The legal drinking age in the state of Kansas is 21 years of age. That means if you are less than 21 years of age and consume alcohol you are guilty of underage drinking. If you are caught possessing/buying/consuming alcohol you are guilty of minor in possession of alcohol. If you are caught on Washburn campus you may face academic consequences as well as legal consequences.
Kansas has a 'zero tolerance' policy toward under age drinking. That means you cannot operate or attempt to operate a motor vehicle with a breath or blood alcohol of 0.02 or above.
From 1995 to 2004 alcohol impaired teen drivers were responsible for 5,950 traffic crashes on Kansas highways.- 163 of these crashes involved fatalities
- 2,784 crashes resulted in injuries
- Driving privileges were suspended
- Thousands of dollars in fines paid
- Parents, siblings, relatives and friends endured fear, loss and grief
Stiff penalties are in place if you are caught driving under the influence:
- First Offense
- Driving privileges suspended for 30 days
- Driving privileges restricted for 330 days
- Second/Subsequent Offense
- Driving privileges suspended for one year
Minor in possession of alcohol charges also have severe penalties:
- Fines of $200 to $500
- First offense - driving privileges suspended for 30 days
- Second offense - driving privileges suspended for 90 days
- Third/Subsequent offense - driving privileges suspended for one year
- $1,000 fine
- 6 months in jail
- 100 hours of community service
Unlawfully hosting persons under the age of 18 while they are consuming alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage is a class B person misdemeanor, with fines ranging from $200 to $1,000 and the potential of up to six months in jail.
Take a stand by:
- Not drinking and driving
- Not riding with someone who is intoxicated
- Stopping someone from driving who has been drinking
Alcohol related crashes are the number one killer of teenagers. That's why Kansas law's against driving under the influence are tough. They save lives. Any amount of alcohol reduces driving abilities and increases your risk of a crash. Remember driving is a privilege and a responsibility.