District 3 Kansas History Day
The Washburn University History Department traditionally hosts the annual Kansas History Day Competition for “District 3” (a regional territory mapped by the Kansas History Day administration).
History Day 2023: Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas
Please note: Detailed instructions for participants on submitting Paper, Exhibit, Performance, Documentary, and Website entries will be provided. Contact Tracie Lamb, Kansas History Day Co-coordinator, for more information at kansashistoryday@gmail.com.
- The District 3 registration deadline for all entries (Papers, Exhibits, Performances, Documentaries, and Websites), is February 6, 2023. This also is the due date for all entries, process papers and bibliographies.
- District 3's entry fee per student: $15.00 (payable to Kansas History Day Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 3862, Topeka, KS 66614)
- The regional History Day Competition will take place on February 25, 2023
- State History Day Competition: Saturday, April 23, 2022.
2022 Kansas History Day Winners – District 3 Virtual Contest
Junior Group Website
1st Place
The New Look to Presidency
Topeka Collegiate School
2nd Place
Madam CJ Walker ~ Self Made Millionaire
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Brown V. Board of Education
Seaman Middle School
Junior Individual Website
1st Place
Ad Astra Per Aspera: Crossing the Racial Frontier into Space
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
Cats in Medieval Europe: A Tale of Goddesses, Witchcraft, and Genocide
Most Pure Heart Catholic School Of Topeka
3rd Place
Scandalous Bloomers! Who Will They Corrupt Next?
Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place
Mapping a Mystery: Frontiers of the Deep Sea
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
Dr. Alan L. Hart: TRANSforming the Field of Sexology
Topeka Collegiate School
3rd Place
From Atchison to Aviation: A Frontier in Flight
Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place
“Its Lonely Freedom” Theodore Roosevelt and His Efforts to Preserve the American Wild
Washburn Rural High
2nd Place
The Peaceful Atom
Northern Heights
3rd Place
How Nuclear Power Changed Our World
Highland Park High
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place
Dr. Samuel Kountz; Advancing Frontiers One Transplant at a Time
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Joseph Oklahombi: Overcoming Military and Racial Oppression One Code at a Time
Seaman High School
Junior Group Doc
1st Place
Chinese Rail Workers on the Western Frontier
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
No Ordinary Joe: Jumping Into the Frontier of Space
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
The Final Frontier: Apollo 11 and the Race to put a Man on the Moon
Most Pure Heart of Mary
Junior Individual Doc
1st Place
The Simpsons: Pioneering Modern Television
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
The History of Hadrian's Wall
Robinson Middle School
3rd Place
Electric- the Life Works of Nikola Tesla
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place
Behind Enemy Lines
Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place
The Effects of the Shot Clock
Topeka Collegiate:
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Bleeding Kansas: A Frontier for Change
Seaman High School
Junior Group Exhibits
1st Place
The Dark Lady of DNA: The Untold Story on the Frontier of DNA
By Jadyn Barnett, Lucy Hundley
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
Uniting the East and West: A Frontier in Transportation
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
Frederick Cook
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Changing the Corset: A Frontier in Women’s Clothing
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
People of the Place of the Fire: The Potawatomi Trail of Death and the ‘Permanent’ Indian Frontier
Most Pure Heart of Mary
3rd Place
ROBODOC: The Worlds 1st Place Surgical Robot
Topeka Collegiate
Honorable Mention
The Eagle Has Landed: The Apollo 11 Mission
