Kansas Literature in Print
***Listings are alphabetical by author, then by title.*** Adams, Andy (Dodge City). Log of a Cowboy (reminiscence). 1955. Bison Books, University of Nebraska Press, 901 N 17, Lincoln, NE 68588-0520 (402-472-3581), 1964. ISBN 0803250002, $8.95. Addiss, Stephen (Lawrence), editor, with Stanley Lombardo. Phoenix Papers: 26 Lawrence Poets. Penthe Publishing Co, 2524 W 9 Terrace, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-841-2876), 1993. ISBN 0963247514, $15.00. Allard, Tony (Lawrence). Watching the Snow Channel (performance poems). Woolly Mammoth Press, 1916 Stratford Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044. $2.00. Allen, Thomas (Lawrence). Climbing Kansas Mountains (children's story). MacMillan, 866 3 Ave, New York, NY 10022 (1-800-257-5755), 1993. ISBN 0027821811. Ascher, Carol (Topeka). The Flood (novel). Curbstone Press, $11.95). This novel, set in Topeka during the flood of 1951, concerns the Hoffmans, European immigrants, as they adjust to life in Kansas during the time of Brown v. Bd of Education. Aubert, Jimmy R (LaHarpe). Baker's Dozen (poetry). 1983. $2.00. _____. A Blueberry Thief (poetry). 1981. $2.00. _____. The Burning Pot (poetry). 1976. $1.00. _____. Poems, 37, Nude (poetry). 1976. $2.00. All available from the author, Route 1, Laharpe, KS 66751. Averill, Thomas Fox (Topeka). Cottonwood 47: Special Tom Averill issue. Cottonwood Press, 400 Kansas Union, Box J, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913- 864-3777). _____. Kansas Literature (course syllabus/introduction/essays). Independent Study Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045. _____. "Snapping Turtle," "A Kind of Burning," and "Resurrection Run" (short stories), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. _____. Passes at the Moon (stories). Woodley Press, 1985. ISBN 0939391031, $5.00. _____. Seeing Mona Naked (stories). Watermark Books, 149 North Broadway, Suite 201, Wichita, KS 67202, (1-800-533-1056), 1989. ISBN 0922820015, $9.75. _____, editor. What Kansas Means to Me (anthology). University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864-4154), 1991. ISBN 0700604316, $14.95. _____. Oleander's Guide to Kansas: How You Know When You're HERE. Eagle Books, 825 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67202 (316-268-6000), 1996. Illustrated by Patrick Marrin. Introduction by Kathleen Sibelius. ISBN 1-880652-88-9 $12.95. Bascom, George. Faint Echoes (poetry). Sunflower University Press, 1531 Yuma Box 1009, Manhattan, KS 66502-4228 (913-539-1888), 1991. ISBN 0897451414, $12.95. _____. Medicine Circle (poetry). Sunflower University Press. ISBN 0897451694, $15.95. Baum, L Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (novel). 1990. Dover Publications, 31 E 2, Mineola, NY 11501 (1-800-223-3130), 1960. ISBN 0486206912, $7.95. This same publisher carries all 14 of Baum's Oz books. Bethel, Gar (Winfield). Dust, River and Stars. Cottonwood Arts Foundation/Point Riders Press, PO Box 2731, Norman, OK 73070. ISBN 0937280321, $4.00. _____. Fresh Eggs. Wythe House Press. Limited copies are available from Cottonwood Arts Foundation/Point Riders Press, and from the author, 0212 Iowa, Winfield, KS 67156. $10.00. _____. Local Color (poetry). $3.00. Blair, Mike (Pratt). Prairie Chronicles. Creator Press, 502 Haskell, Pratt, KS 67124. ISBN 0963786237, $12.95. Bond, Bruce (Lawrence). Independence Days (winner, Robert Gross Poetry Prize). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913- 231-1010 x 1441), 1990. ISBN 0939391147, $7.50. Boucher, Troy (Winfield). "Pocket Money" and "Wildwood Flower" (short stories; winner, Robert Gross Memorial Prize), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Brooks, Gwendolyn (Topeka). Report from Part One: An Autobiography. Broadside Press, PO Box 04257, Detroit, MI 48204 (313-934-1231), 1972. ISBN 0910296820, $17.95. Brooks, Janice Young (as Jill Churchill) (Overland Park). A Farewell to Yarns (mystery novel). Avon, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019 (1-800-238-0658), 1991. ISBN 0380763990, $3.99. _____. The Class Menagerie (mystery novel). Avon, 1994. ISBN 0380773805, $4.99. _____. Grime and Punishment (mystery novel). Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036-4096 (1-800-223-6834), 1989. ISBN 0553276468, $3.50. Brosseau, Susan (Lawrence), editor, with David Ohle and Roger Martin. Cows Are Freaky When They Look at You (reminiscences). Watermark Press, 149 North Broadway, Suite 201, Wichita, KS 67202 (1-800-533-1056), 1991. ISBN 0922820139, $15.00. Browder, Catherine (Kansas City). The Clay That Breathes (short stories). Milkweed Editions, 430 1 N, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1703 (1- 800-788-3123), 1991. ISBN 0915943638, $9.95. Buckman, Repha (Sterling), editor, with Robert Lawson. Four Class Acts (plays). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. _____. Broken Pieces (radio script). Tri-Crown Press, Box 175, Sterling, KS 67579 (316-278-3248). $2.50. _____. Kanza Collecting (Cassette of Poetry/short story). Tri-Crown Press. $10.00. _____. Repha (poetry). Tri-Crown Press, 1986. ISBN 0940559005, $5.00. Butler, Jimmie H (El Dorado). Red Lightning/Black Thunder (novel). New American Library/Dutton, 375 Hudson, New York, NY 10014-3657 (212- 366-2000), 1991. Hardcover, ISBN 0525933778, $21.95; paperback, ISBN 0451173287, $5.99. Cagle, Charles (Pittsburg). "Ballad of Spring River," in Three Novellas. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1993. ISBN 09393911701, $10.00. Calkin, Abigail B (Topeka). Nikolin (novel). Northwest Publishing Inc, 5442 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 (801-266-5555), 1994. ISBN 1569010498, $9.95. Capote, Truman (Holcomb). In Cold Blood (nonfiction novel). 1965. New American Library/Dutton, 375 Hudson, New York, NY 10014-3657 (212- 366-2000), 1967. $5.99. Capper Press (editors). Heart Songs (poetry anthology). Capper's Book Service, 1503 SW 42, Topeka, KS 66609 (913-274-4300). ISBN 0941678075, $4.95. _____. My Folks Came in a Covered Wagon (anthology). 1956. $6.95. _____. My Folks Claimed the Plains (anthology). 1978. $6.95. Carlson, Nolan (Wamego). Summer and Shiner (children's novel). Hearth Publishers, PO Box L, Hillsboro, KS 67063 (316-947-3966). ISBN 0962794740, $8.95. Carroll, Lenore (Kansas City). Annie Chambers (novel). Watermark Press, 149 North Broadway, Suite 201, Wichita, KS 67202 (1-800-533-1056), 1989. ISBN 0922820074, $8.50. _____. "Welcome Home" (short story), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Churchill, Jill (see Brooks, Janice Young). Clair, Maxine (Kansas City, Kansas). Rattlebone (novel). New York: Penguin Books, 1994. ISBN: 0-14-024825-0, $9.95 Clovis, Al (Topeka). Potsdam Protocol (novel). Lone Tree Publishing, 4410 SW 25, Topeka, KS 66614, (913-271-6717), 1993. ISBN 0943861241, $22.95. Cokinos, Christopher (Manhattan). Killing Seasons (winner, Robert Gross Poetry Prize). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1993. ISBN 0939391198, $7.00. Coldsmith, Don (Emporia). Buffalo Medicine (Spanish Bit Saga #4). Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036-4096 (1-800-223- 6834), 1988. ISBN 0553269380, $3.99. _____. Changing Wind (Spanish Bit Super #1). Bantam, 1990. ISBN 0553283340, $4.50. _____. Daughter of the Eagle (Spanish Bit Saga #6). Bantam, 1988. ISBN 0553272098, $3.99. _____. Elf-Dog Heritage (Spanish Bit Saga #2). Bantam, 1987. ISBN 0553264125, $3.99. _____. Flower in the Mountains. Doubleday, 1988. ISBN 038524231X, $12.95. _____. Follow the Wind (Spanish Bit Saga #3). Bantam, 1987. ISBN 0553268066, $3.99. _____. Fort de Chastaigne (Spanish Bit Saga #16). Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0553294199, $3.99. _____. Horsin' Around Again. Bantam, 1981. ISBN 0931722136, $14.00. _____. Medicine Knife (Spanish Bit Saga #12). Bantam, 1989. ISBN 0553283189, $3.99. _____. Pale Star (Spanish Bit Saga #9). Bantam, 1988. ISBN 0553276042, $3.50. _____. Quest for the White Bull (Spanish Bit Saga #17). Doubleday, 1990. ISBN 0385263015, $14.95. _____. Return of the Spanish Bit (Spanish Bit Saga #18). Doubleday, 1990. Hardcover, ISBN 0385263015, $15.00; paperback, ISBN 0553296817, $4.50. _____. Thunderstick. Doubleday, 1993. ISBN 0385470266, $15.00. _____. Trail from Toas (Spanish Bit Saga #14). Bantam, 1990. ISBN 0553287065, $3.99. _____. Traveler #2. Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0553288687, $4.99. _____. Walks in the Sun. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 055382620, $4.50. _____. World of Silence. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553289454, $4.0. Confluence (anthology). Edited by Denise Low. Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864- 3777), 1983. ISBN 0685300374, $3.00. Connell, Evan S, Jr (Kansas City). Mr. Bridge (novel). 1969. North Point Press, 1563 Solano, Suite 353, Berkeley, CA 94707-2116, 1990. ISBN 0865479545, $9.95. _____. Mrs. Bridge (novel). 1959. North Point Press, 1990. ISBN 0865470561, $9.95. Contoski, Victor (Lawrence). Broken Treaties (poetry). New River Press, 420 N 5, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612-339-7114), 1973. Hardcover, ISBN 0685298698, $10.00; paperback, ISBN 0912284420, $2.50. _____. A Kansas Sequence (poetry). Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), 1983. ISBN 0685300358, $4.00. _____. Names. New Rivers Press, 1979. ISBN 0685300358, $4.00. Coop, Mahlon (Olathe), editor, with Philip Miller. Three Novellas. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1993. ISBN 0939391171, $10.00. Cottonwood Magazine. A publication of the Cottonwood Review Press, Box J, Kansas Union, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). This periodical regularly publishes Kansas literary work. Special issues dedicated to noted Kansas authors: Cottonwood 40: Ed Wolfe Cottonwood 45: Gerald Early Cottonwood 46: Anne Waldman Cottonwood 47: Tom Averill Cottonwood 48 (forthcoming): Denise Low Cutler, Bruce (Wichita). Dark Fire (poetry). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110-2499, (816-235-2558), 1985. ISBN 0933532474, $6.25. _____. The Doctrine of Selective Depravity (poetry). Juniper Press, 1310 Sherwood Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601 (608-788-0096), 1980. ISBN 1557800812, $5.00. _____. The Maker's Name (poetry). Juniper, 1980. Remaindered. $10.00. _____. Nectar in a Seive (poetic essays). Juniper. Remaindered. $3.00. -----. The Massacre at Sand Creek: Narrative Voices. University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-8061-2730-9. This is a beautifully-written account from many different voices, both European and Native American. Dahlberg, Edward (Kansas City). Because I Was Flesh (autobiography). New Directions, 808, New York, NY 10011 (212-255-0230), 1965. ISBN 0811200299, $9.95. Dallas, Sandra. The Persian Pickle Club (novel). Set in Harveyville, Kansas, in the 1930s, a book about a quilting club with a secret about a local murder. St. Martin's Press, 1995, $10.95, ISBN 0-312-14701-5. Daniels, Celia (Topeka), and Cynthia Pederson. Fissures. Singular Speech Press, 10 Hilltop Drive, Canton, CT 06019 (203-693-6059), 1993. ISBN 1880286130, $6.00. Davis, Frank Marshall (Arkansas City). Livin' the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet. Edited by John Edgar Tidwell. University of Wisconsin Press, 114 N Murray, Madison, WI 53715-1199 (608-262- 8782, 1992. ISBN 0299135004, $27.50. Day, Robert (Ludell). The Four Wheel Drive Quartet (novella). Galileo Press, 15201 Wheeler Lane, Sparks, MD 21152 (1-800-345-6665), 1986. Hardcover, ISBN 0913123080, $11.95; paperback, ISBN 0913123099, $5.95. _____. In My Stead (novella). Cottonwood Review Press, Box J., Kansas Union, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), 1981. ISBN 068530034X, $5.95. _____. The Last Cattle Drive (novel). University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864-4154), 1977. Cloth, ISBN 0700602437, $14.95; paperback, ISBN 070060393X, $7.95. _____. "Not in Kansas Anymore" (essay), in What Kansas Means to Me. University Press of Kansas, 1991, $14.95. _____. Speaking French in Kansas and Other Stories (short stories). Cottonwood Press, 1989. ISBN 1878434144, $8.95. Decades Dance: A Celebration of Poems. Edited by Mark Sanders. Sandhills Press, 219 S 19 St, Ord, NE 68862, 1991. ISBN 0911015175, $15.00. Denniston, Keith (Emporia). Jazz Moods (poetry). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1987. ISBN 0939391090, $3.00. Dion, Marc Munroe (Kansas City). To Veronica's New Lover (poems). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1987. ISBN 933532601, $7.95. Dold, Gaylord (Wichita). Bonepile. Ballantine/Fawcett Books, 201 E 50, New York, NY 10022 (212-572-4958), 1988. ISBN 0804102333, $3.50. _____. Cold Cash. Ballantine, 1987. ISBN 0804101558, $3.50. _____. Disheveled City. Ballantine, 1990. ISBN 0804104891, $3.50. _____. Hot Summer, Cold Murder. Avon Books, 105 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10019. _____. Muscle and Blood. Ballantine, 1989. ISBN 0801403690, $3.50. _____. Penny for the Old Guy. St Martin's Press, 175 5 Rm 1715 New York, NY 10010 (1-800-221-7945), 1991. $17.95. _____. Rude Boys. St Martin's Press, 1991. ISBN 031296442X, $18.95. _____. Snake Eyes. Ballantine, 1987. ISBN 0804101469, $2.95. _____. The World Beat. St Martin's Press, 1993. ISBN 0312099452, $19.95. Doty, Carolyn (Lawrence). Whispers. Maxwell Macmillan, 1992. ISBN 068419287X. Draper, Edythe Squier (Oswego). As Grass (short stories). Edited by Tom Averill, introduction by Jeffrey Ann Goudie. Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). $6.00. Duggan, Thomas (Wichita). Takers of the Earth, Takers of the Spirit (poetry). Available from the author, 6155 Hydraulic, Wichita, KS 67216. $2.00. Early, Gerald. Cottonwood 45: Special Gerald Early issue. Cottonwood Press, 400 Kansas Union, Box J, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). Edwards, Connie. The Girl That Passed By (poetry). Chiron Review Press, Rt 2, Box 111, St John, KS 67576 (316-549-3933), 1991. ISBN 0943795176, $6.00. Elliott, Harley (Salina). Animals that Stand in Dreams (poetry). Hanging Loose Press, 231 Wyckoff, Brooklyn, NY 12217, 1977. ISBN 0914610082, $5.00. _____. The Citizen Game. The Basilisk Press, 252 King Road, Forestville, NY 14062. _____. Darkness at Each Elbow (poetry). Hanging Loose Press, 231 Wyckoff, Brooklyn, NY 12217 (1-800-243-0138), 1981. ISBN 091461021X, $7.00. _____. The Monkey of Mulberry Pass (poetry). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1991. ISBN 0939391155, $7.00. Epperson, S K (Wichita). The Moons of Summer (novel). Donald I Fine, New York, 1994. ISBN 155611382X. Farley, Melanie (Lawrence), editor. 19 Stories. Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), 1982. Fickett, Harold (Wichita). First Light (novel). Bethany House Publishers, 11300 Hampshire S, Minneapolis, MN 55438 (1-800-328-6109), 1993. ISBN 1556611757. Four Class Acts (plays). Edited by Repha J Buckman and Robert N Lawson. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. Gale, Patrick. Kansas in August (novel). BDD Promo Books, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036-4094 (1-800-223-5780), 1987. ISBN 0792483995, $1.98. Girard, James Preston (Newton), editor, Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. _____. The Late Man (novel). MacMillan, 866 3 Ave, New York, NY 10022 (1-800-257-5755), 1993. ISBN 0689121830, $20.00. Goad, Craig (Wichita). Hurrying into the Night (winner of the Robert Gross Poetry Prize). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1987. ISBN 0939391082, $5.00. Goldbarth, Albert (Wichita). Across the Layers: Poems Old and New (poetry). University of Georgia Press, Terrell Hall, Athens, GA 30602 (404-542-2830), 1993. Cloth, ISBN 0820315478; paperback, ISBN 0820315486, $16.95. Goudie, Jeffrey Ann (Topeka). Introduction, As Grass, by Edythe Squier Draper. Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1994. $6.00. Green, Vincent S (Hutchinson). Price of Victory (novel). New American Library/Dutton, 375 Hudson, New York, NY 10014-3657 (212-366-2000), 1992. Hardcover, ISBN 0802712002, $19.95; paperback ISBN 0451176480, $4.99. Gunn, James (Lawrence). Cosmology. _____. The Dreamers (novel). 1981. $12.00. _____. The Magicians (novel). 1976. $9.00. _____. Nebula Award Stories 10 (anthology). 1975. $10.00. _____. Some Dreams are Nightmares (short stories). 1974. $8.00. _____, and Jack Williamson. Star Bridge (novel). $3.00. All are remaindered, and are available from the author, 2215 Orchard Lane, Lawrence, KS 66044. Gurley, George (Lawrence). Fugues in the Plumbing (poetry). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1980. ISBN 0933532059, $4.50. Haldeman-Julius, Marcet and Emanuel (Girard). Dust and Short Works (a novel, short works, and a play). Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. $12.00. Harson, Dylan (Wichita). Kansas Blue (novel). Donald I Fine, New York, 1993. ISBN 1556113757, $21.50. Hathaway, Michael (St John). God Poems. Chiron Review Press, Rt 2, Box 111, St John 67576. $3.00. _____. Shadows of Myself (poetry). Chiron. $7.00. _____. Stumbling into Light (poetry). Chiron. $7.00. Hawkins, Laura (Herington). The Cat that Could Spell Mississippi (middle- grade fiction). Houghton Mifflin, 222 Berkeley St, Boston, MA 02116 (1-800-733-1717), 1992. ISBN 0395616271, $13.95. _____. Figment, Your Dog, Speaking (middle-grade fiction). Houghton- Mifflin. Hardcover, ISBN 0395570328, $13.95; paperback, ISBN 0395604737, $4.95. _____. Valentine to a Flying Mouse (middle-grade fiction). Houghton- Mifflin $13.95. Haywood, C. Robert (Fowler). The Preacher's Kid (stories). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1985. ISBN 093939104X, $5.00. _____, editor, with Sandra Jarvis. A Funnie Place, No Fences: Teenagers' Views of Kansas 1867-1900. Division of Continuing Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045. ISBN 0936352108, $19.00. Heartlands Fiction Collective. These and Other Lands (anthology of stories by Midwestern writers). Listed as out of print, but a limited number of copies are available from The Writer's Place, 3607 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO. Hardcover, ISBN 0915637030, $15.95; paperback, ISBN 0915637049, $7.95. Heat-Moon, William Least. "The Great Kansas Passage" (essay), in What Kansas Means to Me. University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864-4154), 1991. ISBN 0700604316, $14.95. _____. Prairyerth. Houghton-Mifflin, One Beacon St, Boston, MA 02108 (1- 800-733-1717), 1991. Hardcover, ISBN 0395486025, $24.95; paperback, ISBN 039563752X, $14.95. Heffernan, Michael. Central States (poetry). Midwest Quarterly, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 66762. $2.00. _____. The Man at Home (poetry). University of Arkansas Press, 201 Ozark Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701 (1-800-525-1823), 1988. Hardcover, ISBN 1557280223, $16.95; paperback, ISBN 1557280223, $8.95. Heller, Steve (Manhattan). The Automotive History of Lucky Kellerman (novel). Doubleday, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036-4096 (1-800- 223-6834), 1989. ISBN 0385263511, $7.95. _____. The Man Who Drank A Thousand Beers (short stories). Chariton Review Press, English Dept., Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501 (816-785-4499), 1984. ISBN 0933428030, $5.00. Hertzler, Arthur E., M.D. (Halstead). The Horse and Buggy Doctor (autobiography). 1938. Bison Books, University of Nebraska Press, 901 N 17, Lincoln, NE 68588-0520 (402-472-3581), 1970. ISBN 0803257171, $9.50. Hind, Steven (Hutchinson). That Trick of Silence (poems). Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). $5.00. -----. In A Place With No Map (poems). Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621. ISBN 0-939391-24-4, $7.00. A group of poems in which this Flint Hills poet reaches full power as an interpreter of place, its history and culture, its people and landscapes. Holden, Jonathan (Manhattan). The Sublime (poetry). University of North Texas Press, $10.95, paper. ______. Against Paradise (poetry). University of Utah Press, 101 University Services Building, Salt Lake city, UT 84112 (1-800-444-8638), 1990. ISBN 0874803411, $7.95. _____. American Gothic (poetry). University of Georgia Press, Terrell Hall, Athens, GA 30602 (404-542-2830). Cloth, ISBN 0820314099, $20.00; paperback, ISBN 0820314080, $9.95. _____. Design for a House (poetry--Devins Award). University of Missouri Press, 2910 LeMone Blvd, Columbia, MO 65201 (314-882-0180), 1972. ISBN 0826201326, $9.95. _____. Leverage (poetry--AWP Award). University Press of Virginia, Box 3608, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804-982-2655), 1983. ISBN 0813910110, $10.95. _____. The Names of the Rapids (poetry--Juniper Prize). University of Massachusetts Press, P.O. Box 429, Amherst, MA 01004 (413-545-2217), 1985. 087023501X, $6.95. Hope, Holly. Garden City: Dreams of a Kansas Town (autobiography). University of Oklahoma Press, 1005 Asp, Norman, OK 73019-0445 (1-800- 627-7377). ISBN 080612105X, $18.95. Howe, Edgar Watson (Atchison). Plain People. 1929. Reprint Service Corp, 3972 Barranca Parkway, Suite J412, Irving, CA 92714 (909-699-5731), 1991. ISBN 0781281997, $79.00. _____. Story of a Country Town. 1884. NCUP, 292 Washington, Suite 111B, Albany, NY 12203-5346 (518-456-2072), 1988. ISBN 0808402870, $12.95. Hueter, Diane (Lawrence). Kansas: Just Before Sleep (poetry). Cottonwood Review Press, Box J, Kansas Union, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), 1978. ISBN 0685300323, $1.25. Hughes, Langston (Lawrence). The Big Sea (autobiography). Hill and Wang, 19 Union Square W, New York, NY 10003, 1986. ISBN 0938410334. _____. I Wonder as I Wander (autobiography). 