Kansas Institute for Poliitics of Washburn University Washburn University


Kansas Women Legislators Oral History Project
This oral history project documents Kansas women legislators from the early 1990's. The interviews have been transcribed and collected together in this archive. This content was recorded for the Kansas State Historical Society and Washburn University with the hope that it would help scholars in the future. Each legislator was asked the same questions, so the body of data would reflect a little bit of information from each legislator on certain topics including their experiences as a legislator (elections, political service, issues, and notable stories) and personal information (background, family life, and political identity). The audio files were recorded, transcribed, shared with the legislator, any changes the legislator wished to make have been made. Interviews were conducted by: Dr. Sara Tucker Dr. Barbara Burgess.

Weekly columns on issues, elected officials, candidates and politics of Kansas and the nation, by a lineup of noted university professors from across Kansas

Presidential Race 2016:

Bob Beatty: “No pushovers, Iowans once again help winnow presidential field,” published by The Capital-Journal— 2/6/2016

Presidential Race 2012:

The Iowa Caucus:

Original Features on the

Original Photos of the candidates
on the campaign trail

        Michele Bachmann
        Ron Paul
        Tim Pawlenty
        Herman Cain
        Thaddeus McCotter
        Newt Gingrich
        Rick Santorum
        Mitt Romney
        Rick Perry

Presidential Race 2008:

Original Photos of the candidates
on the campaign trail

        Barack Obama
        Hillary Clinton
        John McCain
        Fred Thompson
        Mike Huckabee
        Bill Richardson
        Joe Biden

Presidential Race 2004:

Original Photos of the candidates
on the campaign trail

        John Kerry
        John Edwards
        Dick Gephardt
        Bob Graham
        Dennis Kucinich
        Howard Dean

The Kansas Institute for Politics was established in 2010 to serve as a resource for students, scholars, historians, researchers, politicians, and the general public. The Institute was founded on the premise that a curious, active and informed citizenry is an essential element of a well-functioning democracy and promotes and makes available informational materials and scholarly research about Kansas politics and history.

Kansas Governors
Kansas Governors The Kansas Governor is the key figure of Kansas Politics and government. In this section are resources on Kansas Governor's and their administrations. Most notably is the Kansas Governor's Project by the Washburn Department of Political Science, an ongoing research project that has, to date, produced a series of articles, published in the journal "Kansas History," on Governors John Anderson, William Avery, John Carlin, and Mike Hayden. Transcripts of interviews with these governors, along with former governors Bill Graves, Kathleen Sebelius, and Mark Parkinson, are also available. Additionally, a photo archive of rare photos of Kansas governors—many donated by the governors themslves—is featured.
Kansas Candidate DebatesKansas Candidate Debates The Kansas Institute for Politics is the central repository of Kansas radio and television debates. Included in this archive is access to televised candidate debates going back to the early 1990's, along with recent TV and radio debates between candidates for offices in Kansas that include Governor, US Congress, and US Senate.

Kansas Political AdsKansas Political Ads The Kansas Institute for Politics is the foremost archive dedicated to preserving and allowing access to political radio and television ads from Kansas campaigns over the past forty years. This ongoing project strives to make available not only the ads shown in the state from recent campaigns, but also ads shown in Kansas state and local races from the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's.
Avalanche of Kansas ads in GOP primary races ignore restraint, published in Kansas Reflector
, a Kansas Reflector article by Tim Carpenter, 7-30-2020

Kansas ElectionsKansas Elections Kansas elections for state and federal offices have have been the focus of a number of studies over the years. In this section are studies of Kansas elections that includes races for congress, governor, Attorney General, and other offices. Also in this section is election data of past Kansas primary and general elections.
Kansas Governor DocumentaryKansas Governor Documentary "The Kansas Governor" is a one hour documentary focusing on the chief executive of the state and the challenges, duties, and surprises that go along with the job, along with the human element that shapes why and how candidates run for the office. The documentary is based on extensive interviews with former Kansas governors John Anderson, William Avery, John Carlin, Mike Hayden, and Kathleen Sebelius, and also spotlights former governors Robert Docking, Robert Bennett, and Joan Finney. It was written and produced by Dr. Bob Beatty and directed by Lyall Ford, both of Washburn University.

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