Parking and Traffic Regulations
Parking is a subject that each of us relates to on a daily basis. Whether you park close to your destination or end up having to walk across campus, it is important that we all know and understand the parking regulations that are enforced on campus.
Parking regulations are enforced by issuing Washburn tickets or city citations. Tickets and citations are issued by the officer who observed the offense. Washburn parking tickets have a $25.00 fine. If the $25.00 fine is not paid within five (5) business days, a $10.00 late fee will be added. Washburn tickets must be paid in the Business Office in Morgan Hall room 205 or mailed to Washburn University c/o Cashier, 1700 SW College, Topeka, KS 66621-1110. If you fail to pay the fine, and or late fees for a Washburn ticket your transcript will be withheld and you will not be allowed to enroll until all fines and fees have been paid.
You may request a hearing to contest the issuance of a University ticket issued by using the following procedure:
- A complaint regarding a specific ticket shall be made at the Washburn University Police Department within five (5) business days.
- If you are not satisfied with the disposition of the complaint regarding a specific ticket, you may submit in writing to the Director of University Police, your reason for a review request. The written statement must be submitted to the Director within five (5) business days following issuance of the ticket. Upon receipt of the written request for a review, the Director of University Police will schedule a hearing before the Parking Ticket Review Board. The Parking Ticket Review Board will consist of two Students appointed by the Washburn Student Government Association, one classified and one administrative Employee appointed by the Staff Council, and one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate. The Parking Ticket Review Board will meet and render its decision within 5 business days after the hearing. The decision of the Parking Ticket Review Board shall be final.
City citation fines vary depending on the offense and may include a court appearance, court fees and a fine. City citations that are not paid within 14 days of being issued will result in an arrest warrant being issued for the individual listed on the citation. City citations must be handled through the municipal court located at 214 SE 8th Ave, Topeka KS 66603-3997, telephone 785-368-3776, or by mail.
There are parking lots and areas on campus that have restricted parking. These restrictions include special permits, specific times, specific vehicles or no parking at all. Violators are subject to either a Washburn ticket or a city citation.
- Parking areas marked with the blue handicap sign require a handicap placard, a handicap license plate or a disabled veteran’s license tag. Violators in these stalls will be issued a city citation.
- Designated parking areas require a hangtag that allows parking in that area. The tag must be hanging from the rear view mirror.
- Stalls marked for WU Facilities Services Vehicles Only are restricted to Washburn University facility vehicles.
- Motorcycle Only Parking is limited to motorcycles.
- Visitor Only Parking is limited to visitors to campus.
- Student Only 20 Minute Parking is limited to student parking only for 20 minutes.
- Staff/Faculty Only 20 Minute Parking is limited to faculty parking only for 20 minutes.
- Areas marked as a Fire Lane are a No Parking Zone. These areas are designated as such to allow access for the Fire Department. Violators are subject to a city citation.
- Areas marked as No Parking are designated to allow unobstructed traffic flow. Violators are subject to a city citation.
Several parking lots on campus are marked No Overnight Parking from 2AM-5AM. Vehicles found in these lots during the overnight hours are subject to a ticket/citation. Camping or sleeping in or around vehicles is prohibited everywhere on campus without prior approval from the Director of the Washburn University Police Department. Parking oversized vehicles, or any vehicle that cannot be legally parked in a single parking space, is also prohibited without prior approval from the University Police Department.
These regulations, may be reviewed by downloading Washburn's Police Regulations PDF.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Washburn Police
Washburn Police
Morgan Hall, Room 135
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Ph: 785.670.1300
Ext: 1300 (on campus)
WUPD is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.