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Kathy Ure

Kathy Ure

Adjunct Instructor
School of Nursing
Area of Specialty: Undergraduate Faculty
Petro Allied Health Center
Room 203S
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, KS 66621-1117
Degrees & Certifications
Hinds Comm Col-Raymond Campus, Associate of Applied Science
Fort Hays State University, Bach of Science in Nursing
Fort Hays State University, Master of Science in Nursing
  • NU 321 VA, Professional Transformation
Career Accomplishments
Kathy Ure has been an RN for over 35 years. She received her MSN in nursing administration from Fort Hays. Her areas of interest and experience include OB, administration, TeamSTEPPS, community/public health, and high impact initiatives. She is currently the Director of the Collaberative Outreach Advancing Community Health (COACH) Program.
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