Topeka Collegiate
2022 Kansas History Day Winners – District 3 Virtual Contest
Washburn University History Department
Rachel Goossen, Kim Morse and Robin Shrimplin
1st PLACE:
Title: The American Plan: The Forgotten War on Venereal Diseases
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Title: Japanese Internment Camps: Debating National Security vs. the American Constitution
School: Topeka Collegiate School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Nineteenth Amendment: The Debate of Women’s Rights
School: Topeka Collegiate School
1st PLACE and Phil Morse Award for Best Historical Paper
Title: Roman Roulette: How a Breakdown of Diplomacy Would End the Roman Republic
School: Northern Heights High School
2nd PLACE:
Title: The Republic of Austria v. Altmann: The Woman in Gold
School: Seaman High School
Phil Morse Award for Best Historical Paper (1st place)
Phil Morse graduated from Washburn in 1963 with a bachelor’s degree in
History. After graduate school at Denver University and service in the Peace Corps, Phil and Lona Morse settled in Topeka. Phil built a career in business and community service. He believed that the skills learned through a liberal arts education, history in particular, were crucial to success in any profession. For a number of years, Phil was a dedicated History Day judge for the paper category. For him the research, analytical, organization, and writing skills at the core of history education and History Day were tools essential for professional excellence. Prior to Phil’s death in 2016, Phil and Lona endowed the Phil Morse Scholarship to honor the values integral to History Day and to celebrate quality writing, history, and a liberal-arts education. The award is applied to the first year of study at Washburn
1st PLACE:
Title: Indian Residential Schools: Assimilation and Genocide
School: Topeka Collegiate School
2nd PLACE:
Title: Harald Jäger: The Man Who Opened the Berlin Wall
School: Topeka Collegiate School
3rd PLACE:
Title: More Deadly Than War
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
1st PLACE:
Title: Mary Church Terrell: Lifting As We Climb
School: Washburn Rural High School
2nd PLACE:
Title: The Debate Between William Allen White & the KKK
School: Seaman Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Great Debate of Women’s Sports
School: Mater Dei Catholic School
1st PLACE:
Title: Clarina Nichols: Territorial Kansas’ Frontier Suffragette
School: Most Pure Heart Catholic School of Topeka
2nd PLACE:
Title: Frances Perkins: Making Deals With Great Zeal
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Atomic Bomb: An Explosive Time in History
School: Topeka Collegiate School
1st PLACE:
Title: The Lady Editor
School: Northern Heights High School
1st PLACE:
Title: “Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree” Penelope Laingen
and The Yellow Ribbon Project
School: Washburn Rural High School
2nd PLACE:
Title: Debates Following September 11th: Our Freedom, Our Liberty, Our
Civil Rights
School: Seaman Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Zong: Massacre at Sea
School: Most Pure Heart Catholic School of Topeka
1st PLACE:
Title: The Games Must Go On
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Title: Title IX: Every Girl in a Sport, and a Sport for Every Girl
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Berlin Blockade: Dividing a Country, Dividing the World
School: Topeka Collegiate School
1st PLACE:
Title: The Deadly Debate: The Spanish Flu
School: Seaman Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Title: Little Rock Nine, 9 Students, 1 Difference
School: Seaman Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Transcontinental Railroad: The Debate That Put the United State
On Track for Economic Success
School: Seaman Middle School
1st PLACE:
Title: The Rocky Road to Democracy: Taiwan in the Shadow of China
School: Topeka West High School
1st PLACE:
Title: Thirteen Days: How the World Came to the Brink of Destruction
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Title: The Waco Siege: What Really Happened and Why?
