Honors Advisory Board
Honors Advisory Board Committee Charge
The purpose of the Honors Advisory Board is to encourage faculty participation in and foster a diversified honors program for Washburn students. Its responsibilities are to advise the Dean of Honors in developing policies relating to administration of the honors program, to devise seminars, colloquia and special course sections for honor students, to coordinate efforts of faculty members, department heads and appropriate deans to implement courses, and to approve selection of courses to be offered.
Committee Members
- Kerry Wynn, Director - University Honors
- Emily Shaw, Coordinator - Financial Aid/Scholarship
- Meagan Smejdir - Academic Advising
- Hannah Kirby - Admissions
- Lauren Edelman - Aleshire Center
- Teresa Clounch, Vice President of Student Life - Residential Living
- Steve Hageman - Mabee Library/Center for Student Success and Retention
- Lara Rivera, Faculty - School of Nursing
- Michelle Smith, Faculty - School of Applied Studies
- Bryce Call, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, CPA
- Louise Krug, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, HUM
- Allan Avella, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, NSD
- Mary Sundal, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, SocSci
- Sam Finch, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, MM/KN
- Manaf Sellak, Faculty - School of Business