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Steve Doubledee

Steve Doubledee

Assistant Director Debate/Senior Lecturer
Communication Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Morgan Hall
Rm 206 O
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, KS 66621-1117
Degrees & Certifications
Missouri Southern St Univ, Bachelor of Arts
University of Central Missouri, Master of Arts
Academic History

Degrees & Certifications

Undergraduate - Communications-Missouri Southern State University
Graduate-Communications/Rhetoric-University of Central Missouri

Academic History

Washburn University Assistant Director of Forensics, 2006 – present
Western Kentucky University Assistant Director of Debate, 2005-2006
University of Central Missouri, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2003-2005

Courses Currently Teaching

Public Speaking
Principles & Practices of Human Communication
Persuasive Speaking

  • CN 101 I, Intro to Communication Studies
  • CN 150 C, Public Speaking
  • CN 150 D, Public Speaking
  • CN 498 B, Senior Capstone
Scholarly Interests/Activities
Highly interested in environmental rhetoric and current event research.
Career Accomplishments
Outstanding Student Organization Advisor of the Year, 2009-2010
Coached the National Parliamentary Debate Tournament-team champions, 2009-2010
Coached the National Forensic Associations Tournament-team champions, 2005-2006
Outstanding Communication Graduate Student, University of Central Missouri, 2004-2005
Hemphil Award nominee for Outstanding Thesis, University of Central Missouri, 2004-2005
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