School: Topeka Collegiate School
3rd PLACE:
Title: The Geneva Convention
School: Topeka Collegiate School
1st PLACE:
Title: “Rule Your Mind or It Will Rule You”: The Debate and Diplomacy of
Horace Mann and the Common School Movement
School: Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Title: The Chicago Seven: Success and Failure
School: Topeka Collegiate School
3rd PLACE:
Title: Bleeding Kansas
School: Seaman Middle School
2021 History Day Winners – District 3
1st PLACE:
Can You Hear Me? Over”: The Impact of Radio on Aviation
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Spy Communication During the Cold War
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Revolutionizing Long-Distance Communication: The Story of the Electric Telegraph
Topeka Collegiate
1st PLACE:
The Cuban Missile: Miscommunication on a Nuclear Scale
Northern Heights
2nd PLACE:
Communication Through Demonstration
Hayden High School
3rd PLACE:
Communication Breakthroughs in History: The Printing Press
Hayden Catholic High School
1st PLACE:
Communication in the Women’s Suffrage Movement Leading Up to the 19th Amendment
Topeka Collegiate
2nd PLACE:
The Black Press and the Murder of Emmett Till
Topeka Collegiate
3rd PLACE:
Big Daddy: The Art of Advocating
Washburn Rural Middle School
1st PLACE:
The Battle of Midway
Seaman Middle School
2nd PLACE:
“We Will Not Remain Silent”
Seaman Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Give Us Free
Seaman Middle School
The Cat Behind the Hat
Northern Heights
1st PLACE:
Apollo 13, Houston, We’ve Had a Problem
Hayden Catholic High School
2nd PLACE:
Edmonia Lewis: The Groundbreaking Sculptress of the 19th Century
Seaman High School
3rd PLACE:
Space Communication and Development
Seaman High School
1st PLACE:
Why Would They Try to Kill Me For Something I Didn’t Do?
Seaman Middle School
1st PLACE:
Hedy Lamarr: More Than Just a Pretty Face
Seaman Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Political Communication in Ancient Rome
Robinson Middle School
3rd PLACE:
I Shall Speak: Emma Goldman and Free Speech
Washburn Rural Middle School
1st PLACE:
The Women’s Suffrage Movement
Hayden Catholic High School
2nd PLACE:
Emeline Piggott: Confederate Spy
Hayden Catholic High School
1st PLACE:
A Crusader with a Camera
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd PLACE:
Lies of the Silver Screen
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd PLACE:
Martin Luther: Using Communication Throughout the Reformation
Seaman Middle School
1st PLACE:
The Most Dangerous Jew in L.A. Stopping Nazi Communications
Seaman Middle School
The Evolution of the C.I.A.: From None to Number One
Mater Dei Catholic School
Radar and Sonar: Communicating a Change in War
Seaman Middle School
1st PLACE:
“Love of a Moment”: The Untold Story of Corita Kent
Seaman High School
Richard Nixon’s Visit to China
Hayden Catholic High School
2nd PLACE:
The Tap Code
Seaman High School
3rd PLACE:
Jackie Robinson: An American Hero
Seaman High School
1st PLACE:
Cracking the Uncrackable
Washburn Rural Middle Schoo
2nd PLACE:
Stonewall’s Impact
Topeka Collegiate
3rd PLACE:
Space Shot
Mater Dei Catholic School
1st PLACE:
Golden Record: The Search for Interstellar Life
Topeka Collegiate
2nd PLACE:
Momentous Military Members: Wildlife Assisting Mankind
Mater Dei Catholic School
3rd PLACE:
Salem Witch Trials- Miscommunication in History
Topeka Collegiate
Opening the Line of Communication on Racial Inequality in Medicine
Seaman High School
2nd PLACE:
Tulsa Race Riot of 1921
Seaman High School
3rd PLACE:
Calling the Klan
Seaman High School
1st PLACE:
K-Syndrome: The Disease That Saved
Seaman High School
2020 History Day Winners
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place:
Why We Must Protest
Washburn Rural Middle
2nd Place:
The Struggle to Break the Sound Barrier
Washburn Rural Middle
3rd Place:
The Right to Tino Rangatiratanga Withheld: An Investigation into the History of the Maori People with a Retrospective View on the Continuing Battle for Land Rights and Cultural Recognition
Topeka Collegiate
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place:
Escaping the Auschwitz of Asia: Healing the Scars of the Cambodian Genocide
Seaman High
2nd Place:
Elizabeth Blackwell: Breaking Medical Barriers for Women
