Click 'Go To Form' below and fill out as described below and then press the Submit Form button at the end of the form. You will receive a confirmation email including an assigned document number for your request. You will also be able to review your form submissions in the Forms History area of Dynamic Forms.

January 15 – All items must be reviewed by deans/department heads**


PLEASE NOTE: The University considers requests for funding for amounts equal to or greater than $3,000.

Requests for less than $3,000 should seek other funding sources (e.g. internal grants, external grants, special funds, and school or college funds). Electronic Technology includes computers, printers, software, or computer-connected equipment (Do not include items such as camcorders, DVD players, etc.).

PROJECT NAME/DESCRIPTION: Enter a brief description of this request, e.g., "New Printer for Bennett Lab".  

CONTACT NAME: Enter the name of the contact for this request. This field will default to the individual filling out the form. The Technology Steering Committee (TSC) may require clarification of some details in your request. You can enter the individual's name or email address and select the Check Name icon. Or you can select the Browse icon and search for a specific individual at Washburn University.    

UNIT/DEPARTMENT: Select the unit/department which most closely represents your office. If you don't see your specific unit/department in the list, select one that contains your unit/department (e.g., College of Arts and Sciences).  

TYPE OF REQUEST: You can select one of three different request types. Only select one per request.  Each request type will present a new section on the form.  

  • Personal Computer  
  • Printer  
  • Software Or Connected-Computer Equipment  


Requests should reference configurations at Washburn current computer standards (PC ) and (Mac ).  

ITS will install and maintain the PCs through the operating systems and anti-virus updates. The majority of existing computers will be scheduled for replacement via the computer replacement cycle and should not be included at technology requests using this form. In the event a requested computer is higher cost than the standard configurations, the requesting department will be responsible for paying the difference or may request the full amount be funded on this request form. If the request is to replace an existing computer, that computer will be removed by ITS when the new computer is installed. If you are requesting a quoted system, please include the quote as an attachment to this request.  

Note: Equipment that requires early replacement for any reason must have a justification in the Statement of Need section.  If the request is not a replacement but an additional computer, please include a justification for the additional computer in the Statement of Need.  

Fill out the following fields for each requested computer.  

  • Configuration (select from the list of standard configurations or select quoted system)  
  • Department  
  • Building  
  • Room  
  • Employee  
  • Yes/No Replacement (is this an additional computer or to replace an existing computer?)  


Requests should reference configurations at Washburn current configurations. If you are requesting a quoted system, please include the quote as an attachment to this request.  ITS will install printers and print drivers and manage repair of printers. Departments are responsible for the purchase of printer paper and toner.  

Fill out the following fields for each requested computer.  

  • Configuration (select from the list of standard configurations or select quoted system)  
  • Department  
  • Building  
  • Room  
  • Yes/No Replacement (is this an additional printer or to replace an existing printer?)  


ITS will manage software installation and configuration. If software is purchased without hardware, contact ITS to have the software evaluated for compatibility with existing systems. If hardware equipment is part of the request, provide a description of the required equipment. Note: Equipment must either be needed to run the software requested or must be equipment that requires a computer to operate. Items such as Camcorders or DVD players do not qualify and should be requested using the  Equipment Request form.   

SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION: Enter a full description of the software being requested. Include purpose, vendor, licensing information and if special equipment is required to run the software. Leave blank if requesting only Computer-Connected Equipment.  

EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Enter a description of the requested equipment to include its purpose, location and expected life cycle. Leave blank if only requesting software.   

ESTIMATED COSTS: If you are requesting software or computer-connected equipment, list the expected cost to include software, installation, and any on-going maintenance costs.  If the software is purchased as a service and requires an annual fee, check the box to the right.  

SERVICE: If you are requesting software or computer-connect equipment, indicate who you expect to install, maintain and repair software and equipment. 

ATTACHMENTS: Attach any supporting documentation (e.g., quotes) by clicking the  Browse... button/s. If you need to attach more than 6 documents, click the Add Additional Attachments box to add more attachments.  

GOAL:  During this next budget cycle, Washburn is placing an emphasis on efforts to meet university strategic plans. The following goals are taken from the Washburn Strategic Plan. The Washburn University Strategic Plan can be reviewed to review the goals.

STATEMENT OF NEED: Justify the request in the space provided; ​Describe your request in detail to include benefits to the University and how your request aligns with the selected Washburn Strategic Plan for Learner Success. If you have a long (multi-page) request, use the Statement of Need  as an executive summary and attach your full request as supporting documentation in the  Attachments  section.  

NEW REQUEST: Indicate if this is a new request or if this request has been submitted in the past year.  

CATEGORY: Select one of the categories from the available list. Each is self-explanatory. If you do not find a good fit for your request, select Other. If you select Other, a new field will appear for you to enter a new category.

ROUTING: Enter the dean/director who should review this request and set its initial priority. If you are the dean/director, check the box stating so. The Routing section will notify via email the individual named to review this request and set a priority. You can enter a partial email address to search for an individual in the organization.   

PRIORITY: All requests must be prioritized at each level. Departments assign an initial priority number; at each level above the department, the requests are consolidated and given a priority.    


  • The VP/Executive Staff Directors will review and prioritize the requests for further review and prioritization by the Technology Steering Committee by the established deadline.  
  • In January, the Washburn Information Systems Advisory Committee (WISAC) will review requests and provide input to the VPAT and VPAA. 
  • The Committee will make recommendations to the President and their Executive Staff.  
  • The Board will review and approve the proposed list at its March Board meeting. 


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Visit the Help Desk
Located in Bennett, Room 104

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