The Online Education Department can answer your questions about Desire2Learn, Respondus, Respondus LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor, textbook integrations and course merges. Desire2Learn reference materials are available online and can be accessed from your Desire2Learn Homepage after logging in.
24/7 Support of Desire2Learn (D2L) starts January 28th, 2019.
Brightspace (D2L) will provide:
24/7 phone support at 1-866-888-1272
24/7 Chat by accessing the widget off your D2L home page
24/7 email to answer support questions at washburn@d2l.com
Is Online Education Right for Me?
Online courses offer you enhanced flexibility with regard to fulfillment of educational requirements when compared to most traditional, on-campus courses. While online classes can provide you with greater convenience, student performance is held to the same academic standards and requirements as traditional courses and may, in some cases, require more time or effort than face-to-face classes. Before enrolling in an online course, take a moment to consider the following:
- Do you have regular access to a reliable computer and an Internet connection that meets or exceeds the Online Education System Requirements?
- Do you have a good operational knowledge of your computer hardware, software applications, and in using the Internet?
- Do you have a high level of motivation, organization and self-discipline?
- Do you have the time required to dedicate to an online course?
If you answered 'yes' to all of these questions, then you have the potential to succeed in online education.
Course Schedule and Registration Information
To view the list of available online courses, go to the Course Schedule and Registration Information Guide and click the Course Schedule link for the appropriate term. Enrolling in an online course is done in the same manner as other Washburn courses. Please refer to the registration section of the class schedule for specific enrollment information or contact the University Registrar for more information.
Hybrid Courses
Some instructors supplement their on-campus courses by making course information and materials available online using the Desire2Learn (D2L) learning management system, Adobe Connect, Zoom or MyWashburn Course Tools. For these courses, you may be required to access materials via the Internet or by using one of the computer labs on campus.
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Visit the Help Desk
Located in Bennett, Room 104