1956. Hippocrene Books, 171 Madison, New York, NY 10016 (718-454-2366), 1974. ISBN 0374940312, $27.50. _____. Not Without Laughter (novel). MacMillan, 866 3, New York, NY 10022 (1-800-257-5755), 1986. ISBN 0020522002, $6.95. _____. Selected Poems (poems). Vintage, 201 E 50, New York, NY 10022 (212-571-2600), 1990. ISBN 067172818X, $10.00. Inge, William (Independence). Four Plays. Grove/Atlantic, 841 Broadway, New York, NY 10003-4793 (1-800-521-0178). ISBN 080213209X, $9.95. ____. "A Level Land" (essay), in What Kansas Means to Me. University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864-4154), 1991. ISBN 0700604316, $14.95. Inscape: The Washburn University Arts Review. A publication of Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). This periodical regularly publishes Kansas literary work. Irby, Ken (Lawrence). Orexis (poetry). Station Hill Press, Station Hill Road, Barryton, NY 12507 (914-758-5840), 1981. ISBN 0930794176, $4.50. Irving, Donn (Merriam). "She Wants to Know," in Three Novellas. The Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1993. ISBN 0939391171, $10.00. Ise, John (Downs). Sod and Stubble (biographical novel). 1936. Bison Books, University of Nebraska, 901 N 17, Lincoln, NE 68588-0520 (402- 472-3581), 1967. Hardcover, ISBN 0803202075, $30.00; paperback, ISBN 0803250983, $9.95. Jaffe, Dan (Overland Park), editor. Kansas City Outloud II. BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1990. ISBN 0933532733, $12.95. _____. Round for One Voice (poetry). University of Arkansas Press, 201 Ozark Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701 (501-575-3246), 1988. Hardcover, ISBN 1557280320, $16.95; paperback, ISBN 1557280339, $8.95. _____. Seasons of the River (poetry). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1987. ISBN 093353258X, $14.95. Jaffe, Michael Grant. Dance Real Slow (novel). Set in contemporary Kansas, in Tarent, pop. 41,000, this novel is about a single father who makes peace with his life: his own father, his son, his ex-wife, all while falling in love. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1996, ISBN 0-374-13466-9. Jarvis, Sandra (Kansas City), editor, with C Robert Haywood. A Funnie Place, No Fences: Teenagers' Views of Kansas 1867-1900. Division of Continuing Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045. ISBN 0936352108, $19.00. Johnson, Michael (Lawrence). Dry Season (poetry). Cottonwood Review Press, Box J, Kansas Union, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), 1977. $1.25. _____. Ecphrases (poetry). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1989. ISBN 0939391112, $5.00. _____. The Unicorn Captured (poetry). Cottonwood Press, 1980. ISBN 0685300331, $4.00. _____. Violence and Grace: Poems About the American West. Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). Johnson, Ronald (Ashland/Topeka) Ark (poetry). Living Batch Press, 106 Cornell Drive SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. ISBN 0-945953-07-0, $25. A work of epic proportions, with 99 poems in 33-poem sections consisting of Foundations, Spires and Ramparts. Johnson writes: "The idea of ARK came when I was able at last to conceive it a structure rather than diatribe, artifact rather than argument ... Of stout pioneer stock, grandson of prairie settlers come to Kansas in a covered wagon, I grew up in no concert with ideas whatsoever, on land devoid of communal landmark, smack in the middle of a windy flat expanse of grass. Over such reaching gulf, who could resist constructing an Ozimandias of the spirit?" Johnston, Terry C (Arkansas City). Winter Rain (novel). Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036-4096 (1-800-223-6834), 1993. ISBN 0553095080, $21.95. Jones, Ted (Overbrook). Hard Road to Gettysburg (novel). Lyford Books, 505B San Marin Drive, Suite 300, Novato, CA 94945-1340 (1-800-966- 5179). ISBN 0891414452, $21.95. Juhnke, James C (Newton). "Dirk's Exodus" (play), in Four Class Acts. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. Kahn, Paul (Lawrence). A Kansas Cycle (poetry). North Atlantic Books, PO Box 12327, Berkeley, CA 94701 (501-644-2116), 1974. ISBN 0913028231, $2.50. Kansas City Outloud II. Jaffe, Dan, editor. BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1990. ISBN 0933532733, $12.95. The Kansas Experience in Poetry (anthology). Edited by Lorrin Leland, Indepedent Study Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, 1978. Kansas Stories 1989 (anthology). Edited by James Preston Girard. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Kennedy, Tom (Topeka). Four (one-act plays). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1982. ISBN 0939391015, $2.95. Killoren, Robert. Quintet. BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1979. ISBN 0933532040, $4.95. Killough, Lee (Manhattan). Dragon's Teeth. Warner, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 (212-522-7200), 1990. ISBN 0445209062, $4.95. _____. The Minitor, the Miners, and the Shree. Ballantine, 201 E 50, New York, NY 10022 (212-572-2620), 1980. ISBN 0345284569, $1.95. _____. A Voice of Ramah. Ballantine, 1978. ISBN 0345280210, $1.75. Kimball, Philip (Lawrence). Harvesting Ballads. 1984. University of Oklahoma Press, 1005 Asp Ave, Norman, OK 73019-0445 (405-325-5111), 1994. ISBN 0806126328, $14.95. Knief, William (Lawrence). Golden Monster. Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864- 3777), 1971. ISBN 0685300307, $2.00. Lawson, Robert (Topeka), editor, with Repha Buckman. Four Class Acts (plays). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. Lehrer, Kate. Out of Eden (novel). Fictionalized account of a French and an American woman who come to 19th centry Kansas seeking control over their lives. They settle near Hutchinson. Harmony Books (Crown), $25, ISBN 0-517-59956-2. Leland, Lorrin (Lawrence), editor. The Kansas Experience in Poetry (anthology). Independent Study Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, 1978. Levering, Donald (Lawrence). Outcroppings from Navajoland: Poems. Navajo Community College Press, Tsaile, AZ 86556 (602-724-3311), 1985. ISBN 0912586524, $5.00. Levine, Stuart (Lawrence). The Monday-Wednesday-Friday Girl and Other Stories (winner of the 1994 Robert Gross Award). Forthcoming late 1994 from Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913- 231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391201. Lewis, Sinclair. Elmer Gantry (novel). 1927. New American Library/Dutton, 375 Hudson, New York, NY 10014-3657 (212-366-2000), 1967. ISBN 0451522516, $4.95. Lim, Paul Stephen (Lawrence). Some Arrivals, but Mostly Departures (novel). New Day Publishers, Quezon City, Phillipines: American distributor is the Cellar Bookshop, 18090 Wyoming, Detroit, Michigan 48221 (313-861-1776). ISBN 068375734, $5.00. Lindsay, Mela Meisner (Wakeeny). Shukar Balan: The White Lamb (novel). American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 631 D, Lincoln, NE 68502-1199 (402-474-3363), 1976. ISBN 0914222023, $16.00. _____. Story of Johann: The Boy Who Longed to Come to Amerika. 