Adding Bod Bucks to your account
Bod Bucks are discretionary dollars residents can spend at several places on campus, including the Market, Libation Station, Ichabod Shop, campus laundry facilities, concessions, and vending machines. They remain on student accounts as long as they are active at the University.
Deposits will be applied to the iCard, Bod Bucks Account during business hours, Monday- Friday 8am-5pm. An email confirmation will be sent to you and the student when the deposit is on the iCard.
Purchasing Bod Bucks
Make your Bod Bucks purchase easier by using the Washburn Marketplace at the link below! Select the Ichabod Service Center in the Marketplace then have your student's information as well as your credit/debit card ready to make your purchase. Choose from the drop down menu of the amount you would like to add, amounts are listed below.
Amounts Available to Add:
The next screen will allow you to enter a quantity on your selection. For example: $100 x Qty 3 = $300 Bod Bucks Deposit
$10 |
$25 |
$35 |
$50 |
$100 |
$250 |
Use the GET App!
Check your account balance and make deposits faster with the GET App!
Can't find your phone? No problem! You can also access the site through your laptop/desktop. Just click on GET!
Questions or comments about this site may be directed to Gayla Sarkesian.
Agregue Bod Bucks a su iCard
Bod Bucks son dólares discrecionales que los residentes pueden gastar en varios lugares del campus, incluidos Corner Store, Libation Station, Ichabod Shop, instalaciones de lavandería en el campus, concesiones y máquinas expendedoras. Permanecen en las cuentas de los estudiantes siempre que estén activos en la Universidad.
Seleccione la cantidad monetaria que desea agregar a la cuenta Bod Bucks de su estudiante. Los depósitos se aplicarán a la iCard, cuenta de Bod Bucks durante el horario comercial, de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Se le enviará una confirmación por correo electrónico a usted y al estudiante cuando el depósito esté en la iCard.
Durante el proceso de pago, POR FAVOR ingrese el nombre de su estudiante en la "Información de envío" para evitar retrasos en agregar fondos a su iCard.
La siguiente pantalla le permitirá ingresar una cantidad en su selección. Por ejemplo: $100 x Cantidad 3 = $ 300 Deposito de Bod Bucks.
Las preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio pueden dirigirse a Gayla Sarkesian.