Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for VA Education Benefits?
You can apply for your educational benefits at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill (Apply for Benefits). You will need to fill out the online VONAPP to initiate the steps to apply for benefits.
What is a VONAPP?
The VONAPP is the VA Online Application found at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibil and is used for all veteran and dependents educational benefits.
I have a parent who is a veteran. How can I receive VA education benefits because of their service time?
See Chapter 35 Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program and Chapter 33 Transfer of Eligibility for Dependents and Spouse.
How often do I need to complete the Military Enrollment Certification Request form?
The Military Enrollment Certification Request form must be completed each semester of enrollment.
- If this is your first time using benefits at Washburn and do not have your single sign-on/MyWashburn information use the Military Enrollment Certification Request form (Non-SSO)
- If you have used your benefits at Washburn and have your MyWashburn sign on information, use the Military Enrollment Certification Request form (SSO)
I am using my GI Bill® at another school, but I have been accepted to Washburn and would like to use my benefit here. How do I make that happen?
You can only use the GI Bill® at one location at a time. To transfer the benefit to Washburn and begin using it here, you need to submit a VA 22-1995 (Request For Change of Program or Place of Training) to the VA. You can find the link to the form on the VA benefits website.
Once you have submitted the application, print a copy of the application and call the Military Benefits Specialist at 785.670.2329 for more instructions to transfer the benefit.
Do I have to verify my attendance to the VA each month?
CH 30, CH 1606, and CH 1607 recipients must verify attendance each month you are enrolled in school (Chapter 31, 33, and 35 students are exempt). This will trigger your monthly payment. You can verify by phone 1.877.823.2378 or online at VA WAVE.
Can I qualify for financial aid even though I receive VA benefits?
You can receive financial aid in addition to your GI Bill benefits. Students are encouraged to apply for student financial aid through www.fafsa.gov to help off-set the cost of education, because federal and state veterans benefits sometimes do not cover the entire cost of a college education. When completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), veterans need to be aware of some special circumstances:
- Federal veteran education benefits do not affect financial aid eligibility and are not considered income for federal student aid purposes.
- State veteran education benefits are treated as a resource, not an income, for federal student aid purposes.
- Non-educational veteran benefits must be included on the FAFSA as untaxed income.
Veteran status for student aid purposes is not necessarily the same as veteran status for VA purposes. National Guard and Reservists may not qualify automatically as independent students. Refer to the FAFSA instructions to determine if you qualify as a veteran for financial aid purposes.
Amounts and eligibility will vary per student. If you only qualify for loans, you have the option to decline them.
Does the VA make me pay money back when I receive Incomplete or F grades?
If you receive an incomplete (grade of "I") for a class and it turns into a permanent incomplete, the VA requires that the university Registrar report it as a non-punitive grade. Consequently, the VA may determine your benefits to be overpaid for that semester and request repayment from you.
If you had mitigating circumstances that prevented you from attending, please contact the Military Benefits Specialist located in Morgan Hall, Room 102A (enter through the Admissions office), or 785.670.2329 for assistance.
Does the VA pay for courses I repeat?
The VA will not pay to repeat any courses that are completed successfully. Letter grades of A, B, C, D are passing. Exceptions: Some courses require a specific minimum grade.
Does the VA pay for remedial courses?
VA will pay for remedial courses provided the course has not previously been successfully completed, and the student's degree audit show the course is needed.
I have changed my class schedule after I submitted the WU Veterans Information Sheet. What do I need to do?
You must notify the Military Benefits Specialist immediately, if you change your enrollment. Changes of enrollment include adding, dropping, or withdrawing from classes.
If my GI Bill® runs out before the end of the semester, will it cover the rest of the semester?
If you are a veteran who is eligible for the GI Bill at the start of a semester, then yes. Veterans will receive benefits for the entire semester. Dependents using their parents GI Bill will not be able to take advantage of this. Dependents should contact the VA to determine how many days they will have for their final semester of benefits, to discern what they may have to pay in tuition to cover any difference.
How does the VA pay monthly housing allowance?
The VA pays only for the time that you are enrolled in school. Each month is prorated based on the number of days you were a student for the previous month. The payment will be made the month following (ex. August will be paid in September, September paid in October, etc.). If you do not receive payment, call the VA at 1-888-442-4551. Press 1, then 0 for customer service. Remember that you must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 hours to be considered a full-time student.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.