Monitor your progress toward your degree
Degree Works is a web-based tool used to monitor a student’s academic progress toward degree completion. It combines Washburn's degree requirements with the courses a student is currently taking, has taken in the past and plans to take. It produces a snapshot of the progress you are making in fulfilling your degree requirements.
Degree Works will help you:
- Create a degree audit to determine what requirements you need to complete in order to earn your degree.
- Confirm which courses you have taken or transferred and see which ones fulfill requirements or count as electives.
- View waivers and exemptions applied toward your degree.
- See how your coursework could be applied toward another program of study using the “What If” feature.
- Estimate how many semesters it will take you to graduate.
- Learn the prerequisites and co-requisites for courses by clicking on the course numbers.
- Calculate your GPA for the current term and learn how to achieve your desired overall GPA using the “GPA Calc” feature.
A Degree Works degree audit is a review of a student’s past, current and planned coursework, combined with the requirements of the degree the student is currently seeking. The degree audit matches courses the student has taken with the requirements to give the student an overall picture of their academic progress and what requirements are outstanding.
About Degree Works
Yes. Access to Degree Works is through the internet. You can use any web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer).
- Log into MyWashburn
- Click the Student Academics tab
- In the Academic Advising section, in the center of the screen, click the Process degree audits (2016-17 catalog and beyond) link.
- Login using your Washburn email address and password
- Log into MyWashburn
- Click the Faculty tab
- In the Faculty/Advisor Self-Service section, on the right side of the screen, click the Degree Works Advising Tool (2016-17 catalog and beyond) link.
(Note: For students with a catalog year prior to 2016-2017, use the CAPP Advising Tool (Catalogs PRIOR to 2016-17) link.) - Login using your Washburn email address and password
Processing the audit
Degree Works opens automatically to the Student View of your degree audit. Your audit is organized into blocks (sections) of requirements based on your degree program(s). Hover your mouse over the requirements to determine areas that you can click on for more information such as course numbers and attributes.
If you see a small box that looks like a clipboard, that means there is a prerequisite (a course you need to take and pass first). Click on the course subject and number to view the prerequisites.
As you register for courses and complete requirements, they are tracked on the audit. Refer to the legend that’s located at the bottom of the audit.
At least four times a term. You should review your worksheet at the following times:
- Before you meet with your advisor.
- After you register to ensure the courses apply to your requirements as you expected.
- After your grades are posted.
- Any time you make changes to your schedule.
It’s important to review your audit frequently, especially before and after you schedule courses or receive grades. This helps ensure you are taking the correct courses and are on track to graduate on time.
*Remember: Changing your registration or completing a course with a grade lower than the minimum required for a requirement may impact your degree progress.
If you believe your audit is incorrect you can contact audits@washburn.edu
Degree Works is designed to show a listing of your degree programs in the grid of student information near the top of your degree audit. Additionally, each program is broken out into individual requirement blocks within the audit. Students pursuing simultaneous degrees will need to click on the Degree drop-down box at the top of the audit in order to view additional audits for each type of degree being pursued.
Multiple degrees of the same type will appear on one audit. For example, all in-progress Bachelor of Art degrees will show on one audit. However, if you are also pursuing a different degree type, a Bachelor of Science, for example, it will appear on a separate audit. Click the Degree drop-down arrow at the top of your first audit screen to see additional audits for multiple degree types.
Your audit will outline for you courses that are still needed to meet degree program requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.
@=represents a wildcard; it means “any”
EN @=Any English (EN) course
@ 300=Any SUBJECT but the course number must be 300.
A colon (:)=represents a range. For example, instead of writing every course number between 200 and 499, a colon is used to show this in a more simple way.
MA 200:499=Any Mathematics (MA) course with a course number between 200 and 499.
Yes. Click on the desired course on the audit and a portion of the catalog will open up with the course description, credits, prerequisites and co-requisites (if they are required). Hovering over the course will display the title and credits of the course. Any class that has a small box that looks like a clipboard has a prerequisite.
Any or all of the following may appear at the bottom of an audit:
Electives: Courses that are counting as additional electives toward your degree. Courses here are above the minimum requirements of your specific program but are still used in earning your degree.
Over the limit: Coursework that is not being used toward earning your degree.
Insufficient: Courses that have grades insufficient for meeting either general education requirements, University requirements or specific program requirements.
In-Progress: A list of any courses currently being taken or that the student is pre-registered for. These courses will also be listed in other blocks (sections) throughout the audit.
There could be several reasons, as follows:
- The course did not meet the minimum number of credits required.
- The course did not meet the minimum grade requirement for your program of study.
- The requirement may state that the course must be taken at Washburn.
- All requirements have been met and this course is simply not needed.
- The course may not be equivalent to the Washburn course.
*Contact your academic advisor if you need further help.
Yes. Courses from which you have withdrawn will appear in the Insufficient block toward the end of your audit.
Using the "What If" feature
Yes, you can save the "What If Audit" to your personal computer as a PDF document. "What If Audits" cannot be saved within Degree Works.
To save a "What If Audit":
- Click the "What If" feature under the Degree Audits tab.
- Fill in the hypothetical criteria using the drop down boxes and free-text course boxes.
- Click Print/Save as PDF button.
- With the PDF version of your audit now open on the screen, click the save button in the upper left-hand corner or press Shift+Ctrl+S to Save.
- When the Save As dialogue box appears, navigate on your personal computer to the location where you want the file stored, type in the desired file name and click Save.
Yes. Degree Works will allow you to select more than one program at a time or to select multiple programs.
Yes, to print a "What If Audit":
- Click the "What If" feature under the Degree Audits tab.
- Fill in the hypothetical criteria using the drop down boxes and free-text course boxes.
- Click Print/Save as PDF button.
- With the PDF version of your audit now open on the screen, click the printer icon in the upper left-hand corner or press Ctrl+P to Print.
Using the GPA calculator
The Graduation Calculator tool shows the amount of average grade points you need to achieve in your remaining credit hours in order to reach your Desired GPA by graduation. The Current GPA field is automatically filled in.
You can use your Degree Audit to obtain the information necessary for the Credits Remaining and Credits Required fields. Once all fields are filled in, click the Calculate button. The results are an estimate based on information you enter and do not provide any guarantee, basis for academic distinction or graduation honors.
The Term Calculator shows what your GPA will be at the end of your current term with hypothetical grades entered for your current courses. Your Current GPA, in-progress classes and their corresponding Credits will be entered automatically.
The Credits Earned So Far field represents all hours taken at Washburn University (factored into your current GPA) that have been applied to your degree plan.
You may select hypothetical grades for the in-progress classes shown, then click the Calculate button to see what your GPA will be if you receive those grades for these courses.
The Advice Calculator shows how many credit hours you need at a certain grade in order to achieve a desired GPA. Your Current GPA and Credits Earned are automatically entered. Simply enter a Desired GPA and click the Calculate button to see how many credit hours with a certain grade you need in order to reach that GPA.
Advice will alert you if the GPA is not possible because too many hours would be required.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Registrar's Office
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Topeka, KS 66621
Phone, Fax & Email
Phone: 785.670.1074
Fax: 785.670.1104