Kimberly Harrison
Social Work
School of Applied Studies
- Contact
- Benton HallRoom 4071700 SW College AveTopeka, KS 66621-1117785.670.1957
- Degrees & Certifications
- The University of Kansas, Bachelor of Arts
- The University of Kansas, Master of Social Work
- The University of Kansas, Doctor of Philosophy
- Academic History
- For 16 years, Dr. Harrison worked as a school social worker and educational consultant for Project STAY (Supporting Teachers and Youth), a grant partially funded through the Kansas State Department of Education that develops and strengthens educational programming for children with severe behavioral and cognitive disabilities.
- Prior to Washburn University, Dr. Harrison taught courses for both the Social Work and Special Education Departments at the University of Kansas.
- Scholarly Interests/Activities
- The practice of school social work, particularly as it relates to the utilization of functional behavioral assessment and positive behavior supports in educational environments.
- Research in various issues related to Latino children, including the effects of documentation status and social-emotional health upon educational attainment.
- Has published peer-reviewed articles and presented nationally and internationally on those topics. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=Yc-rO-cAAAAJ
- Teaches, presents, and conducts qualitative research focused upon anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work.
- Service Interests/Activities
- School Social Work Mentor, USD 450
- University Liaison, Kansas School Social Work Association
- Phi Beta Delta, International Honors Society
- Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society
- Served as BSW Program Director and MSW Director, Department of Social Work
- Career Accomplishments
- Received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor within the Department of Social Work at Washburn University in 2011.
- Received promotion to Full Professor within the Department of Social Work at Washburn University in 2015.
- Winner of the Herrick Faculty Award for Outstanding Service (2023)
Related Links
Kimberly Harrison on Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=Yc-rO-cAAAAJ