Key policy
Head of Departments or their approved representatives must fill out a digital key authorization for key transactions such as issues, exchanges, etc. Further key transactions shall be requested by new digital authorization submission. (Please note, partial or total returns by a person do not need an authorization. Those key holders just need to book an appointment.)
As of October 2022 the digital form now has an option to auto-notify the key holder. Choosing this option allows the key holder to automatically receive a copy of your authorization along with the link to book their appointment. If you choose not to auto-notify, once the authorization is submitted you must instruct the key holder to book an appointment with the WU Key Coordinator using the link in the next section of this webpage.
Digital Key Authorization (Only Click this link if you are Authorized.)
The following note may be used as a handout or office sign to help expedite appointment bookings with the Key Coordinator. It includes a QR code that once scanned will go directly to the Booking Page.
Prior to setting up your appointment, please make sure one of the following applies to you. If none do, please first contact your head of department or department secretary. Prior approval for all transactions except returns are needed.
- I am a new employee and my department has already submitted electronic approval.
- I am a current or returning employee and prior authorization has been submitted electronically.
- I currently have keys and wish to return some or all of them. No prior authorization is required.
All appointments are contingent on the Key Coordinator receiving appropriate digital authorization from head of departments. Delays in electronic approval may result in appointment reschedules or cancellations.
For emergent key transactions or questions please contact the Key Coordinator directly.
The University attempts to distribute and control its keys in a centralized manner. The Facilities Services Key Coordinator issues keys only upon receiving valid digital key authorization submitted by the hiring Head of Department or their approved representative. Only keys listed shall be issued; additions to the request must be made by submitting a new digital key authorization.
Beginning August 2021 the new digital key authorization submitted by authorized approvers was created and replaced departments use of hard copy forms. Upon receipt of a digital authorization the Key Coordinator creates a hard copy for the Key Holder to sign at their appointment. These key authorization forms are kept on file at the Facilities Services office.
Faculty, Staff and Students should speak with their departments about digital approval and then book an appointment with the Key Coordinator.
If you have any questions please email the Key Coordinator.
Persons leaving the employment of the University must return all university keys to the Facilities Services office before receiving his/her final salary check. The Key Coordinator shall document returned keys on the Key Authorization Form. Each key is identifiable as issued to a distinct individual; upon receipt of a key, the Key Coordinator marks the key returned based upon the stamp of the key, rather than who returned it. It is the responsibility of each individual to safe-guard the exact key issued to them by the Key Coordinator, and to return that exact key at the end of their employment.
Persons on leave of absence or sabbatical may return their keys before leave commences. Part-time personnel shall return their keys at the end of their assignment. Students may return their keys at the end of each semester.
Key holders must book an appointment with the Key Coordinator to return keys.
Please email the Key Coordinator with questions or book an appointment to return or pay for keys.
Key Coordinator Contact Information
For questions concerning Digital Key Authorizations, student key holds or other key and lock concerns; please contact the Key Coordinator by phone 785.670.1549 or email Shelby Peek.