What the Best Law Teachers Do (Harvard University Press) (forthcoming 2011).
Techniques for Teaching Law II (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2011).
Teaching Law by Design for Adjuncts (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2010) (with Sophie Sparrow and Gerald Hess).
Remedies: Problems, Cases & Materials (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2010) (with Carole Buckner and Sophie Sparrow).
Contracts: A Context and Practice Casebook Teacher's Manual (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2009).
Contracts: A Context and Practice Casebook (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2009) (with Denise Riebe).
Teaching Law By Design: Engaging Students From the Syllabus to the Final Exam (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2009) (with Sophie Sparrow and Gerry Hess).
Expert Learning for Law Students. 2nd edition. (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2008).
Expert Learning for Law Students Workbook. 2nd edition. (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2008).
Journal articles
"The Little Lies We Tell Ourselves and Our Students: Seven Commonly Held Myths about Law School and Teaching and Learning," The Law Teacher (spring 2011).
"Lessons Learned in the Design of an Undergraduate Data Mining Course," Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 26(5): 189-95 (May 2011)
"Improving Legal education by Improving Casebooks: Fourteen Things Casebooks Can Do to Produce Better and More Learning," Elon Law Review (fall 2010).
"Humanizing Legal Education: An Introduction to a Symposium Whose Time Came," 47 Washburn Law Journal 235 (2008).
"Work Smart: Excel in Law School by Becoming an Expert Learner," 13:1 CLEO Edge Magazine 39 (winter/spring 2008).
"Innovations in Teaching" "What the Best Law Teachers Do" and "Leadership in Learning: Views from Georgia," Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Grand Rapids, Mich., September 2011
"Creating Law Practice Simulations in Large Classes: A Master Class on Teaching Methodology," Tblisi, Republic of Georgia, May 2011
"Lessons Learned in the Design of an Undergraduate Data Mining Course," Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Central Plains Conference, Warrensburg, Mo., April 2011
"Expert Learning for Law Students," Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, Del., April 2011
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," Beasley School of Law, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., April 2011
"Expert Learning for Law Students," Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, Del., April 2011
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, Fla., March 2011
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," University of Houston Law Center, March 2011
"Assessment Planning," "Selecting Teaching Methods" and Course (Re)Design," Salmon P. Chse College of Law, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, March 2011
"Developing the Next Generation of Lawyers: What Law Schools Are Doing to Prepare Practice-Ready Graduates," NALP - The Association for Legal Career Professionals/American Law Institute-American Bar Association Professional Development Institute Conference, Washington, D.C., December 2010
Faculty Development Workshop on Assessment, St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas, September 2010
Faculty Development Workshop on Expert Learning, University of Detroit (Mich.) Mercy School of Law, September 2010
Faculty Development Workshop on Teaching Methods, Florida A&M University College of Law, Orlando, September 2010
Faculty Development Workshop on Assessment, St. John's University School of Law, Queens, New York, September 2010
Faculty Development Workshop, Charlotte (N.C.) School of Law, September 2010
"The Future of Casebooks, Publishing and Course Materials," Conference of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools, West Palm Beach, Fla., August 2010
"Ex-L in Law School Training," Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Florida International University School of Law, Miami, June 2010
"Ex-L in Law School Training," Council on Legal Education Opportunity, University of Missouri School of Law, Columbia, June 2010
"Teaching Law for Engaged Learning," Elon University School of Law, Greensboro, N.C., April 2010
Conducted faculty teaching workshop, John Marshall Law School, Atlanta, Ga., February 2010
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," Howard University School of Law, Washington, D.C., February 2010
"Classroom Assessment Techniques," adjunct faculty workshop, Washburn University School of Law, February 2010
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Nova Southeastern School of Law, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., January 2010
"Who Am I? The Role of Legal Education in Shaping Professional Identities" and "What the Best Law Teachers Do," Presidential Program II - Transformative Teaching and Institution-Building, American Association of Law Schools Meeting, New Orleans, La., January 2010
Conducted teaching, learning and assessment workshop, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Detroit, Mich., November 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, October 2009
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, September 2009
"Assessment of Students: A (Group) Test" and "'Righting' the Student Evaluation Form," Legal Education at the Crossroads III: Assessment, University of Denver (Colo.) Sturm College of Law, September 2009
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," faculty teaching development workshop, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Ore., September 2009
"Legal Analysis Education: It's Not What the Carnegie Report Cracked It Up to Be," Yes We Carnegie: Change in Legal Education After the Carnegie Report, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Ill., July 2009
"Ex-L in Law School Training" (workshop), Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale, June 2009
"Ex-L in Law School Training" workshop, Council on Legal Education Opportunity, University of Pittsburgh (Pa.) School of Law, June 2009
"Raising the Curtain on Learning and Technology: Selecting the Right Technology to Accomplish Your Goals" and "In-Class Instant Messaging: An Additional Tool for Engaging Your Students," LSAC Academic Assistance Training Workshop, St. Louis (Mo.) University School of Law, June 2009
Facilitated faculty retreat on curriculum reform, University of San Francisco (Calif.) School of Law, May 2009
"Curriculum Reform: Impetuses and Models," Pace University School of Law, White Plains, N.Y., March 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of Miami College of Law, Coral Gables, Fla., March 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Capital University Law School, Columbus, Ohio, February 2009.
