LGBTQ+ Resources

At Washburn, we work to provide a welcoming, supportive community for all our students, faculty and staff. We have sought to build on the rich personal and intellectual engagements of Washburn to provide students, faculty, and staff with education, programming, support services and advocacy on campus -- regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation together serve as America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve LGBTQ equality. By inspiring and engaging individuals and communities, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBTQ people and realize a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all. The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people are ensured equality and embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

Lambda Legal

Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. 

Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.

Guide to Allyship

An ever-evolving and growing open source guide meant to provide you with the resources for becoming a more effective ally.

I Need An Accomplice, Not an Ally

Why be an accomplice? What does it mean to be an accomplice? 

10 Common Things Well-Intentioned Allies Do That Are Actually Counterproductive

Well-intentioned people make mistakes - lots of them. Mistakes must be expected and being held accountable has to be expected as well. These points outline some of the common behaviors that show up often in social justice conversations.

11 Ways To Be A Trans* Ally, According To Transgender People Themselves

Tips #4intersex Allies

What does it mean to be an ally? Guide to Allyship is a fantastic starting point for understanding the concept. This document offers intersex-specific allyship tips.

Black Trans Men, Inc.

Our mission is to ensure that all transgender men and SLGBTQI individuals are acknowledged, provided equal access and protection under the law to contribute to a productive society. We accomplish our mission of equality, advocacy and empowerment for our greater social community, through education.

National Center for Transgender Equality

The National Center for Transgender Equality is the nation’s leading social justice advocacy organization winning life-saving change for transgender people.

NCTE was founded in 2003 by transgender activists who recognized the urgent need for policy change to advance transgender equality. With a committed board of directors, a volunteer staff of one, and donated office space, we set out to accomplish what no one had yet done: provide a powerful transgender advocacy presence in Washington, D.C.

Today, NCTE has grown to a staff of 17 and works at the local, state, and federal level to change laws, policies and society.

Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.

Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement

Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement (Familia: TQLM) was founded at the beginning of 2014 by trans and queer immigrants, undocumented and allies, youth leaders and parents and is the only national organization that addresses, organizes, educates, and advocates for the issues most important to our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) and Latino communities. Familia: TQLM is inclusive and serves of all LGBTQ Latinos, Latinas, and gender nonconforming individuals. We also collaborate with non-LGBTQ families and friends who support our vision of a united LGBTQ Latino and Latina community.

This Girl Has Balls | Georgiann Davis | TEDxUNLV

Are you male or female? This seems to be a simple question, but drawing on her personal experience and research in the intersex community, Georgiann Davis tells us why it isn't. Georgiann Davis is an intersex scholar and activist originally from Chicago, Illinois. She is also a member of the intersex community. She joined the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ Sociology Department in the fall of 2014 after spending close to ten years studying the intersection of the sociology of diagnosis and feminist theories. She has written numerous articles on intersex in various venues ranging from Ms. Magazine to the American Journal of Bioethics. In her book, Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis (2015, NYU Press), she explores how intersex is defined, experienced, and contested in contemporary U.S. society. She is also the former president of the AIS-DSD Support Group (2014-2015), and a current board member for InterACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth.You can learn more about her research at

AIS-DSD Support Group

Promoting support, education, and outreach to foster healthy outcomes for adults, youth, children, and families affected by Intersex/ Differences of Sex Development (DSD).

Intersex 101: Everything You Need To Know

What does it mean to be intersex? Our quick fact sheet will tell you.

Argue #4intersex: Responses to Common Pro-Surgery Statements

Hear what some doctors that advocate for intersex surgeries tell their patients.

We've surveyed both the Washburn campus and Washburn Tech to identify those restrooms that are gender neutral -- normally restrooms which are designed for use by a single individual.

At present, some of these restrooms are identified as "Family Restrooms."  That means, that if you have a family member such as a child or individual who needs assistance, these are available to you. They also are considered gender neutral.

Washburn University
Location ID Sign Description
Bianchino Pavillion -109 Family Restroom
Carole Chapel -103 Unisex 
Carole Chapel-104 Unisex 
Facilities-100C UMAPS -Single - No distinction
Facilities-100E Maint Shop - Single - No distinction
Facilities-117 Unisex 
Facilities-118 Unisex 
Falley Field -201 Single - No distinction
Falley Field-N1B  (North Dugout) - Single - No distinction
Falley Field-W1B (West Dugout) - Single - No distinction
Garvey Fine Arts Center-140I Unisex
Heat Plant -102 Single - No distinction
Heat Plant-103 Single - No distinction
Kuehne Hall -104 Single - No distinction
Law School – Student Commons Open to All
Law School Clinic - Reception Area Open to All
Lee Arena -110 Unisex Restroom
Lee Arena -214Q Single - labeled Men's
Lee Arena -214R Single - labeled Women's
Lee Arena -215A Single - No distinction
Lee Arena -250A Single - labeled Men's
Lee Arena -250B Single - labeled Women's
Lee Arena -318A Unisex 
Lee Arena -319 Single - labeled Women's
Lee Arena -320 Single - labeled Men's
Lee Arena -330B Unisex
Living Learning Center -157 Single - labeled Men's
Living Learning Center -159 Single - labeled Women's
Living Learning Center -250 Single - labeled Men's
Living Learning Center -251 Single - labeled Women's
Morgan Hall -RR105 Student Health - Unisex Restroom
Morgan Hall -RR106 Restroom - Family, West wing
Petro Allied Health Center -126E Single - No distinction
Petro Allied Health Center --226B Single - Women's locker room
KTWU -107 Single - No designation
KTWU --208 Single - No designation
KTWU Transmitter -104A Single - No designation
PR-110 Single - No designation
Lincoln Hall/Lincoln Dining
Washburn Institute of Technology
Location ID Sign Description
AC-017 Unisex restroom
AW-116 Unisex restroom 
C-101 Unisex restroom
C-110A Unisex restroom 
C-119A Unisex restroom
C-203 Unisex restroom
D-110 Unisex restroom
D-105D Unisex restroom
H-103 Unisex restroom
K-103 Unisex restroom

Washburn University Student Health Services

Our own Washburn Student Health Services is an outstanding resource for information about staying healthy. All Washburn University students are eligible to visit Student Health Services free-of-charge with a valid WU ID. No appointment is necessary with the exception of pre-participation physicals and well woman exams. There is a fee for laboratory testing (including PAP), X-rays, immunizations, TB testing, and prescription medications.

QTPoC Mental Health - Rest for Resistance

Rest for Resistance strives to uplift marginalized communities, those who rarely get access to adequate health care or social support. This includes Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Pacific Islander, Asian, Middle Eastern, and multiracial persons. We also seek to create healing space for LGBTQIA+ individuals, namely trans & queer people of color, as well as other stigmatized groups such as sex workers, immigrants, persons with physical and/or mental disabilities, and those living at the intersections of all of the above. Our team of editors, seven trans people of color, seek to honor each contributor's vision and individual perspective in order to create space for raw experiences that are too often silenced.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

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