Giving to the music program at Washburn University supports not only Washburn students, but also the community. Your support of Washburn Music helps to fund scholarships, programs, travel and equipment, among other things. The Washburn music program educates future music teachers, performers and musicians. In addition, many of the programs in the music program benefit the community. From percussion camp to free ensemble performances to the much-loved Vespers concert, the Washburn music program is involved in the community in many ways.
The Washburn University Alumni Association and Foundation can facilitate your gift and help you decide where to leave your impact.
Your membership of $25 in the Friends of Washburn University Music demonstrates your support. Anything over the $25 membership is considered a charitable contribution.
A donation to the university supports immediate activities and needs. You can donate directly to the university as a whole, support an Impact crowdfund, donate to a scholarship fund, and more.
An endowment is a fund that is invested and only the earnings are used to fund general or specific needs. To establish a named endowed fund, a minimum of $25,000 must be given. This may occur with one gift or over a period of up to five years. Once established, additional contributions may be made at any time.