1991. Am Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1991. ISBN 091422218X, $11.50. Lombardo, Stanley (Lawrence), editor with Stephen Addiss. Phoenix Papers: 26 Lawrence Poets. Penthe Publishing Co, 2524 W 9 Terrace, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-841-2876), 1993. ISBN 0963247514, $15.00. Low, Denise (Lawrence). An Ice Age Bestiary (poetry). Woolly Mammoth Press, 1916 Stratford Rd., Lawrence, KS 66044. $2.00. _____, editor. Confluence (anthology). Cottonwood Press, Box J., Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), 1983. ISBN 0685300374, $3.00. _____. Cottonwood 48 (forthcoming): Special Denise Low issue. Cottonwood Press. _____. Spring Geese and Other Poems (poetry). Publications Secretary, Museum of Natural History, 602 Dyche Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-4540), 1984. $4.00. _____. Starwater (poetry). Cottonwood Press, 1988. ISBN 0685300384, $6.00. _____. "Touching the Sky" (essay), in What Kansas Means to Me. University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864-4145), 1991. ISBN 0700604316, $14.95. _____. Tulip Elegies. Penthe Publishers, 2524 W 9 Terrace, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-841-2876), 1993. ISBN 0963247506, $10.00. Martin, Roger (Lawrence), editor, with David Ohle and Susan Brosseau. Cows Are Freaky When They Look at You (reminescences). Watermark Press, 149 North Broadway, Suite 201, Wichita, KS 67202 (1-800-533-1056), 1991. ISBN 0922820139, $15.00. McCarter, Margaret Hill (Topeka). Cuddy's Baby, now reprinted as Rock Chalk Dreams (novel). Historic Adventures Publishing, 2826 Glenrose Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 (913-384-2938) ISBN 0-9649023-0-3, $14.95. McClure, Michael (Marysville). Jaguar Skies (poetry). New Directions Publishing Co, 80 Eighth Ave, New York, NY 10011 (212-255-0230), 1975. ISBN 0811205800, $1.95. McCoy, Max (Pittsburg). Sons of Fire (novel). Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036-4096 (1-800-223-6834), 1993. ISBN 0385420307. McCrary, Jim (Lawrence). Cook Creek. Cottonwood Review Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864- 3777). $2.00. _____. West of Mass (poems). Tansy Press, 1031 Maine, Lawrence, KS 66044 (913-841-1662), 1992. ISBN 1881175014, $8.00. McDougall, Jo (Pittsburg). Towns Facing Railroads. University of Arkansas Press, 201 Ozark Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701 (1-800-525-1823), 1991. Hardcover, ISBN 1557281815, $16.95; paperback, ISBN 1557281998, $16.95. McGhee, Laura (Lawrence). "Little Fugue" (winner, Robert Gross Memorial Prize), in Three Novellas. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1993. ISBN 0939391171, $10.00. McGurn, Larry (Topeka). The Printer and Other Stories (short stories). Woodley Memorial Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913- 231-1010 x 1441), 1981. ISBN 0939391007, $3.50. McKinley, James (Kansas City). Acts of Love (stories). Far Corner Books, PO Box 82157, Portland, OR 97282 (503-235-0606), 1987. Hardcover, ISBN 0932576478, $17.95; paperback, ISBN 0932576672, $8.95. _____. Fickleman Suite and Other Stories (short stories). University of Arkansas Press , 201 Ozark Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701 (1-800-525- 1823), 1993. Hardcover, ISBN 1557282390, $22.95; paperback, ISBN 0685623033, $16.95. McNall, Sally Allen (Lawrence). Art of Narrative (poetry). Woolly Mammoth Press, 1916 Stratford Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044. $2.00. Means, Marilee. Kitestrings (poetry). Ligature Press, 1521 College Av, Topeka, KS 66604. $2.25. Meats, Stephen (Pittsburg). "Dark Dove Descending" (short story), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. _____. Looking for the Pale Eagle (poetry). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 093939118X, $8.00. Messineo, Len Jr (Salina). "Gone Fishing" (short story), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231- 1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Miller, Phil (Kansas City). Cats in the House (poetry). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391074, $5.00. _____, editor, with Mahlon Coop, Three Novellas. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391171, $10.00. Mills, Robert E. The Cheyenne's Woman - The Kansan's Lady (novel). Dorchester Publishing, 276 5, New York, NY 10001 (212-725-8811), 1993. ISBN 0843934506, $4.99. _____. Red Apache Sun: Judge Colt (novel). Dorchester, 1992. ISBN 0843933739, $4.50. _____. Showdown at Hell's Canyon: Across the High Sierra (novel). Dorchester, 1992. ISBN 0843933429, $4.50. _____. Trail of Desire: Shootout at the Golden Slipper (novel). Dorchester, 1993. ISBN 0843934212, $4.99. _____. Warm Flesh & Hot Lead - Long Hard Ride (novel). Dorchester, 1993. ISBN 084393395X, $4.99. Moses, W. R. (Manhattan) Double View (poetry). Juniper Press, 1310 Shorewood Dr., La Crosse, WI 54601 (608-788-0096), 1984. ISBN 1557800839, $8.95. _____. Identities (poetry). 1965. University Press of New England, 23 S Main, Hanover, NH 03755-2048 (1-800-421-1561). $6.95. _____. Not Native (poetry). Juniper Press. $3.00. Midwest Quarterly. A publication of Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 66762. This periodical regularly publishes Kansas literary work. Nelson, Raymond S (Wichita). ...And the Kansas Wind Blows (poems). Hearth Publishers, PO Box L, Hillsboro, KS 67063 (316-947-3966). ISBN 0962794716, $7.95. New Letters. A publication of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110. This periodical regularly publishes Kansas literary work. Novak, Michael Paul (Leavenworth). The Leavenworth Poems (poetry). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558). $1.00. _____. Sailing by the Whirlpool (poetry). BkMk Press. $2.75. Both titles are out of print but limited copies available from the author, at Saint Mary College, Leavenworth, KS 66048. _____. A Story to Tell (poetry). BkMk Press. $9.50. Ohle, David (Lawrence), editor, with Roger Martin and Susan Brosseau. Cows Are Freaky When They Look at You (reminescences). Watermark Press, 149 North Broadway, Suite 201, Wichita, KS 67202 (1-800-533-1056), 1991. ISBN 0922820139, $15.00. Ortolani, Al (Pittsburg). The Last Hippie of Camp 50 (poetry--Robert Gross Memorial Poetry Award Winner). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 09393991104, $5.00. Parks, Gordon (Fort Scott). A Choice of Weapons (autobiography). 1966. Minnesota Historical Society Press, 345 Kellogg, St Paul, MN 55102- 1906 (1-800-647-7827), 1986. ISBN 0873512022, $8.95. _____. The Learning Tree (novel). 1963. Ballantine/Fawcett Books, 201 E 50, New York, NY 10022 (718-202-0900), 1987. ISBN 0449215040, $4.95. _____. Voices in the Mirror: An Autobiography. Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036-4096 (1-800-223-6834), 1990. Hardcover, ISBN 0385266987, $22.95; paperback, ISBN 0385266995, $12.95. Peck, Dale. Martin and John. HarperPerennial, 10 E 53, New York, NY 10022-5299 (1-800-828-6000), 1993. ISBN 0553276417, $21.00. Pederson, Cynthia (Topeka), and Celia Daniels. Fissures. Singular Speech Press, 10 Hilltop Drive, Canton, CT 06019 (203-693-6059), 1993. ISBN 1880286130, $6.00. Peery, Janet (Wichita). Alligator Dance (short stories). Southern Methodist University Press, Box 415, Dallas, TX 75275 (1-800-826- 8911), 1993. ISBN 0870743538, $10.95. _____. "See" (short story), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Pennell, Joseph Stanley (Junction City). The History of Rome Hanks (novel). 1944. Second Chance Press, RD 2, Noyac Road, Sag Harbor, New York 11963 (516-725-1101), 1981. Hardcover, ISBN 0933256329, $21.95; paperback, ISBN 0933256329, $15.95. Peterson, Bob (El Dorado). "Saturday's Child" (play), in Four Class Acts. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. Peterson, Kevin R (Salina). Our Spark of Hope. Carlsons PO Box 364 Lindsborg, KS 67456, 1989. Hardback, $18.00, paperback, $10.00. _____. Traps. 1989. Available from the author, 652 Briarcliff, Salina, KS 67401. Phoenix Papers: 26 Lawrence Poets. Edited by Stephen Addiss and Stanley Lombardo. Penthe Publishing Co, 2524 W 9 Terrace, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-841-2876), 1993. ISBN 0963247514, $15.00. Pickard, Nancy (Fairway). Bum Steer. Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 (212-698-7000), 1990. ISBN 0671680404, $4.99. _____. But I Wouldn't Want to Die There. Pocket, 1993. ISBN 0671680404, $20.00. _____. Dead Crazy (mystery novel). Pocket, 1989. ISBN 0684187612, $4.99. _____. Generous Death (mystery novel). Pocket, 1987. ISBN 0671732641, $4.99. _____. IOU. MacMillan, PO Box 159, Thorndike, ME 04986 (1-800-223-6121), 1991. ISBN 1560542489, $19.95. _____. Marriage is Murder (mystery novel). Pocket, 1988. ISBN 067734288, $4.99. _____. Say No to Murder (mystery novel, Anthony Award Winner). Pocket, 1988. ISBN 0671734318, $4.99. _____. The 27-Ingridient Chili Con Carne (mystery novel). Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036-4096 (1-800-223- 6834), 1994. ISBN 0385302274, $18.00. Porter, Kenneth Wiggins (Sterling). The Kansas Poems. Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. $5.00. Pritchett, Michael (Overland Park). The Venus Tree (stories). University of Iowa Press, University of Iowa, Kuhl House, 119 W Park Road, Iowa City, IA 52242 (319-335-2000), 1988. ISBN 0877452202, $22.95. Propst, Wayne (Lawrence). Endocrine Systems. Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864- 3777), 1988. $2.00. Ray, David (Kansas City). "Hairoil" (short story), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Reed, Cecil A. (Shawnee Mission). Fly in the Buttermilk: The Life Story of Cecil Reed. University of Iowa Press, University of Iowa, Kuhl House, 119 W Park Road, Iowa City, IA 52242 (319-335-2000), 1993. Hardcover, ISBN 0877454159, $29.95; paperback, ISBN 0877454167, $12.95. Reynolds, Tom (Paola). Electricity (poetry). Ligature Press, 1521 College Av, Topeka, KS 66604, 1987. $2.25. River City Portfolio (poetry). Edited by George F Wedge and Philip C Wedge. Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). $12.50. Robinson, Kevin (Kansas City). A Matter of Perspective. Walker and Company, 720 5, New York, NY 10019 (1-800-289-2553), 1993. ISBN 0802732429. Ruby, Lois (Wichita). Miriam's Well (young adult novel). Scholastic Books, 730 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 (212-505-3000), 1993. ISBN 590449370, $13.95. _____. The Old Man (young adult novel). Ballantine/Fawcett Books, 201 E 50, New York, NY 10022 (212-572-4958), 1984. ISBN 0395365635, $2.50. _____. Pig-Out Inn (young adult novel). Houghton-Mifflin, One Beacon St, Boston, MA 02108 (1-800-733-1717), 1987. ISBN 0395437142, $13.95. Rutledge, Carol Brunner (Topeka). Dying and Living on the Kansas Prairie (autobiography). University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049-3904 (913-864-4154), 1994. ISBN 0700606491, $15.94. Sadowski, Larry R (Newton). "The Journal of Joshua Hossannah" (one-act play; winner, Robert Gross Award), in Four Class Acts. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. Sanders, Mark, editor. The Decades Dance: A Celebration of Poets. Sandhills Press, 219 S 19 St, Ord, NE 68862, 1992. ISBN 0911015175, $15.00. Sandstrom, Eve (Great Bend). The Down Home Heifer Heist (novel). MacMillan, 866 3, New York, NY 10022 (1-800-257-5755), 1993. ISBN 0684194287, $20.00. Scheerer, Constance (Lawrence). Writing in Winter (poetry). BkMk Press, 107 Cockefair Hall, 5100 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558). $5.25. Semken, S. H. RIVER TIPS AND TREE TRUNKS: Notes and Reflections on Water and Wood (essays). Ice Cube Press, 205 North Front Street, North Liberty, IA 52317-9302. ISBN 1-888160-63-2, $14.95. Steve Semken, a Kansas native who also published a journal, SYCAMORE ROOTS, writes of nature, community, rivers and wood. Denise Low writes: "Flows like sap and water. Reflections on rivers, dams, boats, currents, springs, sycamore trees, waterfalls ... all the holy forms of wood and water. [The book] proves that the flash of poetry can strike water as well as trees." Shandra, G.S., Sharat (Kansas City). Family of Mirrors (poetry). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558). $12.00. Sheldon, Charles (Topeka). In His Steps (novel). 1910. Word, Inc, 5221 N O'Connor, Suite 1000, Irving, TX 75039 (1-800-933-9673), 1988. ISBN 0849941822, $4.99. Simons, Paullina. Tully (novel). St Martin's Press, 175 5 Rm 1715 New York, NY 10010 (1-800-221-7945), 1994. ISBN 0312110839, $27.50. Skeen, Anita (Wichita). Each Hand a Map (poetry). Naiad Press, P.O. Box 10543, Tallahasse, FL 32302 (1-800-533-1973), 1986. ISBN 0930044827, $6.95. Sneed, Brad (Newton). Lucky Russell (children's novel). Putnam, 200 Madison, New York, NY 10016 (1-800-631-8571), 1992. ISBN 0399223290, $14.95. Stafford, William (Hutchinson). Down in My Heart. Bench Press, Swarthmore, PA, 1985. ISBN 0930769007, $9.95. _____. Kansas Poems of William Stafford. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1990. ISBN 0939391139, $7.00. _____. Listening Deep (poetry). Penmaen Press, 66 Lake Bvel Rd, Great Barrington, MA 01230-1450 (413-528-5036), 1984. Deluxe signed edition, ISBN 0915778572, $75.00; hardcover, ISBN 0915778556, $45.00; paperback, ISBN 09157785567, $12.00. _____. Long Sigh the Wind Makes. Adrienne Lee, PO Box 309 Monmouth, OR 97361 (503-838-8307), 1991. ISBN 0962919403, $15.00. _____. A Meeting With Disma Tumminello and William Stafford. Cross Cultural Press, 1166 S 42, Springfield, OR 97478 (503-746-7401), 1978. ISBN 0893045594, $5.00. _____. My Name is William Tell. Confluence Press, Lewis-Clark State College, 500 8 Ave, Lewiston, ID 83501-2698 (208-799-2336), 1992. Hardcover, ISBN 0917652925, $17.00; paperback, ISBN 0917652967$11.00. _____. "One Home" (poem), in What Kansas Means to Me. University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864-4154). ISBN 0700604316, $14.95. _____. Passwords. HaperCollins, 10 E 53, New York, NY 10022-5299 (1-800- 331-3761), 1991. ISBN 0060965878, $11.00. _____. Roving Across Fields (poetry). The Barnwood Press, Cooperative R.R. 2 Box 11C, Daleville, IN 47334 (317-288-0145), 1983. ISBN 0935306153, $6.95. _____. Scripture of Leaves. Brethren, 1451 Dundee, Elgin, IL 60120 (1- 800-441-3712), 1989. ISBN 0871785315), $8.95. _____. Sometimes Like a Legend (poetry). Cooper Canyon Press, P.O. Box 271, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (1-800-283-3572). ISBN 0914742572, $60.00. _____. Unmuzzled Ox Anthology 14 (poetry). Unmuzzled Ox Press, 105 Hudson St., New York, NY 10013 (212-226-7170), 1980. ISBN 0934450072, $9.95. _____. Writing the World (poetry). Haw River Press, 2611 Belmont, Apt 1, Nashville, TN 37212 (615-385-5016). $15.00. Steerman, James B. "Native Stone" (play), in Four Class Acts. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-232-1010 x 1441), 1992. ISBN 0939391163, $10.00. Stout, Rex (Topeka). Black Mountain. Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036-4096 (1-800-223-6834), 1993. ISBN 0553272918, $4.99. _____. Black Orchids. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553257196, $4.99. _____. Broken Vase. Bantam, 1986. ISBN 05532567196, $2.95. _____. Death of a Doxy. Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0553276069, $3.95. _____. Death of a Dude. Bantam, 1990. ISBN 0553274228, $3.95. _____. Death Times Three. Bantam, 1985. ISBN 0553254251, $3.50. _____. The Doorbell Rang. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 05532371217, $4.99. _____. Double for Death. Bantam, 1986. ISBN 0553260596, $2.95. _____. Family Affair. