Career & Internship Expo
Next Career & Internship Expo:
September 11, 2024
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Petro Allied Health Center (in-person only)
Attend this event to explore career opportunities, look for internships, and network with employers to find your next opportunity! View attending employers in your Handshake account.
Sign up and learn more on Handshake
Learn more about this event on Handshake!
Resume Roadshow
Get a quick expert appraisal of your resume for the Career Expo:
Roadshow returns September 9 at the Morgan Hall Fireplace, between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Quick reviews by employers or Career Engagement.
Washburn JCPenney Suit-Up Event
In partnership with JC Penney, this event allows students to purchase business attire at a significant discount. Check out the events section in Handshake for details about the event on September 5 from 4-7 p.m. at JC Penney's in Topeka!
To see and search the list of attending organizations, use your free Handshake account. You will have information about the organization, what they are looking for and a link to their website (information is entered by the employer or school).
Dress professionally and bring several resumes.
You are strongly encouraged to have your resume reviewed by WU Career Engagement before the fair. Schedule your appointment via Handshake.
Job seekers will have the opportunity to discuss job opportunities with employer representatives and graduate school representatives will be available, too. Opportunities may include full-time, part-time and internships.
Career Fairs are excellent opportunities for career research. See what opportunities are available for your major. Network with employers. Make your own good first impression.
Please do not attend this fair only to "trick-or-treat" for freebies. Employers have commented on the number of attendees who do this, and it reflects poorly on the Washburn community.
In addition to the Fair, stop by the Graduate Salute for everything you need for graduation. You will find cap and gown information, diploma frames and information on becoming members of the Washburn Alumni Association.
These organizations typically attend the fair to provide assistance with rings, announcements, commencement regalia, and alumni services.
- Washburn Alumni Association
- Ichabod Shop – caps and gowns, diploma frames
- WU Career Engagement
GET IN TOUCH WITH Career Services
Career Services
Morgan Hall, Room 105
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email