Hayden High School
3rd Place:
Introducing Color to the World of Ballet
Seaman High
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place:
Gertrude Bell: Midwife to a Nation
Washburn Rural MS
2nd Place:
Mary Cassatt: “Women Should be Someone, Not Something”
Washburn Rural MS
3rd Place:
Billie Jean King: The Woman Who Won
Washburn Rural MS
Honorable Mention:
Plowing Through Expectations: The Land Girls of WWI
Americus Elementary/NLC Junior High
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place:
Sally Ride: Ready For Take Off
Washburn Rural MS
2nd Place:
Rosie the Riveter: The Propaganda That Broke Gender Stereotypes
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place:
Lucy Stone’s Fight For Rights
Most Pure Heart of Mary
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place:
Forged in Discipline, Invisibly Trekking Through Sea, Air and Land: The Evolution from Frogmen to Elite
Seaman High
2nd Place:
The Pentagon Papers: The Press’ Fight for the Right to Know
Hayden High School
3rd Place:
Walt Disney: The Evolution of Animation
Seaman High
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Loving v. Virginia: Love is Love
Hayden High School
2nd Place:
Spying in the Deep
Seaman High
3rd Place:
The Salk Vaccine Saves All
Seaman High
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place:
Hidden in the Spotlight
Washburn Rural Middle
2nd Place:
Breaking Down the Stonewall: The Riot that Changed the World
Washburn Rural Middle
3rd Place:
Breaking Barriers Through Signing: Linda Bove
Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place:
How Blood Transfusion Broke Barriers in WW2
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place:
Tippi Hedren: Breaking Barriers One Nail at a Time
Seaman Middle School
No 3rd Place in this category
Senior Individual Performance
1st Place:
Affectionately, Mrs. N
Seaman High
2nd Place:
Surgeon Suffragist the Complicated Life of Mary Walker
Seaman High
3rd Place:
A Network of Networks
Hayden High School
Senior Group Performance
1st Place:
Exactly As You Are
Seaman High
2nd Place:
The Scarlet Sisters
Hayden High School
3rd Place:
Women of Influence
Highland Park High School
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place:
All the World Loves a Baby: Breaking the Two Pound Barrier
Washburn Rural MS
2nd Place:
Alice Stebbins Wells: Powerful. Determined. Female
Washburn Rural MS
3rd Place:
Women’s Suffrage: Breaking Barriers in History
Seaman Middle School
Honorable Mention:
Sam Phillips: Giving the Sound of Colors
Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place:
Either You Print It Just the Way I Draw It or I Quit
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place:
The Central Idea: Galileo Galilei’s Revolutionary Idea
Most Pure Heart of Mary
3rd Place:
Do or Die: the AAGPBL Breaking Barriers
Mater Dei Catholic School
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place:
Altering Fashion
Seaman High
2nd Place:
Can You Tell Me How To Get to Sesame Street
Seaman High
3rd Place:
Tear Down This Wall
Seaman High
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place:
Wu-Tang the Documentary
Seaman High
2nd Place:
Peering Through Space and Time
Seaman High
3rd Place:
Innocent Rebellion Radical Reaction
Seaman High
Junior Individual Website
1st Place:
Willing to Take the Heat: Maria Pepe, Playing With the Boys
Washburn Rural Middle
2nd Place:
Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Three Barriers, One Woman
Washburn Rural Middl
3rd Place:
DNA: The Shaping of History
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Group Website
1st Place:
The War Within: Breaking Barriers of Human Hate
Most Pure Heart of Mary
3rd Place:
The Capper Foundation: Doing More than Giving Candy
Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Website
1st Place:
Jackie Ormes: First Female African-American Cartoonist
Seaman High
2nd Place:
Most Substantial Discovery for Science in 1953: Rosalind Franklin and the Upcoming of DNA
Seaman High
3rd Place:
Tape v. Hurley
Seaman High
Senior Group Website
1st Place:
It’s Not a Barrier, It’s an Opportunity
Seaman High
2nd Place:
War Through Her Lens
Seaman High
3rd Place:
Transforming Psychiatry One Patient at a Time: The Story of William C.
