Biography |
Mr and Mrs. Haldeman-Julius were a couple who shared equally in the writing and publication
of many essays, short stories, newspaper publications, and even
a few short novels. They lived during an era of great social
enlightenment that succedeed the Communist
Revolution in Russia and The Great War. This era was the
first in history to include women on equal ground.
E. Haldeman-Julius was born in Philadelphia to
Jewish immigrant parents from Odessa, Russia. Emanuel Julius
joined the Socialist Party as a teenager. Although not formally
educated, he nonetheless became a successful writer for the
leading Socialist newspapers in New York, Milwaukee, Chicago,
and Los Angeles. However, he left these cities for the small
town of Girard, Kansas,
population 3000, to become an editor of his own publication,
The Appeal To Reason. While in Girard, perhaps the
most important thing happened in his life when he met and fell
in love with a young and beautiful Marcet, age 28. Although
they met in Girard, both had experienced the cosmopolitan and
cultural life of Greenwich Villlage in New York City. Marcet
grew up the daughter of a well-to-do Republican Presbyterian
banker in Girard and was able to sample far off places, exotic
cultures, and many intellectual pursuits. Both Marcet and Emanuel,
yearning for the culture of Greenwich village, nonetheless settled
down in Girard and published works by many famous authors through
their "Little Blue Books" at the Haldeman-Julius Press. Emanuel
and Marcet worked jointly and were equal partners in their pursuits,
publishing works together and independently, as well as the
works of many unknown authors in their "Little Blue Books."
TheLittle Blue Books, the first mass market paperbacks in the
United States, were not necessarily blue, but used cheap pulp
paper in order to lower the cost and make books available to
poor and rich alike.
They were both devout Communist and Atheists and
traveled to the Soviet Union to explore the great Bolshevik
social experiement in Russia. Socialism seemed to be the driving
force behind many of the Haldeman-Julius's works including their
authorship of a Socialist periodical, The Appeal to Reason.
Very soon the Haldeman-Juliuses
found themselves in the company of a wide range of famous authors
of the time, such as: Upton
Sinclair, Clarence Darrow, Will Durant, E. W. Howe, and
Alfred Kreymborg. These famous visits to their farm near
Girard was chronicled in a Little Blue Book, Famous and
Intersting Guests of a Kansas Farm, by Marcet Haldeman-Julius.
The two divorced in 1931 but continued to live
together at their farm in Girard. Marcet died in 1941 and Emanuel
remarried a year later. Emanuel died only 11 years later in
1952 in a drowning accident. Their press, by the time of his
death, had published over 500 million books. The Haldeman-Juliuses
will always be remembered for their views of a new and better
world, their commitment to little-known authors, and their dissemination
of cheap books so millions of people could have access to great
literary works.
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Bibliography ( - housed in Thomas Fox Averill Kansas Studies Collection) |
"Caught," The Atlantic 124, (Nov. 1919): 628-639.
- "Dreams
and Compound Interest," The Atlantic 124, (Nov. 1919): 628-639.
Unworthy Coopers," The Atlantic, 127 (May 1921):
- "The
Girl in the Snappy Little Roadster," The Debunker and
the American
Parade 14, (Feb. 1931): 3-24.
- "Comtesse
Du Jones," The Atlantic, 131 (Feb. 1923):
- "Kinks," Haldeman-Julius Monthly 2 (July
1925): 103-114.
- "Crooks
and Croesus," An Unpublished Short Story,"
Porter Library
Bulletin 5 (Apr. 1, 1971): [1]-2, 17-24. Ten Cent Pocket Series No. 396.
Kan.: Haldeman-Julius Company, [1923]. 10,000 copies
printed; reprinted, 1924, 10,000 copies; reprinted, 1930,
2,500 copies.
"Embers: A Play in One
Act," on the Center for Kansas Studies Website.
- "These
Bones Will Rise Again," Haldeman-Julius Monthly 2 (Oct.
1925): 432-442.
- Dust (novel), New York: Brentano's, 1921.
- Fleas (short story)
- Violence (novel), New York: Simon and Schuster, 1929.