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 0553241222, $4.99. _____. Father Hunt. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 055324728X, $4.99. _____. Fer-de-Lance. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553278193, $4.99. _____. Final Deduction. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553252542, $4.99 _____. Five of a Kind. Ayer Press, PO Box 958, Salem, NH 03079 (603-669- 5933), 1961. $29.95. _____. Gambit. Bantam, 1985. ISBN 0553251729, $2.95. _____. Hand in a Glove. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553228579, $4.99. _____. Homicide Trinity. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 0553234463, $4.99. _____. If Death Ever Slept. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553236490, $4.99. _____. In the Best Families. Bantam, 1988. ISBN 0553277766, $3.50. _____. League of Frightened Men. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553259334, $4.99. _____. Might As Well Be Dead. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 0553259334, $4.99. _____. Mother Hunt. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 0553247379, $4.99. _____. Nero Wolf Cookbook. Amereon Ltd, PO Box 1200 Mattituck, NY 11952 (516-298-5100). ISBN 0848800575, $17.95. _____. Not Quite Dead Enough. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553261096, $4.99. _____. Over My Dead Body. Amereon. ISBN 0891903410, $18.95. _____. Please Pass the Guilt. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 055323854X, $4.99. _____. Plot it Yourself. Bantam, 1986. ISBN 0553253638, $3.95. _____. Prisoners Base. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553242695, $4.99. _____. Red Box. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553249193, $4.99. _____. Right to Die. Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0553240323, $4.99. _____. Rubber Band. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553255509, $4.99. _____. Second Confession. MacMillan, 866 3, New York, NY 10022 (1-800- 257-5755), 1992. ISBN 0816152020, $14.95. _____. Some Buried Caesar. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553254642, $3.95. _____. Three for the Chair. Bantam, 1989. ISBN 0553248138, $3.50. _____. Three Men Out. Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0553245473, $3.99. _____. Too Many Clients. Bantam, 1990. ISBN 0553254235, $3.95. _____. Too Many Cooks. Bantam, 1988. ISBN 055327290X, $3.95. _____. Triple Jeopardy. Bantam, 1993. ISBN 0553235915, $4.99. _____. Where There's a Will. Bantam, 1992. ISBN 0553295918, $4.99. Sykes, Mildred S (Manhattan). "Black Blizzard" (short story), in Kansas Stories 1989. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441). ISBN 0939391120, $5.00. Takahashi, Tetsuro (Topeka). Petals Falling in the Night (short stories). Tri-Crown Press, Box 175, Sterling, KS 67579 (316-278-3248), 1991. ISBN 0940559056, $5.00. Tangeman, David GATHERING REUNION (poetry and fiction). Woodley Press, MO 300, Washburn University of Topeka, Topeka, KS 66621. ISBN 0-939391-21, $7.00. This collection of poetry and prose takes the reader to Tangeman's family, his experiences during and after Viet Nam, and into his wonderful imagination. Memorable, interesting and various, grounded in a Kansas sensibility, this book has real characters and real character. Tate, James (Kansas City) (small press editions of this Kansas born and raised poet only). Distance from Loved Ones. University Press of New England, 23 S Main, Hanover, NH 03755-2048 (1-800-421-1561), 1990. Hardcover, ISBN 0819521892, $22.50; paperback, ISBN 0819511919, $10.95. _____. Hints to Pilgrims (poetry). University of Massachusetts Press, P.O. Box 429, Amherst, MA 01004 (413-545-2217), 1982. Cloth, ISBN 0870233467, $15.00; paperback, ISBN 0870233475, $8.95. _____. Land of Little Sticks (poetry). Metacom Press, 1 Tahanto Road, Worcester, MA 01602 (508-757-1683), 1981. ISBN 0911381031, $25.00. _____. The Oblivion Ha-Ha (poetry). Unicorn Press, 200 E Bessemer, Greensboro, NC 27401-1416 (919-288-0822), 1984. Hardcover, ISBN 0877751706, $17.50; paperback, ISBN 087775174, $9.95. _____. Selected Poems. University Press of New England, 1991. ISBN 0819521906, $14.95. These and Other Lands (anthology of Midwestern writers). Heartlands Fiction Collective. Listed as out of print, but a limited number of copies are available from The Writer's Place, 3607 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO. Hardcover, ISBN 0915637030, $15.95; paperback, ISBN 0915637049, $7.95. Thompson, Earl (Wichita). Carlo Largo. Carroll and Graf, 260 5, New York, NY 10001 (1-800-788-3123), 1991. ISBN 0881847712, $4.95. _____. Garden of Sand (novel). Carroll and Graf, 1990. ISBN 0881846538, $5.95. _____. Tattoo (novel). Carroll and Graf, 1991. ISBN 0881847275, $6.95. Thorstad, Bruce H. The Times of Wichita (novel). Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 (212-698-7000), 1992. ISBN 067176578, $3.50. Three Novellas (anthology). Edited by Philip Miller and Mahlon Coop. Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1993. ISBN 0939391171, $10.00. Tidwell, John Edgar (Independence), editor. Livin' the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet. By Frank Marshall Davis. University of Wisconsin Press, 114 N Murray St, Madison, WI 53715-1199 (608-262- 8782), 1992. ISBN 0299135004, $27.50. Traxler, Patricia (Salina). Forbidden Words: Poems. University of Missouri Press, 2910 LeMone Blvd, Columbia, Missouri, 65201. Cloth, $18.95; paperback, $9.95. _____. The Glass Woman (poetry). Hanging Loose Press, 231 Wyckoff St., Brooklyn, NY 11217 (1-800-243-0138), 1987. ISBN 0914610341, $7.00. Troy, Judy. WEST OF VENUS (novel). Random House, ISBN 0-679-45153-6, $23.00. Troy's novel is set in Venus, in a make believe Southeast Kansas. Waitresses and mobile homes, love and lust, some good description and feeling for character combine to make for a good, but somewhat forgettable read. Turnbull, Roderick (Maple Hill). More Maple Hill Stories. Lowell Press, 1760 E 27, Eugene, OR 97403 (503-345-4594), 1974. ISBN 0913504173, $9.95. Van Walleghen, Michael (Wichita). Blue Tango: Poems. University of Illinois Press, 54 E Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 (1-800-545- 4703), 1989. ISBN 025206044X, $9.95. _____. More Trouble with the Obvious (poetry). University of Illinois Press. $10.00. _____. The Wichita Poems (poetry). University of Illinois Press, 1975. ISBN 0252005708, $5.95. Vogt, Esther. Edge of Dawn. Herald Press, 616 Walnut, Scottsdale, PA 15683 (1-800-245-7894), 1990. ISBN 0836135202, $6.95. _____. Enchanted Prairie. Horizon House, Christian Publishers, 3825 Hartzdale, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (1-800-233-4443), 1992. ISBN 0889650942, $6.99. _____. God's Mountain. Gospel Publishers, 1445 Boonville, Springfield, MO 65802 (1-800-641-4310), 1991. ISBN 0882435639, $5.95. _____. Harvest Gold. Kindred Press, 315 S. Lincoln, Hillsboro, KS 67063 (316-947-3151), 1987. ISBN 0919797636, $4.95. _____. A Race for Land. Herald, 1992. ISBN 083613575X, $4.95. _____. Splendid Vista. Herald, 1989. ISBN 0836134850, $5.95. _____. Turkey Red. Kindred, 1987. ISBN 0919797628, $4.95. Waldman, Anne. Cottonwood 46: Special Anne Waldman issue. Cottonwood Press, 400 Kansas Union, Box J, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). Waldo, Anna Lee. Prairie. (novel). Jove, 200 Madison, New York, NY 10016 (1-800-631-8571), 1984. ISBN 0515106986, $6.95. Watson, Harvey (Gridley). Bob War and Poke (middle-grade fiction). Houghton Mifflin, 222 Berkeley St, Boston, MA 02116 (1-800-733-1717), 1991. ISBN 0395570387, $13.95. Wedge, George F (Lawrence). Editor, with Philip C Wedge, River City Portfolio (poetry). Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). $12.50. Wedge, Philip C (Lawrence). Editor, with George F Wedge, River City Portfolio (poetry). Cottonwood Press, Box J, Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777). $12.50. What Kansas Means to Me (anthology). Edited by Tom Averill. University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66046 (913-864-4154), 1991. ISBN 0700604316, $14.95. Wheeler, Sylvia Griffith. Countying Back: Voices of the Lakota & Pioneer Settlers (poetry). BkMk Press, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816-235-2558), 1992. ISBN 0933532857, $12.95. _____. Dancing Alone (poetry). BkMk, 1991. ISBN 0933532814, $7.50. _____. In the Middle (poetry). BkMk. $9.50. Wherry, Peg. "Straight Roads" (essay), in What Kansas Means to Me. University Press of Kansas, 2501 W 15, Lawrence, KS 66049 (913-864- 4154), 1991. $14.95. Wiebe, Dallas (Newton). Going to the Mountain (stories). Burning Deck Press, 71 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence, RI 02906 (1-800-869-7553). ISBN 0930901495, $10.00. _____. The Kansas Poems. Cincinnati Poetry Review Press, Department of English 069, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221. $2.00. Wilder, Laura Ingalls (Independence). Little House on the Prairie (novel). HarperCollins, 10 E 53, New York, NY 10022-5299 (1-800-331-3761), 1975. ISBN 0060803576, $5.00. Williamson, Jack, and James Gunn. Star Bridge (novel). Remaindered, and available from James Gunn, 2215 Orchard Lane, Lawrence, KS 66044. $3.00. Wolfe, Edgar (Kansas City). Cottonwood 407: Special Ed Wolfe issue. Cottonwood Press, 400 Kansas Union, Box J, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913- 864-3777). _____. To All the Islands Now (stories). Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1986. ISBN 0939391058, $5.00. _____. The Almond Tree. Edited and with an introduction by Kevin Young. Cottonwood Press, 400 Kansas Union Box J, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (913-864-3777), and Woodley Press, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 (913-231-1010 x 1441), 1989. ISBN 0939391139, $7.50. Wright, Harold Bell (Pittsburg). The Eyes of the World. Buccaneer Books, PO Box 168 Cutchogue, New York 11935 (516-734-5724), 1975. ISBN 0899662021, $19.10. _____. A Higher Call. Bethany House, 6820 Auto Club Road, Minneapolis, MN 55438 (1-800-328-6109), 1990. ISBN 155661136, $8.99. _____. Least of These My Brothers. Bethany, 1989. ISBN 1556610564, $8.99. _____. Shepherd of the Hills. Bethany, 1975. ISBN 0871239167, $7.99. _____. Ten Thousand Leaves. Overlook Press, 149 Wooster, New York, NY 10012 (1-800-526-0275), 1980. ISBN 0879512407, $8.95. _____. Their Yesterdays. Buccaneer, 1975. ISBN 0899662676, $17.95. _____. Winnings of Barbara Worth. 1911. Quellen Enterprises, 817 E 8, Holtville, CA 92250 (619-356-1138), 1987. ISBN 0961847301, $14.95. Young, Kevin (Topeka). MOST WAY HOME (poetry). William Morrow and Company. ISBN 0-688-14032-7, $20. Winner of the National Poetry Series (selected by Lucille Clifton), this book adds significantly to the African-American literature of Kansas. In four sections, Kevin Young explores home, history, contemporary life and the connections all of these have to place whether that is Kansas, Louisiana, or the sideshow of "Clyde Peeling's Reptiland, in Allenwood, Pennsylvania." * * * For further information about authors and titles, or if you have corrections and/or additions, contact Tom Averill, Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621, 913-231-1010 x 1448, email. * * * Interested in the above titles? Several are published by the Woodley Press and the Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, both organizations located at Washburn University. Following is a list of Kansas titles which may be purchased through the English Department, Morgan Hall 259, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621. All are also available in Mabee Library on the Washburn campus. Woodley Press Titles: Flights Through Inner Space. Eleanor Bell. 1980. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) The Printer & Other Stories. Larry McGurn. 1981. ISBN 0939391007. $3.50. Four. Tom Kennedy. 1982. $2.95. Spoken Across a Distance. Cynthia Pederson. 1982. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) Mishima. Robert N Lawson. 1983. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) The Washburn Reader. Edited by Robert D Stein. 1984. $6.95 Passes at the Moon. Thomas Fox Averill. 1985. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) (Professor Averill's other book of stories, Seeing Mona Naked, published by Watermark Press of Wichita, is still in print and is available both at Mabee and the Washburn bookstore) The Preacher's Kid. C Robert Haywood. 1985. ISBN 093939104X. $5.00. To All the Islands Now. Edgar Wolfe. 1986. ISBN 0939391058. $5.00. Goat's House. Gene DeGruson. 1986. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) Repha by Repha Buckman. 1986. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) Cats in the House. Phil Miller. 1987. (out of print, but available at Mabee Library) Jazz Moods. Keith Denison. 1987. ISBN 0939391090. $3.00. Hurrying into the Night. Craig M Goad. 1987. ISBN 0939391082. $5.00. The Last Hippie of Camp 50. Al Ortolani. 1988. ISBN 0939391104. $5.00. Ecphrases. Michael L Johnson. 1989. ISBN 0939391112. $5.00. Kansas Stories 1989. Edited by James Preston Girard. 1989. ISBN 0939391120. $5.00. The Almond Tree. Edgar Wolfe. 1989. ISBN 0939391139. $7.50. Kansas Poems of William Stafford. 1990. ISBN 0939391147. $7.00. Independence Days. Bruce Bond. 1990. ISBN 0939391139. $7.50. Petals Falling into the Night. Tetsuro Takahashi. 1991. ISBN 0940559056. $5.00. The Monkey of Mulberry Pass. Harley Elliott. 1991. ISBN 0939391155. $7.00. Four Class Acts. Edited by Repha Buckman and Robert Lawson. 1991. ISBN 0939391163. $10.00. Looking for the Pale Eagle. Stephen Meats. 1992. ISBN 093939118X. $8.00. Three Novellas. Edited by Phil Miller and Mahlon Coop. 1993. ISBN 0939391171. $10.00. Killing Seasons. Christopher Cokinos. 1993. ISBN 0939391198. $7.00. The Monday-Wednesday-Friday Girl and Other Stories. Stuart Levine. Forthcoming in late 1994. Washburn Center for Kansas Studies Titles: That Trick of Silence. Steven Hind. 1990. $5.00. (Out of print) In A Place With No Map. Steven Hind. 1997. $7.00. Dust and Short Works. Marcet and Emanuel Haldeman-Julius. 1992. $12.00. The Kansas Poems. Kenneth Wiggins Porter. 1992. $5.00. As Grass. Edythe Squier Draper. 1994. $6.00. * * * This bibliography was prepared by David Tallman for the Washburn Center for Kansas Studies, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621. Additional copies are available at $2.00 (photocopying, postage, and handling) from the above address. The bibliography is on-line thorough the Internet, via the Washburn University Campus-Wide Information System ("Wuinfo") See also: Kansas State Library Catalog Search
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