UMAPS Printing Services
The printing services department is equipped with a digital high volume copier, digital color copier, digital color printer, wide format printer and press. Printing and copying can be done economically for both large and small orders.
Document Finishing
UMAPS has many options to finish your project. These services are available for work printed in University Mail and Printing Services as well as projects that need to be finished.
Binding Options, Booklet, Coil Binding, Corner Staple, Glue Binding, Hole Punching, Perfect Binding, Plastic Comb Bind, Side Staple, Folding Options, Double Parallel, Half, Letter, Special Folding, Z-Fold, Cutting Options, Business Cards, Odd sizes available, Paper cutting, Postcard size, Poster size, Wallet size cards
Graphic Design Services
The graphic design service is available to all Washburn staff, employees, students, student organizations, and guests. The department works with both Mac and PC platforms
Some of the most common projects include:
Banners, Flyers, Door Hangers, Buttons, Posters
Business Cards, Business Forms, Carbonless Forms
Books, Booklets, Certificates, Color Transparencies, Newsletters, Notepads, Forms, Handouts
Envelopes, Postcards, Letterhead, Invitations, Programs
Submitting Printing/Copying Work
Work may be submitted as a hard copy or through the use of email, cds, and USB drives. All material to be produced by UMAPS must be accompanied by a hardcopy requisition signed by the person responsible for the account. If you have any questions about submitting work, please call UMAPS at extension 1605. You can also email UMAPS at umaps-graphics@washburn.edu.
Printing requisition forms can be picked up in the Ichabod Shop, Memorial Union, sent in campus mail or ordered by e-mail at umaps-graphics@washburn.edu. Please specify if you would like the printing requisition form, the quantity, and to which department to send the forms.
The form can also be downloaded here: Printing Requisition Form
The following is a template for Washburn University's standard business card for Washburn, Washburn Tech, and/or Washburn Law School: Go to the following link.
Law https://www.washburn.edu/business-cards-law
Technical Issues
PDF files made to the finished size will produce the best results. Note: if your project "bleeds" to the "trim" edge please allow 1/8 inch outside trim size on all sides. If work is submitted in another program such as Word, (Word Perfect is no longer supported by UMAPS) it will be converted to PageMaker or InDesign at University Mail and Printing Services and may add set up charges to your project.
Yes, although you will want to be very careful. All scans should be at 300 DPI (reproduction size) and saved as Tiff or Jpeg. If you submit a layout on disk a copy of the image file will be needed as well as the file containing the layout.
If you wish to use clip art or stock photos on a document let UMAPS know what you are looking for. The majority of the clip art that can be found online or on the Network will not reproduce well to the high resolution printers used in professional printing.
UMAPS accepts cd and usb connections like thumb or jump drives.
No, UMAPS employs both PC's and Macs in the department.
Call University Mail and Printing Services at extension 1605 for questions on billing for print jobs, extension 1604 for questions on mailing or fax billing, or come to the Ichabod Shop, Memorial Union to meet with our helpful billing staff. You can also email UMAPS at umaps-graphics@washburn.edu.
University Mail and Printing Services will bill clients for completed jobs at the end of each month. The University policy allows five business days after month's end for UMAPS to complete the billing and present it to the business office.