Seaman High
Kansas District 3 History Day Competition Results
Junior Historic Paper
1st Place
Death of a Killer: The Eradication of Smallpox; Washburn Rural Middle
2nd Place
A Failed New World Order: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Persian Gulf War; Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
Slavs on the Slab: An Investigation into the Tragic Loss of Slavic Religious Practices at the Hands of the Triumphant Missionaries of Christian Europe; Topeka Collegiate
Senior Historic Paper
1st Place
College Students "On Strike!": The Fight for Democracy in Tiananmen Square and Ethnic Studies in SFSC; Seaman High
2nd Place
Triumph and Tragedy in History: Brown v. Board of Education; Hayden High School
3rd Place
The Great American Smallpox Epidemic; Hayden High School
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Ascending From the Ashes; Washburn Rural Middle
2nd Place
One Blood; Washburn Rural Middle
3rd Place
Behind Every Mask, There is a Story; Royal Valley Middle
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Tragedy On The Kaw: The 1951 Flood; Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
The Atomic Bomb: Bringer of Victory and Death; Mater Dei Catholic School
3rd Place
The Triumphant Titanic, Bringer of Tragedy; Mater Dei Catholic School
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Shaping Modern Detective Work: Pitezel, Geyer, and the Murders of H. H. Holmes; Seaman High
2nd Place
Civil Rights at 200 mph: The Triumphs and Tragedies of Wendell Scott; Seaman High
3rd Place
Black Sites: United States Secret Prisons that Shifted the Anthropological Definition of Torture; Hayden High School
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place
The Race Against Time; Hayden High School
2nd Place
Alice Paul and Women’s Suffrage; Hayden High School
3rd Place
We’re in the Pilot’s Seat Now: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the W.A.S.P.; Seaman High
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place
The Triumphs of William Stokoe: The Father of American Sign Language; Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
How the Tragedy of the Apollo 1 Fire Resulted in the Triumphant Apollo 11 Moon Landing; Wanamaker Elementary
3rd Place
Buffalo Jones: Buffalo Hunter to Buffalo Conservationist; Topeka Lutheran School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place
The Honor No Mother Wants: Gold Star Mothers and Their Journey of Tragedy and Triumph; Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
The Plight of the Peasants in the French Revolution; Robinson Middle School
Senior Individual Performance
1st Place
“El Gobierno Tiene Sangre en Sus Manos”: The Government Has Blood On Its Hands; Seaman High
2nd Place
“Best of Wives and Best of Women” The Triumphs and Tragedies of Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton; Seaman High
3rd Place
Fire’s Outcome; Hayden High School
Senior Group Performance
1st Place
Evolving Voices: The Impacts of Minority Women of History; Seaman High
2nd Place
Pierantonio Costa: Guided by His Conscience; Seaman High
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place
The Fight Against Termination: Minnie Evans Story; Royal Valley Middle
2nd Place
Black Gloves: The Sports Moment That Changed the World; Washburn Rural Middle
3rd Place
Saving Wild Horses, The Story of Mustang Annie; Topeka Collegiate
Honorable Mention
Father Emil Kapaun: The Sacrificing, Suffering, Servant; Mater Dei Catholic School
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place
“Soil Erosion: A National Menace; Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
The One Who Stayed: The Triumph and Tragedy of Carl Wilkens; Washburn Rural Middle
3rd Place
Operation Overlord: A Triumph in Military Engineering; Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Please Help Us: New Orleans Recovering From Hurricane Katrina; Seaman High
2nd Place
David Harris and the Draft Resistance; Hayden High School
3rd Place
The Most Merciful Thing: The Story of Margaret Sanger; Seaman High
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place
Angels of Bataan and Corregidor: The Struggle of Surviving Japanese Imprisonment During WWII; Seaman High
2nd Place
William D. Matthews: A Cure for Rebellion; Seaman High
3rd Place
The Wilhelm Gustloff: A Tragic Hour ; Seaman High
Honorable Mention
Systems of Logic Based on Bias: Decoding the Father of Artificial Intelligence; Seaman High
Junior Individual Website
1st Place
Roe v. Wade: The Supreme Court Case that Put a Finish to Dangerous Illegal Abortion (http://67243371.nhd.weebly.com); Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
The Osage Indians: Rags to Riches to Graves (http://92189124.nhd.weebly.com); Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
