Competition Series
The Competition Series is a sequence of events that emphasize strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Participants accumulate points for competing in each event and earn prizes for achieving pre-determined performance benchmarks. Individuals accumulating the most points over the course of the series are crowned Competition Series Champions!
WU’s Most Fit
Are you WU ’s Most Fit? The WU’s Most Fit competition is a way to find out. Individual's fitness levels will be assessed using five modalities: treadmill, squats, push-ups, core strength and flexibility. Participants will be competing in divisions based on age and gender.
WU Mini-Triathlon
This fun competition will assess your cardiovascular endurance and will compare your results to others in your age range on campus. The competition will run just like a Triathlon, once the time starts it will continue to run until you finish. You must complete the distances for each event: rowing, bike and treadmill plus the transitions periods.
Bench Press Rep Off
This fun competition will assess your muscle strength for bench press and will compare your results to others on campus. Males lift 75% of their body weight or 135lbs, females lift 30% of their body weight or 45lbs, whichever is greater. Repetitions will be determined by age and gender.

Regular Semester Hours
Monday-Thursday: 6 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday: 6 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday: Noon - 9 p.m.
See holiday and break hours
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