Q: How did
you become interested in writing?
A: I started writing magazine articles, eventually getting published in the Cattlmen and the Kansas City Star. My mother's father, W.B Jackson, wrote a weekly column for the local newspaper and encouraged me to read often.
Q: How did you research for your first book?
A: You used to be able to mail letters to the Library of Congress and they would respond to your detailed question later on by mail. I did lots of research this way until it was discontinued. Now doing research is much easier with the internet and I don't have to wait weeks for a reply.
Q: Are you working on a new book?
A: Yes I'm working on a title that, as of right now, is called Wind Across America. This book highlights much of what we still have to be proud of in our country. I think people have forgotten about what great things we have done in our country. The other part of the book details many of the bad parts of our history that have shaped us to be who we have become.
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