
Since distribution of the Manual during the Fall of 2007, the following changes/updates have occurred:

December 14, 2007 - Board of Regents approved Subject M. Capital Assets

January 25, 2008 - Board of Regents approved Subject Q. Moving Expenses

January 25, 2008 - Board of Regents approved Subject K. Entertainment

March 21, 2008 - Board of Regents approved the following topics:

Criminal Background Checks for inclusion in Subject B. Recruitment and Employment
Children in the Workplace for inclusion in Subject F. Employee and Labor Relations
Drug and Alcohol Testing for inclusion in Subject B. Recruitment and Employment
Operation of Vehicles for inclusion in Subject X.  Risk Management and Safety

March 21, 2008 - Board of Regents approved Subject T. Memberships

May 16, 2008 - Board of Regents approved Subject J. Travel

August 22, 2008 - Board of Regents approved Subject S. Budgeting

January 23, 2009 - Board of Regents approved inclusion of Animal Control regulations in Subject X. Risk Management and Safety

March 20, 2009 - Board of Regents approved Subject Z. Facilities Maintenance

May 15, 2009 - Board of Regents approved the following:

Amendments to Policies B.  Recruitment and Employment - eliminates requirement to conduct background checks on people employed on an incidental (less than 2 weeks) basis; C.  Student Employment - clarifies background check requirements for certain student employment positions. 
Regulations Subject E. Benefits P11- Continuation of Shared Leave Program through June, 2012.
New Subject P.  Trademark Licensing
Regulations Subject R.  Purchasing - Addition of regulations for business travel card; selection of Architects/Engineers.
Regulations Subject X.  Risk Management and Safety - Addition of regulations for Missing Campus Resident Notification and Emergency Messaging.
Regulations Subject Y.  Police - Addition of regulations for Lost and Found Property

July 24, 2009 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy, rules and regulations regarding Sensitive Information Protection and Identity Theft Prevention in Subject A. General Topics P13

September 11, 2009 - Board of Regents approved amendment to Policies E. Benefits to clarify Group Health Insurance language; and, the addition of regulations and procedures regarding Athletic Events Tailgating in Subject AA. Facilities Use

December 4, 2009 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy, regulations and procedures regarding Smoke Free Workplace in Subject A. General Topics P11.

January 29, 2010 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy, regulations and procedures regarding Worker's Compensation Modified Work Duty in Subject E. Benefits P22

April 9, 2010 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy, regulations and procedures regarding Inclement Weather in Subject X. Risk Management and Safety.

December 3, 2010 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy on Reporting Misconduct and Protection from Retaliation in Subject A. General Topics. P9

January 26, 2011 - Board of Regents approved mandatory revision to the EEO, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policies as a result of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.  Subject A. General Topics P3

September 30, 2011 - Board of Regents approved mandatory revision to the Sexual Harassment and Harassment policies regarding sexual violence.  Subject A. General Topics P3

November 11, 2011 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy on Tuberculosis Control and Prevention to Subject A. General Topics P15; revision to Subject B. Recruitment and Employment regarding policy on background checks; and policy revision to Subject Q. Moving Expense.

December 9, 2011 - Board of Regents approved addition of BB. Computing and Information Technology Resources policy.

February 1, 2012 - Board of Regents approved addition of policy on Social Media in Subject A. General Topics P15.

March 14, 2012 - Board of Regents approved continuation of Shared Leave Program with the deletion of the Sunset provision.

November 8, 2012 - Board of Regents approved changes to Subject A. General Topics; revision to Sexual Harassment and Harassment Policy; addition of policies on the Kansas Open Records Act, Religious Accommodations, Bulletin Boards and Posting, and Behavioral Assessment.  Subject E. Benefits P7 was revised to clarify leave earnings and eligibility for disability plans.

June 12, 2014 - Board of Regents approved change to Subject A. General Topics; revision to Bulletin Boards and Posting, to ensure the policy is one that is proper under the First Amendment and relates only to time, manner and place.

July 23, 2015 - Board of Regents approved change to Subject A. General Topics; revision to Board Policy, Sections A.1 and A.2 to address issues of discrimination, with an emphasis on matters involving sex discrimination under Title IX.

November 12, 2015 - Board of Regents approved change to Subject R. Purchasing and Financial Obligations giving preference to Shawnee County, Kansas businesses.

January 5, 2016 - Updated Section E. 3.6 Additional Holiday Closing Schedule to include years 2014-2017.

July 21, 2016 - Board of Regents approved policy change to Subject A. General Topics; revision to Section 4. Smoking and Tobacco Use (Effective date September 1, 2016).