- Jane Addams As I Knew Her (Marcet)
Miscellaneous Essays, some published as Little Blue Books:
- Luther Burbank
- Art in the Movies
- The Pocket Series I,
- The Pocket Series II,
- Protestantism and Catholicism,
- Axel Peterson I
- Axel Peterson II
- King Tut
- Culture and Workers
- Joseph Addison and the Thirst for News
- Let Me Die When I'm Twenty
- Untitled
- A Great Composer's View
- A Classic Bit of Literature
- Krepotkin's Amusing Experience With Spies
- Spartacus
- The Agitator That Didn't Stop
- The Gracchi-Fighters for Land and Liberty
- The Old Haters (incomplete)
- The Short Short Story (Thanks For The
- The Super Hottentott
- Wat Tyler's Peasant Revolt
- Wolves
- Attitude
- Cogs
- Extremes
- One of the Maximums
- The Man Who Out-Shawed Shaw
- The Paperweight
- The Red Flag
- "Anatalie,"
- As In A Short Story
- Disillusioned
- Home
- Interview With a Lady Author
- Just Women
- Misunderstood
- On Throwing Things Away
- Page One, Column One
- Sentimentality
- Somewhere in Europe
- Eternal Wrangle
- The Hero's Boss
- The Hoaxmobile Four vs. Troglodytes Six
- The Meeting
- The Pauper
- The Professor
- The Revolution
- The Ring
- The Voice
- The Voice (expanded)
- Titles for Nut Writers
- Unconventional
- Undroving the Drove
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Writing Samples |
Dust was piled in thick, velvety folds on
the weeds and grass of the open Kansas prairie; it lay, a thin
veil on the scrawny black horses and the sharp-boned bow picketed
near a covered wagon; it showered to the ground in little clouds
as Mrs. Wade, a tall, spare woman, moved about a camp-fire,
preparing supper in a sizzling skillet, huge iron kettle and
blackened coffee-pot.
Sylvia's soft, golden hair was bobbed; her
laughter had a merry lilt; the round, childlike, violet eyes
were fringed with heavy, curling lashes, and in the soft fabrics
dyed by her own rosy fingers into rare, intoxicating colors,
she seemed like some dainty creature who had strayed from fairyland.
Her brilliant loveliness nd when, just as everyone thought he
had nearly won her, she suddenly veered to his own chum and
shack mate, Oliver Mercer, who dabbled in oils and played the
piano. Radnor-by-the-Sea became impossible for Gordon. He felt
that he must go away from California, far away from Sylvia and
Oliver and from the colony of friends who knew of his bitter
Other work online by Haldeman-Julius:
For a site devoted to the history, identification and collecting of the various 3½ × 5 inch volumes published by Emanuel Haldeman-Julius (and his son) via Appeal to Reason, Appeal Publishing Company, Haldeman-Julius Company, Haldeman-Julius Publications, and The Little Blue Book Company:
For Haldeman-Julius' Dust and Short Works:
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Other |
One Sunday afternoon of that year, E. Haldeman-Julius,
publisher of the famous Little Blue Books, happened to pass
Labor Temple and noted from the announcement board that at 5
p.m. Durant would talk on Plato. The publisher entered, liked
the lecture and later, from Girard, Kansas, wrote and asked
Durant to turn that lecture into one of his little five-cent
Blue Book publications. Durant initially refused, on the ground
that his other work was taking up all his time. Here, at the
outset, his literary career might have come to an end. But Julius
wrote again and enclosed advance payment. Durant yielded and
then again absorbed himself in teaching, but Julius asked for
a booklet on Aristotle -- again sending payment in advance.
This, too, was written, and again Durant thought the relationship
was ended. But the enterprising publisher persisted until 11
booklets were delivered to him. History would prove that these
enterprises, undertaken very much against his will, would create
what would ultimately become a best seller, for the 11 booklets
became The Story of Philosophy.
Clarence Darrow
Upton Sinclair
Mrs. Martin Johnson
E.W. Howe
Alfred Kreymborg
Louise Strong
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Links |
E. Haldeman-Julius on Wikipedia.
Emanuel and Marcet Haldeman-Julius on Kansas Historical Society's website.
Kansas Historical Society publication "Reflection" article beginning on Page six.
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