You Should Know: General Policies of the Memorial Union
The Memorial Union is supported by student fees.That means Washburn students will never be charged admission to attend an event in the Memorial Union.
A banner may be hung from the mezzanine level railing in Union Market or from the railing outside of the Ichabod Service Center for two-weeks. Banners may also be hung from railings on the outside of the building. Banners should not exceed 3’ X 6’. Only banners promoting university-related events sponsored by registered student organizations or university departments may be displayed. Banners must be attractively made, present a positive message and be approved by the Memorial Union Director, or designee. Nothing should be added to banners that might accidently fall off (glitter, cut-out letters, etc.) Banners must be hung using plastic zip ties, ribbon or string – tape is not allowed. Groups hanging banners are responsible for removing them. If banners are displayed beyond the approved period, they will be removed and disposed of by building staff.
Posters and fliers being displayed in the Memorial Union must meet criteria established by the Vice President of Student Life. Bulletin boards located on the main and lower levels are the only approved posting sites in the Union. Posters or fliers found in any other location will be removed and disposed of by staff.
Registered student organizations and university departments may place literature promoting campus events on tables in the Union with approval of the Memorial Union Director, or designee. Information placed on tables in Union Market requires the approval of the Director of Dining Services, or designee.
When applicable, an invoice for basic use fees and any pre-determined special services will be sent and payment must be made in advance of the event. An invoice for special services not known prior to the event will be sent immediately following the event and is payable upon receipt.
Any group with past due accounts (60 days) will be denied room rental access until bills are paid in full.
The use of candles is prohibited. Flicker or battery powered candles are approved.
Cleaning not of a routine nature that results from an event held in the Memorial Union may incur special service charges. This includes but is not limited to carpet and furniture cleaning or removing and disposing of decorations.
Repair or replacement expenses will be billed to sponsoring groups for any damages to the building or equipment resulting from accidents or abuse.
Any decorating plans must be approved by the Memorial Union Director or designee, well in advance of the event. Exits must be free of obstruction and exit signs must remain clearly visibly. Decorations must be self-supporting. Nothing may be nailed, taped or glued to walls, floors, ceilings or tables. Duct tape is not to be used on floors. Glitter is not approved. The group sponsoring the event will be billed for charges for any damages associated with decorations or for time spent removing (cleaning) the facility of decorations.
Charges will be assessed to open or close the Memorial Union beyond normal operating hours at the rate of $50 per hour. All events must end and guests gone from the Memorial Union by Midnight.
Any food, snack, or beverage served or given away in the Memorial Union, must be provided by the university-contracted food service. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Director of Business Services.
Non-university groups hosting a catered meal, formal reception, boxed meal, or tray carry meal (food purchased in Union Market) in the Memorial Union shall be charged 50% of the basic use fee for room use. The reduced price does not apply when light refreshments are served.
Registered student organizations may raise money for purposes connected with University business or activities. All monies collected shall be used for the activities of the sponsoring student organization or university group, or their publicly stated cause, and deposited in a University account. If donations are requested, it must be done in the spirit of “donation”. It is illegal to advertise, request, or suggest a dollar amount for donations.
Wired: Meeting rooms are wired with Internet connection. Users are responsible for providing their own computer equipment, software, and connecting cables. Washburn faculty, staff, and students can sign on using their WU ID user name and password. Internet access is available to guests needing short-term use. Guests must contact the University Scheduling staff and request wired Internet access at least two weeks prior to the event. The University scheduling office will work with the University technology department to obtain a temporary password.
Wireless: Wireless Internet is available in public spaces and meeting rooms in the Memorial Union. Users are responsible for providing their own computer equipment and software. Washburn faculty, staff, and students can sign on using their MyWashburn information. Guests needing short-term wireless access must contact the University Scheduling staff with their request, at least two weeks in advance. The Scheduling Office staff will work with the University technology department to obtain a conference ID.
If the Internet is being accessed as part of a meeting, it is advisable to allow extra time before the event to check the connection.
Weekly meetings may be scheduled one semester at a time. Monthly or quarterly meetings may be reserved for the entire academic year.
Student organizations must complete the registration process with Student Activities and Greek Life yearly in order to reserve meeting space. Until registration has been completed, organizations may only reserve one meeting at a time.
Meeting rooms for registered student organizations are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, space permitting.
Academic classes may not be scheduled in the Memorial Union. Exceptions will be made if the class is not assigned a regularly scheduled classroom, such as Nursing Clinical students or Education student teachers. Special events associated with an academic class may be scheduled in the Memorial Union, as an example, a speaker or class project.
Selling merchandise or serving and/or selling food in the Memorial Union shall be permitted only with the approval of the Director of Business Services or designee. Requests for approval shall be made by submitting the form, “Approval for Conducting Retail Sales or Serving or Selling Food.” Forms are available in the University Scheduling and Business Services offices.
Students are welcome to study in any of the lounges in the Memorial Union or Union Market. Meeting rooms are not available for use as study areas
GET IN TOUCH WITH the Memorial Union
785-670-1726 (Director’s Office)
785-670-1454 (Business & Auxiliaries Office)
1700 SW College, Topeka KS 66621
Google Map