Active Directory (WUAD) Accounts
ITS Provides individual accounts (usernames and passwords) for faculty, staff, students and selected affiliates. This account is referred to as your WUAD account. Affiliate accounts are subject to approval by the CIO.
Guest Accounts
Guest accounts can be made available for temporary use by non-affiliated users:
- Please provide two (2) weeks prior notice when such accounts will be needed.
- The requestor or a mutually agreed 3rd party will be responsible for providing account information to guest users and for ensuring guests are aware of and abide by the Washburn acceptable use policy.
Service Accounts
Service accounts can be made available for automated functions and require enhanced security:
- Passwords must be protected and not stored in plain text.
- An authorized individual is required to be assigned as a functional and/or technical contact.
ITS will assist in developing and implementing access control based on WUAD logons for computers, network shares, and other WUAD-managed resources. In order to ensure effective long-term support, ITS will work with the requestor to provide access based on functional responsibilities rather than based on individual user names.
Accessing your WUAD account
Users are automatically assigned a WUAD account when they are admitted or hired by the University. These accounts authorize you to use certain campus computer resources, such as lab computers, office PCs, e-mail and other computing systems. Users will receive an email from Information Technology Services at the personal email address they provided when they were admitted or applied for employment at Washburn. This email will contain instructions about how to access IT resources at Washburn.
Student Account Retention
Starting March 25, 2020, student accounts will be retained for one year after the last semester of attendance. One month before the end of the retention year, students will receive a notification sent to their Washburn email address as a reminder that their account will be deleted in 30 days. During that time, students are urged to retrieve file information and contacts they want to keep from their Washburn email account.
Note to Students: It is best not to sign up for services such as Apple, Facebook etc. with your Washburn email address, but if you have, please make sure you have updated those services with a different email address before the end of the 30 day period.
Password Management
Our password management system (PortalGuard) provides a self-service avenue for students, faculty, and staff to unlock their Active Directory account or reset their Active Directory password. This is the WUAD password that is used for accessing your email, on-campus computers, D2L and more.
Enroll in PortalGaurd
Before you can begin using PortalGuard, you must first enroll using your current WUAD username and password.
Need more help?
Follow the complete guide in enrolling and using PortalGuard. Other questions can be sent to support@washburn.edu or call 785.670.3000.
Email the Technology Support Center
Email ITS Support
Call us for technical assistance
Visit the Help Desk
Located in Bennett, Room 104