Did you know that federal law protects student privacy? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) exists to protect each student's right to privacy and to provide each student the right to inspect and review his/her education records. A summary of this policy is published each semester in the Registration Information Guide. FERPA means Washburn can't share information about you beyond your directory information unless you say so.
Students' Rights
Your rights include, but are not limited to, the following:
- You can see and review your academic records
- You can take steps to have errors in your records corrected
- You can file a complaint if you think Washburn University has violated your privacy rights granted under FERPA
- You can stop the University from sharing your directory information
What is directory information?
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the University may release to the general public certain information about the student which has been identified by the institution as directory information. The following items are considered directory information at Washburn University: student’s name, photo, current address and phone number, permanent address and phone number, university assigned e-mail address, classification status (i.e. freshman, sophomore, etc.), major field of study, dates of attendance, honors and awards received, degrees and certificates received and dates awarded, enrollment level and status (full-time, half-time, less than half-time, undergraduate or graduate), most recent educational institution attended, participation in officially recognized activities and sports and height and weight of members of athletic teams.
Students may “opt out” of the disclosure of directory information by completing a form in the Student One-Stop (SOS). If a student “opts out”, the University will not disclose directory information without the student’s written consent. The “opt out” will remain in effect until the student submits a written revocation.
Who can see that information?
Unless you tell Washburn they can't see it, any member of the public or organization could request your directory information. If you don't want Washburn to share your address, phone number or email, say so on MyWashburn at the Update Campus Directory Profile link on the Students tab.
If you don't want Washburn to share anything about you, contact the University Registrar’s Office at the phone number or email address below for information on how to make that change. And if you don't even want your name in the graduation program, you can say so on the Application for Degree form.
Releasing Academic Records
FERPA says Washburn (or any other college or university) can't give out information about you or your academics without your permission.
Your Parents
You can talk with your parents all you want to about your academics but Washburn can only share information with them if:
- You have given written consent (including your signature)
- You are listed on your parent’s or parents’ tax return as their dependent and Washburn has that information on file
The Government
Some governmental agencies do have a right to your records without your consent. Also, a judge could order your records be shared without your permission.
Washburn Faculty and Administrative Staff
The University can release your records, without your written consent, to particular University officials who have a legitimate educational interest.
Other Entities
The University can disclose education records without the student’s prior written consent under several FERPA exceptions. To view the full policy and a list of exceptions, please see our student record policy.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Registrar's Office
University Registrar's Office
Morgan Hall
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone, Fax & Email
Phone: 785.670.1074
Fax: 785.670.1104