The Passport for Success is a proactive advising program designed to ensure academic success for students admitted by exception to regular admission’s standard. Students work with an Academic Advisor in the Center for Student Success (Plass 315) to develop an academic plan based on educational and life goals. Students in the Passport for Success Program must adhere to the following criteria:
- Advisor approved course selection and scheduling, leading to approved associate degree.
- Limit on number of semester hours: 12 credit hours per semester during their first year, with recommended summer classes to maintain 30 credit hours per year. (Exceptions granted by advisor approval).
- Mandatory multi-session per semester advising: These three academic advising sessions will include academic assessment, program and degree planning.
- Enrollment in WU 101: Washburn Experience during first semester of attendance.
- Participation in study skills, career planning, test taking and other seminars offered by the University Tutoring & Writing Center.
- Tutoring as needed.
Students will be contacted by their assigned advisor at the beginning of each term. For more information, please email advising@washburn.edu.