WLCE™ Orientation
The Washburn Leadership Challenge Event™ kicks off on Thursday with a Leadership Orientation geared specifically toward regional high school and undergraduate college students from across the country. It is required of all participants who wish to compete in the simulated part of the event on Friday.
The Leadership Orientation is comprised of engaging and educational experiences that reflect our community and regional leaders. This orientation will provide a unique opportunity to all participants and allow them to experience leadership in a professional and applicative scenario. This day is designed to give participants useful information and tools that they will not only explore, but that they can then apply during the simulation on the following day. The Leadership Orientation will stimulate leadership students to enhance and further develop their leadership skills and application.
Following the half-day Leadership Orientation, there will be a banquet for all participating students and advisors. Participating teams will be able to connect with WLCE™ sponsors and the Washburn University Leadership Institute students and staff. During the banquet, a keynote speaker (to be announced) will address the attendees on a pertinent leadership topic.
WLCE™ Simulation
The Washburn Leadership Challenge Event™ Simulation begins on Friday morning of the event. The live simulation incorporates a combination of a broad range of leadership responsibility, both as individuals and as a collective leadership team, along with a spectrum of situational influences that will encourage requisite adjustments and leadership initiative.
The simulation will ensure reality for participants through a variety of possible tools and methods, including but not limited to:
1) live "actors" - community leaders and students role playing to enhance the reality of the simulation
2) video and audio feeds providing real-time updates and simulation theatrics
3) online environments for information provision and decision manipulations
4) planned and unplanned meetings and presentations for team members
Team members will be observed and judged throughout each element of the competition and will receive feedback upon completion of the simulation.
Information regarding the simulation will be distributed to the student teams participating in the WLCE™. Information may be distributed as a package of materials that introduces the simulation and participant rules and requirements, a brief overview of the simulation, and suggested methods of basic preparation prior to the WLCE™. Student teams may not receive information prior to the event though.
Upon completion of the Washburn Leadership Challenge Event™, an awards ceremony will recognize competitors who have demonstrated exemplary leadership skills, problem-solving and decision making tactics. A variety of awards will recognize team achievement. Winners will receive plaques and will be recognized on the WLCE™ website.
Each team will be provided with feedback on the team's strength and weaknesses, which will include the judge’s comments and critiques and assessment of the group’s overall performance.