September 22, 2016 - Board of Regents approved policy changes to subjects:  A. General Topics; B. Recruitment and Employment; D. Classification and Compensation; E. Benefits; O. Sponsored Projects Subsequent revisions were made to regulations and procedures Subject D.Classification and Compensation

July 1, 2017 - Board of Regents approved policy changes to Subject: Y. Police revision to Section 4. Firearms. Subsequent revisions were made to the regulations and procedures Subject Y. Police Section 4. Firearms.

December 13, 2017- Board of Regents approved policy changes to Subject E. Benefits  revision to Section 19. Mobile Communication and Information Devices.

December 14, 2017- Regulations and Procedures Subject X. Risk Management updates made to Section 19. Skateboards, Skates and Bicycles and Other Forms of Related Transportation. Subject E. Benefits updates to Section 4.5 Earning Personal Leave.

July 1, 2018- Regulations and Procedures Subject E. Benefits Section 24: Mobile Communications & Information Devices ("Mobile CIDs") was added.

July 26, 2018 - Board of Regents approved policy changes to Subject B. Recruitment and Employment, updating the Nepotism Policy to Consensual and Familial Relationships. Regulations and Procedures Subject B. Recruitment and Employment was updated to reflect the changes.

October 8, 2018- Regulations and Procedures Subject H. Payroll was updated after review.

November 18, 2018- Regulations and Procedures Subject BB. Information and Technology Services was added.

December 7, 2018- Board of Regents approved policy updates to Subject E. Benefits Section 14. Retirement Program.  Subsequent revisions were made to the regulations and procedures Subject E. Benefits Section 19 Retirement Program.

February 6, 2019- Board of Regents approved policy updates to A. General Topics Section 3 . Drug Free Work Place. Subsequent revisions were made to the regulations and procedures A. General Topics Section 6. Drug Free Work Place. 

February 27, 2019- Regulations and Procedures Subject Y. Police was updated after review.

March 24, 2020- Board of Regents approved policy changes to the following: Policy Subject E. Benefits . 9. Shared Leave. Subsequent revisions were made to the Regulations and Procedures E. Benefits. 10. Shared Leave. Policy Subject X. Risk Management and Safety Policy, changed section title 7. "Inclement Weather" to "Change in University Operations". Subsequent revisions were made to the Regulations and Procedures Subject X. Risk Management and Safety. 18. Change in University Operations, also updated with the addition of 20. Communicable Disease. Regulations and Procedures was updated after review B. Recruitment and Employment to include 20. Telecommuting.

March 25, 2020- Regulations and Procedures Subject I. Approval and Signing of Business Documents was updated after review.

April 9, 2020- Board of Regents ratified the Chair's approval of the March 24th and 25th items listed above during the session held virtually through ZOOM.

July 23, 2020 - Board of Regents approved changes to Subject A. General Topics; revision to Board Policy, Section A.1 Non-Discrimination-(Harassment, Sexual violence, and Retaliation).

August 14, 2020 - Subject A. General Topics Section 16. Title IX (Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence) was added to the Regulations and Procedures along with the name change of Section A.1 Non-Discrimination-(Harassment, Sexual violence, and Retaliation) to A.1 Non-discrimination.

October 30, 2020 - Board of Regents approved a policy change to Subject E. Benefits Section 2. Holidays as Christmas Eve Day, December 24th was added. Subsequent revisions were made to the Regulations and Procedures Subject E Benefits. The closing schedule for the 10 year period beginning 2020 was also updated at this time.

January 22, 2021 - In accordance with insurance compliance, changes were made to the Regulations and Procedures Subject X. Risk and Management Safety Section 14. Operation of Vehicles.

February 4, 2021 - Board of Regents ratified January 1,2021 updates to Subject E. Benefits Section 3. Personal Leave . Subsequent updates were made to the Regulations and Procedures Subject E Benefits. An administrative provision (10.6) was added to Section 10. Shared Leave in the Regulations and Procedures Subject E Benefits.

April 14, 2021 - Detailed updates in the Regulations and Procedures R. Purchasing and Financial Obligations were necessary to align with industry best practices and trends, incorporate changes in operating and work environment, utilization of consortium and State contracts, and streamline of processes.

May 6, 2021 - Board of Regents approved a policy change including Technical Instructors to Subject E. Benefits Section 18. Eminentes Universitatis. Subsequent updates were made to the Regulations and Procedures Subject E Benefits

June 14, 2021 - Updates were made to Regulations and Procedures Subject B Recruitment and Employment Section 20. Telecommuting. New telecommuting agreement provision.

June 25, 2021 - Updates to the approval process for non contracted employees were made to Regulations and Procedures Subject D. Classification and Compensation Section 8. Extra Remuneration Restrictions.  

July 1, 2021 - Updates were made to Regulations and Procedures Subject Y. Police, updates include additional language to concealed carry regulations. 

