Submitted Proposals
#3, Roy Wohl, Adjunct Training Program (ATP)
#4, Dan Peterson, Enhancing student learning through blended or hybrid technology assisted courses
#5, Deborah Altus, Improving Distance Education Pedagogy
#6, Kevin Charlwood, Classroom Technology Enhancement
#7, Gillian Gabelmann, Stepping Stones to Success (Learning Center)
#8, Kevin Charlwood, Center for Faculty Excellence
#9, Rick Ellis, High Impact Community Engagement Initiative
#11, Greg Preuss, Center for Teaching Development
#12, Mary Sheldon, Build 2 Computer Labs
#13, Patricia Dahl, Teaching Best Practices
#14, Floyd Davenport, Blended Learning Models
#15, Brenda White, Pedagogy To Support Technology
#16, Kerry Wynn, Revitalizing the Curriculum for New Generations
#17, Marilyn Masterson
#18, Rusty Taylor, Center for Educational Technology and Faculty Development
#19, Alan Bearman, Literacy in the Digital Age
#20, Barb Stevenson, Lack of space and technology to do on-line testing
#21, Sarah Ubel, Establish the Washburn Center for Teaching Excellence
#22, Sarah Ubel, Systematically Utilize Quality Matters to Enhance Online Education
#23, Sarah Ubel, Create Washburn University Speech Lab
#24, Azyz Sharafy, Technology Resource Computer Lab for Faculty
#25, Monica Sheibermeir, Developing a Culture of Scholarship in the School of Nursing