Sibberson Award Background and Purpose

The Sibberson Award is a substantial monetary award established by the trusts of Erna Sibberson and Gretchen O.A. Sibberson. The purpose of the endowment is to honor the most deserving student(s) selected from among the highest-ranking member(s) of the senior class in the undergraduate program at Washburn University. Sibberson awards are to be made annually at commencement as follows - December-one award; May-four awards. The award will recognize students who completed degrees during the most recent academic year. For fall graduates, the highest-ranking member of the senior class from all undergraduate programs will receive the award. For spring graduates, the highest-ranking member of the senior class from the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Applied Studies, the School of Business and the School of Nursing will receive the award. (School of Law graduates and students receiving a graduate degree or an associate's degree are not eligible to receive the award.)

Fall 2024 Award Recipient

Delylah Mordecai

Delylah Mordecai

Spring 2024 Sibberson Award Finalists

Elsa Cozine

Elsa Cozine

McKayla Galliart

McKayla Galliart

Eleanor Jones

Eleanor Jones

Brock Robert

Brock Robert

Student Eligibility

Students who qualify for the Sibberson Award will be notified by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and those who complete their application materials are named "Sibberson Finalists" and will be recognized as such at the commencement ceremonies in which they participate.

The Sibberson Award Committee will select the award winner prior to the ceremony in the semester in which the finalists graduate and the award recipient will be announced during the ceremony.

  • be a graduating senior in an undergraduate program leading to a baccalaureate degree
  • be completing a first baccalaureate degree
  • completed a minimum of 30 of the last 40 or 40 of the last 60 credit hours at Washburn University
  • completed an application for graduation with the University Registrar's Office
  • attained a 4.0 grade point average or have the highest grade point average among the graduating class
  • be present to receive the award
  • agree to have name, photo and biographical information used in publicity by the University
  • limit letters of reference to three, of which two must be from Washburn University faculty members

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