There are two ways to access your Desire2Learn (D2L) account:
- Log into your MyWashburn account, go to the MyCourses tab, and click on the Desire2Learn (D2L) logo. Clicking on the course title of a course that uses D2L will also take you to your D2L account.
- Open a new browser window or tab and go to https://d2l.washburn.edu. Log in using your MyWashburn username (firstname.lastname) and current password.
Unable to log in?
Your D2L account is linked directly to your MyWashburn account. If you are unable to log into your D2L account:
- Make sure you can log into your MyWashburn account by going to https://my.washburn.edu and entering your username and password.
NOTE: If you are a first-time MyWashburn user or have forgotten your MyWashburn password, click on the appropriate link on the login page. If you require further assistance contact the Technology Support Center by calling (785)670-3000.
- Make sure your MyWashburn password does not include any special characters such as @, #, *, %, etc. To change your password to one that includes only numbers and letters:
- Log into your MyWashburn account
- Click on the My Account link in the upper left corner of the page
- Enter your old password and then the new password twice.
- Click the Save Changes button located in the bottom right corner.
- Have you had a recent name change? If so, this process involves updating all of our systems which could take some time. You should receive notification when it is complete and you can begin using the new MyWashburn username.
Email the Technology Support Center
Email ITS Support
Call us for technical assistance
Visit the Help Desk
Located in Bennett, Room 104