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- Academic History
Gov’t. of the U.S., Kansas and U.S. State and Local Government, Intro. to Public Administration, Federalism and Public Policies, The Legislative Process, Program Evaluation Methods, Senior Seminar
- Scholarly Interests/Activities
- Teaching methods, contemporary public policy in federal, state, and local government, affirmative action and race relations, Kansas politics.
- Service Interests/Activities
Member American Political Science Association, Member College Committee on Promotion and Tenure, History Day judge, Quest inquisitor, Blood donor, Cat custodian (you can’t own cats), Grandparent
- Career Accomplishments
“The Kansas Roots of Arthur Allen Fletcher: Football All-Star to the “Father of Affirmative Action,” 2011, Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains, V.34#3, pp. 224-241.
Political Encyclopedia of U.S. States and Regions, 2008, Kansas Entry, Co-author with Robert Beatty, Steven Cann, Loran Smith, Chris Hamilton, and David Freeman, Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.
Gates, Henry Louis and Evelyn Brooks Higgenbotham, 2008,The African American National Biography, New York, NY:Oxford University Press.
“Topeka ‘Round the Time of Brown: A Clear Case of Invidious Discrimination,” coauthored with Dr. Robert Beatty, Kansas History, 2004, V27#3, 146-163.
"The Politics of Distance Education," 2002, Public Voices, V.5#3, 3-14.
"David Rusk and the Politics of "Slow Growth" in Albuquerque, New Mexico." In James R. Bowers and Wilbur C. Rich, Editors, 2000, Governing Middle-Sized Cities, Boulder, CO: Lynne Riener Publishers.
Publications: (Not Peer Reviewed)
“Kansas Gubernatorial Election TV Ads Analyzed in New Study,” in Speaking of Kansas, April, 2007, Topeka, KS: Washburn Center for Kansas Studies (pp.2-6). Co-authored with Bob Beatty.
A History of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority. 1993. Albuquerque, NM: Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
Newsletter: Quarterly Profile of New Mexico's Citizens. V5#1, January, 1993; V5#3. August, 1993; V5#4, November, 1993. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Institute for Public Policy. Principal Investigator and Analyst on these three publications.
New Mexico Legislative Update. Focus: Budget Allocations. January, 1993. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Institute for Public Policy. I served as Project Leader and author of this report on the results of a random telephone survey of New Mexico citizens conducted in mid-November, 1992 regarding citizen preferences on state budgetary allocations, in anticipation of the January, 1993 legislative session.
New Mexico Legislative Update. Focus: Citizen Attitudes Toward Economic Development. September, 1993. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Institute for Public Policy. Responsibilities and scope similar to the item immediately above.
Papers Presented:
“Remembering Arthur Allen Fletcher: What Would the “Father of Affirmative Action” Think of his Child Today?” presented at the Affirmative Action: Requiem of Renaissance conference sponsored by Washburn University, September 22-23, 2009. (Note: This paper was a significant revision of the paper presented in April, 2009 at Kansas State University.)
“Arthur Fletcher: What Would the “Father of Affirmative Action” Think of His Child Today?” The Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture, Thursday, April 2, 2009 at Hale Library, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
“Running for Governor in 30 Seconds: An Analysis of Political Communication Through TV Advertisements for Kansas Gubernatorial Candidates from 1968—2006” co-authored with Bob Beatty and presented at the Missouri Valley History Conference, Omaha, NE, March 7, 2008.
“A Response to Stark: How (Lesser) Political Scientists Might Become “Public Intellectuals”.” A paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 28 - 31, 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
“A Divergence of Opinions: White Elite and Black Community Perceptions of Segregation in 1950s Topeka, Kansas,” co-authored with Dr. Robert Beatty. This was a revision of the “Topeka ‘Round the Time of Brown” paper first prepared for the Spring 2003 Kansas Studies’ Brown Colloquium at Washburn University (now under consideration with the Kansas State Historical Society for publication). Presented at the 76th Annual Conference of the Kansas History Teachers Association in Lawrence, Kansas, April 5, 2003.
“Every Time I Go To Town, People Keep Kickin' My Dog Around.” A comparative paper on current state budgeting presented at the American Society for Public Administration Region IV meeting, October, 2002, Omaha, Nebraska.
“Traditional American Isolationism and Foreign Policy Indifference: The Roots of 9/11?” A paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Convention, April, 2002, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
“Leading Students to Water: Gaining Positive Affect From Political Exposures.” Co-authored with Dr. Robert Beatty and presented at the Western Social Science Association Convention, March, 2001, Reno, Nevada.
“The Politics of Distance Education: Normative Considerations on the Nexus of Pedagogy and Technology.” A paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Region 7 Conference, October 21-23, 1999, Omaha, Nebraska.
“Against a Sea of Troubles: Unorthodox Coalitions and Unforgiving Supporters.” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, March 19-21, 1998, Los Angeles, California.
“Public Awareness and Support of Economic Development Policies: Some Survey Research Findings.” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 31, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.