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, Md., February 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Hoftsra University School of Law, Hempstead, N.Y., January 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Faulkner University, Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, Montgomery, Ala., January 2009
Educational Outcomes and Outcome Assessment," ABA Standards Review Committee, San Diego, Calif., January 2009
"Teaching to the Entire Class: Innovative and Effective Instruction to Engage Every Student," "Educating Lawyers and Best Practices for Legal Education: A Mandate to Humanize the Law School Experience" and "Unwrapping the Shroud of Secrecy: What Law Professors Can Learn from Bar Examiners" (moderator), AALS Annual Meeting, San Diego, Calif., January 2009
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of North Carolina School of Law, December 2008
"What the Best Law Teachers Do," Boston (Mass.) College Law School, November 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, "Beyond Socratic Questioning and Cooperative Learning: Seven Additional Tools for Engaging Your Students," Gonzaga University School of Law, October 2008
"Improving Learning to Improve Bar Pass and Other Outcomes," American Bar Association Bar Exam Passage Conference, Chicago, Ill., October 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, "Formative Assessment in Large, Doctrinal Courses," Sturm College of Law, University of Denver, Colo., October 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Tulsa (Okla.) University School of Law, September 2008
"Teaching Techniques for Bar Pass," LSAC Bar Preparation Workshop, Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, Calif., September 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, September 2008
"Institutional Process for Making It Happen," Legal Education at the Crossroads Conference: Ideas to Accomplishments: Sharing New Ideas for an Integrated Curriculum, University of Washington School of Law Seattle, September 2008
"Whole Curriculum Projects: Reforming the Curriculum at Small, Limited Resource State Law Schools" (moderator), "First-Year Projects Integrating the Cognitive, Skills and Professional Formation Apprenticeships (moderator) and "Five Days, Three Apprenticeships, One Orientation: Towards a Model First Week Curriculum" (showcase presenter), Legal Education at the Crossroads Conference: Ideas to Accomplishments: Sharing New Ideas for an Integrated Curriculum, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, Washington, Sept. 6, 2008.
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa, Calif., August 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, Calif., August 2008
"The Faint Scent of Change: Legal Education at the Crossroads," Topeka Bar Association, August 2008
"Law School Teaching Methods that Even Socrates Would Admire: How Law Schools Can Move Toward Meeting Best Practices in Legal Education" (panelist) Southeastern Association of Law Schools annual meeting, Palm Beach, Fla., July 2008
"Bar Exam Prep Course Seeking Long Term Relationship: Legal Writing, Academic Support, Both, or Something Else?" (panelist) Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference, Indianapolis, Ind., July 2008
"Getting in a Groove: Organizational Tools to Help Students Synthesize, Manage, and Retrieve Information," "It's All In the Wind up, Swing, and Follow-through: Preparing Before Class, Learning While In Class, and Holding on to the Right Material After Class (moderator) and "The ASP Commitment to Professional Excellence" (with Ruth Ann McKinney), LSAC Academic Assistance Workshop for New Academic Support Professionals, University of Maryland, Baltimore, June 2008
"Design Options for Academic Support Programs," Mercer University School of Law, May 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law, April 2008
Conducted partner-associate training, Davis, Polk & Wardell, New York, N.Y., April 2008
Conducted partner-associate training, University of Tulsa College of Law, April 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, March 2008
Conducted faculty teaching development workshop, University of La Verne College of Law, March 2008
"New Law Professors as Catalysts for Change" (moderator), AALS Annual Meeting, New Law Professors Section, New York, N.Y., January 2008
Academic Curriculum Coordinator, Council on Legal Education Opportunity, 2011
Chairman-elect, American Association of Law Schools, Section on Academic Support
Treasurer, American Association of Law Schools, Section on Teaching Methods, 2010-11
Co-director, Institute for Law Teaching and Learning, 2009-
Board of directors, Kansas Legal Services
Board of advisers, Institute for Law School Teaching
Created Podcast and supporting materials, "Expert Learning for Law Students," LSAC Academic Assistance Website (spring 2009)
Contributing author, Center for Engaged Learning in the Law Blog 2008-
Contributing author, Best Practices in Legal Education Blog 2008-
Conference planner, Implementing Best Practices and Educating Lawyers: Teaching Skills and Professionalism Across the Curriculum, Institute for Law Teaching and Learning, Gonzaga University School of Law, Spokane, Wash., June 2009
Conference planner, Workshop on Innovative Teaching Methods & Materials: A Conference for Authors in Carolina Academic Press' "Context and Practice Series", Washburn University School of Law, May 2009
Conference planning committee, Legal Education at the Crossroads Conference: Ideas to Accomplishments: Sharing New Ideas for an Integrated Curriculum, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, September 2008