- Contact
- Academic History
- University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, Lawrence, Ks
- May 1998
- University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, Lawrence, KS
- Clinical concentration, Community Mental Health specialization
- May 1981
- Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- Major, Sociology; focus, Social Work
- May 1975
- Scholarly Interests/Activities
Dr. McMillen has a longstanding interest in social action, community health, and prevention, thus her doctoral degree had its research focus specifically directed toward “changing the odds” and enhancing outcomes for children and families. Her interest in prevention, and sabbatical to research a Principle-based method of inside-out prevention, continues to grow and influence her work. She continues to consult with and provide training for group homes, social service agencies and various community agencies and programs, as well as supervising students to provide training and workshops, and presenting at National, Regional, and local conferences.
- Service Interests/Activities
In the last several years her service has focused on providing training, workshops, and consultations with agencies and programs working with both staff and consumers related to an inside-out approach to prevention. She also serves on the Board and is active in a local community group, 100 Good Women (100goodwomen.org) which has the stated objective “To promote well-being in our community through service, education, and social connection.” This is a very active group that does everything from holding community speaking events, to providing the furnishing for a family to move into an apartment, to building the first woman built Habitat for Humanity house in the state of Kansas. She also is active in both the Regional and National Organization for Human Services.
- Career Accomplishments
Happily teaching in Human Services for 33 years feels like my greatest career accomplishment right now.