shadowing on the face, glare on glasses, and over cropping where the hairline or chin has been cropped out.
Issuance of new and replacement department badges (Nursing, Radiation, and Sonography.):
We will be accepting online photo submissions for department badges (Nursing, Radiation Therapy, Sonography.). The following will take you to a pdf of the guidelines for submitting your photo for a Radiation Therapy/Sonography/Nursing badge.
Guidelines for Radiation Therapy/Sonography/Nursing Badge
You MUST be on the list provided by your department to receive a badge. You may email us at icard@washburn.edu to check if your name has been added, if not please contact your department with any questions or possible changes. We do charge a $8 fee on all new and replacement badges. You may pay that fee at the link below, be sure to select the Department ID Badge option and click which type of badge you'll be needing from the drop down menu provided:
Purchase your badge on Washburn's Marketplace. Scroll down and select Ichabod Service Center to make your purchase. If you need this mailed, please email icard@washburn.edu with the mailing address where you would like to receive your icard.
$8 Badge Fee
(This fee is for School of Nursing/School of Nursing Graduate/Radiation Therapy/Sonography badges ONLY.)
Issuance of all new and replacement iCards require:
- Valid government photo identification (i.e. Driver's License, Passport, Military ID)
- Students/Faculty/Staff must all take a photo for their iCard. The following are guidelines they MUST adhere to in order for the office to take their photo:
- The image will display the top of the head to the top of the shoulders.
- No item or attire should cover or otherwise obscure hairline, any part of the face, or cast a shadow on the face.
- All hats or headgear should be removed for the photo EXCEPT hats or head coverings worn for religious purposes. Any religious headwear must be depicted on the government issued ID to be permitted on the iCard.
- The individual may be asked to remove any dark glasses or transitions glasses if the lenses appear too dark in the camera/photo.
- Photos must be of the individual ONLY.
- Washburn identification photos are used for a variety of campus software platforms including D2L and MyWashburn.
Students, Faculty, and Staff are issued their initial iCard free of charge. Employees who are taking classes do not receive a student privilege card. Replacement cards may be paid for with cash, check, credit card or the Bod Bucks account.
Replacement Cards are $15.00 each when you stop by the office to pick one up. Out of town but need a replacement ID? You may request one at icard@washburn.edu. However, we WILL charge an extra $2 processing and mailing fee making the price of your replacement ID $17.00 each. You can pay the fee below.
Purchase your replacement on Washburn's Marketplace. With Marketplace you have the option to select whether you need the iCard mailed to you or picked up in the iCard office. If you need this mailed, please email icard@washburn.edu with the mailing address where you would like to receive your icard.
Questions or comments about this site may be directed to Gayla Sarkesian
$17 Replacement ID Card and Processing/Mailing Fee:
Cómo obtener su iCard
La emisión de todas las iCards nuevas y de reemplazo requiere:
- Identificación válida con fotografía del gobierno (es decir, licencia de conducir, pasaporte, identificación militar)
Los estudiantes, la facultad y el personal reciben su iCard inicial de forma gratuita. Las tarjetas de reemplazo cuestan $15.00 cada una. Los empleados que toman clases no reciben una tarjeta de privilegio del estudiante. Las tarjetas de reemplazo se pueden pagar con efectivo, cheque, tarjeta de crédito o la cuenta de Bod Bucks.
Las preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio pueden dirigirse a Gayla Sarkesian