Dining Services
Washburn Dining Services is committed to fostering and promoting sustainable business practices that you will see, taste, and experience.
All students contracted under Residential Living are required to choose a meal-plan.
The Business Office places Meal Plan charges on resident accounts through WU-View at the beginning of each semester for Fall and Spring of the one-year contract signed with Residential Living. Residents may access their Meal Plan through their iCardcontaining a combination of the following:
Lincoln Dining
Lincoln Dining is connected to Lincoln Hall, on the east side of campus. This facility is buffet-style, using a meal swipe system to gain entry.
This location also features a drink and snack stop, called Abraham's, for on-the-go items.
Union Café
The Union Café is in the Memorial Union, which connects to the Living Learning Center by a second floor breezeway. This dining facility uses an à la carte system, and offers a declining balance meal plan.The Market
The Market (also referred to as the Corner Store or C-Store) is like a convenience store in the middle of campus. Located in Memorial Union, the Market is a great place to grab a coffee or boxed lunch between classes.
Contact iCard
The iCard office is located in the Memorial Union Call: (785) 670-1188 Email: iCard@washburn.edu