Tiny Stitches: The Triumph and Tragedy of Vivien Thomas (http://48364035.nhd.weebly.com); Washburn Rural Middle
Junior Group Website
1st Place
A Tribal Cause: The Unification of Gaul (http://89034979.nhd.weebly.com); Washburn Rural Middle
2nd Place
Triumph of Independence; Tragedy of Partition (http://27966523.nhd.weebly.com); Topeka Collegiate
Senior Individual Website
1st Place
My Enemy, My Savior: Mamoru Shinozaki; Seaman High
2nd Place
Triumph and Tragedy of the First Philippine Republic (http://17481187.nhd.weebly.com); Washburn Rural High
3rd Place
Reshaping the Message: The Triumph and Tragedy of Mass Media (http://59056563.nhd.weebly.com); Seaman High
Senior Group Website
1st Place
Under Siege: Elihu Washburne in Paris (http://61668318.nhd.weebly.com); Seaman High
2nd Place
The Equal Rights Amendment (http://97583371.nhd.weebly.com); Washburn Rural High School
3rd Place
Brains Over Beauty: The Triumphs and Tragedies of Hedy Lamarr (http://64304270.nhd.weebly.com) ; Seaman High
"Conflict & Compromise"
(2018 National History Day Theme)Congratulations to these students who competed in District Three and placed at Nationals in 2018:
The Treaty of New Echota, the Lynchpin of Nvnadaulatsvyi (The Trail Where We Cried)
Topeka Collegiate School
The Standard Dilemma
Hayden Catholic High School
The Sykes-Picot Agreement: How An Influential Compromise Has Led To Ongoing Conflict
Topeka Collegiate School
District Three 2018 History Day Competition Results
Phil Morse Scholarship
Seaman High School, Historical Paper "The Versailles Treaty: The Product of One War, The Cause of Another"
Admissions Award Scholarship
Washburn Rural High School, Senior Individual Website "Conflict and Compromise in Michelangelo's Judgment"
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place
Ivory, Keratin, and Trophies: The Conflicted Compromise of Sacrificing a Few to Save Many - Topeka Collegiate School
2nd Place
The Sykes-Picot Agreement: How an Influential Compromise Has Led To Ongoing Conflict - Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
Richard Feynman: The Decision NOT to Drop the Bomb - Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place
The Versailles Peace Treaty: The Product of One War, the Cause of Another - Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Rising Conflicts of Genetically Modified Organisms in the American Society - Seaman High School
3rd Place
On Track to a Better Nation: The Pullman Strike - Hayden High School
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Midnight Massacres: The Rush to Form a Country - Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
An Insurrection for Independence: American's Involvement and Influence in the Philippines - Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
Minors Mining: Trippers, Nippers and Spraggers - Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place
The Four-Day War: The Battle of Marathon - Topeka Collegiate School
2nd Place
The Wars of the Roses: The Conflict That Created the Tudor Dynasty - Topeka Collegiate School
3rd Place
A Fashion Evolution: Who Wears the Pants Now? - Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
The Compromise Hub of Ellis Island - Seaman High School
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place
The Unknown Epidemic - Hayden High School
2nd Place
The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act: Canning the Pest of the American Dinner Table - Washburn Rural High School
3rd Place
Gas in Exchange for Blood: Chemical Weaponry WWI - Seaman High School
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place
The Treaty of New Echota, The Lynchpin of Nvnadaulatsvyi (The Trail Where We Cried) - Topeka Collegiate School
2nd Place
It's Not Always "Oh What a Beautiful Morning": conflict and Compromise in Musical Theatre - Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself: Franklin Roosevelt's Empowering Words During the Great Depression - Mater Dei Catholic School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place
Galileo vs. The Catholic Church - Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School
2nd Place
The Versailles Treaty - Chase Middle School
Senior Individual Performance
1st Place
Home of the Brave? Challenging Military Service Standards - Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Potsdam Conference - Hayden High School
Senior Group Performance
1st Place
And You Thought I Was Just a Pretty Face - Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Standard Dilemma - Hayden High School
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Breaking Barriers-The Raye Jean Montague Story - Royal Valley Middle School
2nd Place
Science vs. Religion: The Battle Between Fact and Faith - Topeka Collegiate School
3rd Place
The Light that Does Not Lie - Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place
