"Big Breasted Women"
The big breasted women looking at pictures
Of models dressed in size two
They cannot find anything to buy
In the seasonal fashion catalogue
Petite women thinking augmentation
Wondering if they really need to wear a bra
Trying to enhance what is in front and behind
Hoping they will look good enough
Blondes wanting to be known for their intellect
Hoping there will be no jokes today
Looking at the different hair colors
On the local Drug Store orderly shelves
Wondering if those boxes would make a difference
Brunettes and those with coal black hair
Wondering what if would be like if they were blond
Would changing the color of their hair get them a man
Would they still have a good personality
To be different may not bring the happiness you think
You just may have to buy a bigger bra,
Comb your hair, and maybe for once
Just smile and be happy for what you are
"Sitting in the Passanger Seat"
Today I sit in the passenger seat waiting for someone else to drive
My road has always been driven by me and I am anxious
I will sit quietly as I wait for someone else to take command
It is not easy for me because I have been so independent
The seatbelt buckles on the wrong side of my body
I will have to open the door with my right hand
These simple tasks are unusual and seem so uncomfortable
The radio is not set on the stations I once tuned in so faithfully
Even seeing the sidewalk outside of my window does not seem right
I will not complain for it is time I let someone else take the wheel
It is time for my children to take me to a ball game
I will try to not feel insecure as someone else drives for me
I still feel my mind is sharp and I could drive if necessary
Why bother for this is the time I should be happy I am still alive
It is time for me to sit in the passenger’s seat
"I Truly Believe"
I truly believe the youth of today are good
Sometimes controversial and misunderstood
I truly believe when the chips are down
They will like those before come around
With youth we will not always agree
Because it is not for them but all about me
I truly believe in time they will learn to lead
To make and follow rules that has been decreed
We were young where we had dreams
It really wasn’t as long ago as it seems
If we do not put them under a microscope
They will grow and we will have no hope
I truly believe for our lives to enhance
We must let them fly and give them a chance
This is not a new idea I wish to conceive
I just want you to truly believe
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