What does it mean to study Kansas today?
Founded on Phanerozoic bedrock and situated in the geographical center of the contiguous United States, humans have called this region home for over 12,000 years. To study Kansas means to explore the intersections of an array of cultural experiences across this diverse landscape: past, present, and future.
About Kansas Studies
The Center for Kansas Studies promotes research, teaching, and creative work on the culture, history, politics, economics, and natural environment of Kansas. The Center offers courses in the Kansas Studies Minor Program, provides funding opportunities and programming on Kansas topics, and facilitates outreach programs that focus on the past, present and future of Kansas.
Laura Murphy is the director of the Center for Kansas Studies. Contact her at cks@washburn.edu.
To subscribe to the Center's listserv and receive updates about our upcoming events, send an email to kansas-studies@lists.washburn.edu.
Minor in Kansas Studies
To minor in Kansas Studies, a student must complete at least 15 hours of approved Kansas Studies coursework, with at least 6 of those hours at the upper division level.