September 16, 2021 – Updates were made to the Section E. Policies, Regulations and Procedures enhancing the sick leave and/or personal leave calculation for rehires; the retirement, sick leave and/or  personal leave calculation those directly hired from Washburn University Alumni Association and Foundation; and clarified Court Leave is for all benefit eligible employees. Updates were made to Section C. Policies, Regulations and Procedures clarifying wage rate approvals, updating the regulations and procedures for student employment hiring and related processes.

December 7, 2021 – Update was made to the Section C. Student Employment Regulations as to the types of jobs within the Level 3 hourly wage classification.

December 10, 2021 – Update was made to the Section A. General Topics adding Digital Signage regulations and procedures.

March 25, 2022 – Update was made to the Section B. Recruitment and Employment Policies and Section B. Recruitment and Employment Regulations and Procedures regarding the appointment process for fully funded grant and/or other externally sponsored positions.

May 5, 2022 - Update was made to Section D. Classification and Compensation Policies and Section D. Classification and Compensation Regulations and Procedures regarding the eligibility criteria for extra remuneration. 

June 23, 2022 - Update was made to Section O: Sponsored Projects Policies and Section O. Sponsored Projects Regulations and Procedures regarding the compensation requirements for employees performing work on grand and/or other externally sponsored projects.  Update was made to Section A. General Topics Policy and Section A. General Topics Regulations and Procedures regarding the permission to sell alcohol and permissible alcohol locations updated to include the new Law School location.

July 1, 2022 - Title of University Counsel was updated to General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Regents throughout the Washburn University Policies, Regulations and Procedures.

December 8, 2022 - Update was made to Section R: Purchasing and Financial Obligations Policies and Section R: Purchasing and Financial Obligations Regulations and Procedures regarding the increase in the expense limit of University purchases or obligations requiring Board approval.

February 2, 2023 - Board of Regents approved policy changes to Subject E. Benefits including the addition of Juneteenth, June 19 as a University holiday and the elimination of the waiting period for eligible employees to utilize the Employee Education Assistant Program.  Subsequent revisions were made to the Subject E Benefits Regulations & Procedures

March 23, 2023 - Board of Regents approved change to policy Subject A. General Topics updating the position responsible for convening the University Behavioral Assessment Team.   Board of Regents approved a change to policy Subject B. Recruitment and Employment modifying the need for board approval only for appointments of President or Vice President. Board approval no longer needed prior to contracts being issued.  Board of Regents approved change to policy Subject D. Classification and Compensation to reflect that all staff are included in a compensation plan.

April 13, 2023 - Updates were made to the regulations and procedures within Subject Q - Moving Expenses following thorough review.   

May 23, 2023 - Updates were made to the regulation Subject B. Recruitment and Employment and regulation Subject D. Classification and Compensation regarding the approval process for job postings to include the President's approval. 

July 1, 2023 -  Updates were made to the regulation Subject E. Benefits regarding the benefit enhancement for dependent child(ren) and spouse tuition in addition to updated compliance language.  Updates were made to the policy Subject C. Student Employment regarding wage rates. A total review and updates were made to the entirety of regulation Subject J. Travel.

July 2, 2023 - Updates were made to the regulation Subject C. Student Employment regarding the updated wage rates for Student Employees.  

July 20, 2023 - Updates were made to the policies, regulations and procedures to reflect the following title changes: Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) is now Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or Provost and VPAA; Director of Human Resources is now Assistant Vice President, Human Resources; and Controller/Director of Finance is now Assistant Vice President, Finance.

August 30, 2023 -  Updates were made to the regulation AA. Facilities Use to reaffirm the University's commitment to civil discourse and time, place, and manner updated. In addition, new campus buildings were added and posting/campus chalking regulations were clarified.

September 15, 2023 - Updates were made to policy E. Benefits and regulation E. Benefits to reflect the addition of the parental leave benefit.

October 20, 2023 - Updates were made to policy B. Recruitment and Employment and regulation B. Recruitment and Employment to reflect the updated approval process for position appointments.

February 1, 2024 - Wasburn University Board of Regents approved revisions to the University mission, vision and value statements.

February 20, 2024 - Update made to regulation and procedure AA. Facilities Use related to the requirements for displaying advertising material (16.3.3.).

March 7, 2024 - Update to regulation E. Benefits acknowledging special paid sick leave for those meeting the criteria as defined by the FFCRA was discontinued.

May 2, 2024 - Update to regulation E. Benefits expanding the eligible qualifying events for Parental Leave. Updates were also made to Subject P. Trademark Licensing policy with subsequent revisions to Subject P. Trademark Licensing regulations and procedures due to regular practice of removing language that is repeated elsewhere and to ensure guidance is accurate and helpful for effective branding and proper use of marks.

August 1, 2024 – Updates were made to Section J. Travel, Regulations and Procedures, and aligns with the new travel software provisions.

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1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621

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