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Borrowing Policies are designed to ensure access and application of policy and procedures, and to encourage timely and safe return of all library materials loaned to library users from the University Library. View your Library Record Online.
  • Borrowers are expected to treat library materials and equipment in a responsible manner that will help to preserve them and to ensure their availability for other users.
  • Borrowers are expected to familiarize themselves with the Libraries' Circulation Policies, and Fees for Lost or Damaged Library Materials.
  • Borrowers should feel free to ask for assistance in understanding these policies at the Circulation Desk.
  • In order to borrow library materials for on-site or off-site use, a valid borrower WU ID (iCard) must be presented. There are two valid borrower (ID) cards: WU ID (iCard) (for university students, faculty, and staff), or a Washburn University Guest Borrower's Card.
  • It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the date (or date and time) that material is due. Date (or date and time) due information will be provided to the user at the time the material is checked out. Feel free to ask questions at the time of check out if the information is not clear.
  • Borrowers are responsible for material checked out in their names.
  • Any borrower who fails to return library material in a timely manner or who returns it in a damaged condition will be charged lost book fees or repair charges, plus processing fees.
  • Proxy sponsors are responsible for materials and any charges incurred for materials checked out by their proxies.
  • Adult sponsors of a minor with borrowing privileges are responsible for materials and any charges incurred for materials checked out by the minor.

Washburn students receive full library services. Students may check out an unlimited number of circulating materials for four weeks, and may renew the materials once via their online library account or phone before returning to the library with the materials to check them out again. All WU students are required to present the WUID (icard) to check out or renew library materials.

Faculty and Staff

Washburn University faculty receive full library services and may check out an unlimited number of circulating materials for a semester. Faculty may renew materials once via their online library account or phone before returning to the library with the materials to check them out again. All WU faculty are required to present their WUID (icard) to check out or renew library materials.

Guest Borrowers

Guest Borrowers receive full library services and may check out circulating materials (books, records, compact discs, maps, audio-visuals) for four weeks. Guest Borrowers may renew materials once via their online library account before returning to the library with the materials to check them out again. Guest Borrowers are required to present a Washburn University Guest Borrower Card to check out or renew library materials and on occasion to request library services. Guest Borrowers must be Kansas residents, 18 years of age or older, and present photo identification when applying for the Washburn University Guest Borrower's Card.
4 WEEKS on regular circulating materials.

7 DAYS on bound periodicals and reserves so designated.
Unbound periodicals circulate only to faculty and for a loan period of 7 days.

7 DAYS on audio visual materials.

2 DAYS on reserves so designated.

2 HOURS on reserve materials so designated.
All materials must be returned to the library or deposited in one of the book drops. One book drop is located at the entrance to the library and another just north east of the library at the cul-de-sac. Material deposited in the drop will be checked in as quickly as possible.
Overdue Materials

Circulating Materials: overdue notices will be mailed to patrons as a courtesy when items are overdue. No overdue fines are charged. When materials become 45 days overdue they will be declared lost and the patron will be charged a replacement charge of $100.00. If the book is returned the replacement charge will be dropped.

Bound Periodicals: overdue notices will be mailed to patrons as a courtesy when items are overdue. No overdue fines are charged. When materials become 7 days overdue they will be declared lost.

Lost/Missing Materials

Once materials are 45 days overdue they are declared lost. Patrons will be billed replacement charges for each individual item that is lost. In addition, a hold will be placed on student transcripts and enrollment packets if records are not cleared. For Guest Borrowers, borrowing privileges will be suspended until charges are paid or items are returned.

Replacement Charges

Each lost item will be billed $100.00 for replacement (includes a processing fee). Payment must be made in the Business Office (Room 103 Morgan Hall) during regular business hours. Library holds on student transcripts and enrollment packets will be cleared at the time of payment. Guest Borrowers privileges will be reinstated at the time of payment.
Overdue notices will be mailed to patrons as a courtesy when items are overdue. A late fee of $25.00 for each item will be assessed. Depending upon the type of renewal (7 days, 2 days, or 2 hours, etc.), materials will be declared lost after the allotted time period. Patrons will be billed replacement charges for each individual item that is lost. In addition, a hold will be placed on student transcripts and enrollment packets if records are not cleared. Payment must be made in the Business Office (Room 205 Morgan Hall) during regular business hours. Library holds on student transcripts and enrollment packets will be cleared at the time of payment.
Telephone, email renewals, and renewals via the Library Catalog are available. Borrowers are eligible to check out or renew library materials as long as the borrower is in good standing and the materials have not been requested by another borrower. A borrower who is not a currently enrolled Washburn University student or currently employed Washburn University faculty or staff member, or whose Washburn University Guest Borrower's Card has expired, may not continue to renew materials previously checked out.
Borrowers may ask for materials to be placed on hold for check out and pick up at a later time. Users will be sent a notice to the address listed in university records when materials are available for pick up. Materials will be held as indicated on the notice at the Welcome Desk.
The library offers the ability to recall circulating materials charged to another borrower in order to provide equitable access to the collections. Recall due dates for circulating materials are never less than 14 days from the original out date, guaranteeing that the original borrower can have a reasonable period of use. A borrower should make arrangements to insure that the borrowed library materials can be located and returned to the library if recalled. The library is open when classes are not in session, and recalled materials may be due at any time the library is open.
Interlibrary loan (ILL) enables patrons to obtain materials not owned by the University Library. Patrons must have a WUID (iCard) or Guest Borrower's Card before initiating a loan request. It is our policy to accept no more than 10 requests per week per individual. ILL are free to Washburn students, faculty, and staff.

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