"All Hell Broke Loose": Conflict and Compromise Over Coal-fired Power - Topeka Collegiate School
2nd Place
Rights Below Ground: The Salina Burial Pit - Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Operation Underworld - Seaman Middle School
Honorable Mention
Conflict and Compromise: Title IX Put Into Effect - Mater Dei Catholic School
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Saving the "Boat People": The United States and Vietnam's Compromise on Vietnamese Refugees With the Orderly Departure Program - Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Invisible Man of the Civil Rights Movement - Seaman High School
3rd Place
Women Fighting Their Way to Gender Equality - Seaman High School
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place
Reverend T.J. Jemison: Breaking Barriers in Baton Rough - Seaman High School
2nd Place
A Handshake in Space: Orbital Detente and the Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Seaman High School
3rd Place
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue: The Fight for Equality in the United States Military - Seaman High School
Honorable Mention
Giving Peace A Chance: Creating "Peace with Honor" in Vietnam - Seaman High School
Junior Individual Website
1st Place
Emmett Louis Till: Conflict in Black America - Topeka Collegiate School
2nd Place
Darwin v. Wallace: Who Gets the Glory? - Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
Maya Lin: Conflict and Compromise of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Website
1st Place
Three Strikes and I'm Not Out: The Raye Jean Montague Story - Royal Valley Middle School
2nd Place
Japanese-American Internment Camps During WWII - Topeka Collegiate School
3rd Place
"The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League: Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" - Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Website
1st Place
Conflict and Compromise in Michelangelo's Last Judgment - Washburn Rural High School
2nd Place
The Hidden Civil Rights Movement: American Indian Movement - Seaman High School
3rd Place
The 13 Days of Crisis - Seaman High School
Senior Group Website
1st Place
Irene Sendler: Risking Personal Welfare in Order to Rescue Jewish Children - Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Korean Armistice: The Ceasefire That Became a Peace Treaty - Seaman High School
3rd Place
Telford Taylor: Prosecuting Justice at Nuremberg - Seaman High SchoolDistrict Three 2017 History Day Competition Results
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place
The "Tank Man" Taking a Stand in Tiananmen Square
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
Operation Gunnerside: Taking a Stand Against Nukes, Nazis and Norwegian Occupation in World War II
Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
London Takes a Stand: The Great Dock Strike of 1889
Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place
Loving v. Virginia: Taking a Stand Hand in Hand
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Sophie Scholl and the White Rose: An Influential Dissent Against Nazi Germany
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Irene Morgan: Standing Up for the Right to Sit
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Permission to Pass: Sugihara's Actions to Protect the People
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
I Had to Use a Rock: Carry Nation Standing Over Broken Glass
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
John Ritchie - The Fight for Freedom
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Seeing is Believing: Lewis Hine's Fight to End the Injustice of Child Labor
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
Samuel J. Crumbine: Taking a Stand for Your Health
Royal Valley Middle School
3rd Place
Muhammad Ali: Fight for the Fight
Mater Dei Catholic School
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Arthur Capper: Champion of the Disabled
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Warren County: The Emergence of the Environmental Justice Era
Seaman High Schooll
3rd Place
The New Face of Feminism: Kurt Cobain
Silver Lake High School
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Mother Jones: A March in the Stand for Workers' Rights
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Hitting the Color Barrier Out of the Park
Hayden High School
3rd Place
National Women's Suffrage Association: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Silver Lake High School
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps. Vs. The Great Depression
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
Lise Meitner: Reaching Selflessly for Truth and Objectivity
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Aldeburgh's First Lady
Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place
The Railroad to Freedom
Mater Dei Catholic School
2nd Place
The Life of Alice Paul
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
A Good Man in Evil Times: The Heroic Actions of Aristides de Sousa Mendes
Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Individual Performance
1st Place
Swingin' to a Stand
Seaman High School
Senior Group Performance
1st Place
Lyudmila Pavlichenko: Taking a Stand for the Allied Forces
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Odette Sansom: Standing Up to Nazi Germany
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Every Patient is My Brother
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Albert Goering: History's Disregarded Hero
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
More Than Just a Person: The Greatest Achievements of Nelson Mandela
Washburn Rural Middle School
Honorable Mention
Match Point: The Life and Legacy of Billie Jean King
Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place
Native Americans Taking a Stand in History
Royal Valley Middle School
2nd Place
Irene Sendler: Savior in the Sea of Blood
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Eliza Potter: Taking a Stand in the Heart of the Confederacy
Royal Valley Middle School
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Standing Up for the "Bui Doi": U.S. Representative Robert J. Mrazek's Impact on Vietnamese Americans with the American Homecoming Act
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Wes Jackson: Taking a Stand for the Land
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Taking a Stand by Taking a Seat: Claudette Colvin's Commitment to Racial Inequality in Regards to Bus Segregation
Seaman High School
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place
Standing Up for the Workforce: Frances Perkin's Strides Towards Humane Labor Laws
Seaman High School
2nd Place
A Champion for the Working Class: Theodore Roosevelt's Stand Against Monopolization
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Jacob Riis: Champion for the Poor
Seaman High School
Honorable Mention
The Stand for Equality: Chief Justice Earl Warren's Leadership and His Fight for Desegregation
Seaman High School
The Battle for Equality: Representative John Lewis's Lifelong Legacy of Standing Up Against Injustice
Seaman High School
Eunice Kennedy Shriver: Taking a Stand for the Mentally Impaired Community
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Website
1st Place
Desmond T. Doss: Far Above and Beyond - For God and Country
Christ The King
2nd Place
Muhammad Ali: Taking a Stand Against the Vietnam War
Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
Branch Rickey - Improving a Team, Changing a Sport
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Group Website
1st Place
The NAACP's Involvement in School Segregation
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
The Double Cross System: Espionage and Counterespionage
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
The Stonewall Rebellion
Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Website
1st Place
Standing Up for the Rights of Others: The Life of Father Emil Kapaun
Seaman High School
2nd Place
A Couple's War Against the Nazis
Seaman High School
3rd Place
A Significant Hero of the Holocaust: Oskar Schindler's Fight Against the Nazi Regime
Seaman High School
Senior Group Website
1st Place
Waris Dirie: Taking a Stand Against Female Genital Mutilation
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Jenson v. Eveleth: Taking a Stand Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Larry Kramer: Taking a Stand Against AIDS Intolerance
Seaman High Schoo
District Three 2016 History Day Competition Results
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place
Bartolome de las Casas
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
From Barnstormer to Land Surveyor: The Exploration of Pilot Elrey Jeppesen
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
The Monroe Doctrine: Its Uses in American Policy
Topeka Collegiate
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place
Don't Drink the Kool-Aid: How the People's Temple Changed the Way Cults are Encountered
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Martha Graham: A Revolutionary in Dance and Modern Art
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Jacobites and the Act of Union: The Encounter that Damaged Scottish Identity
Hayden High School
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Bobby Fischer and the Cold War
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
Apollo 13: A Successful Failure
Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919
Topeka Collegiate
Honorable Mention
Ralph Waldo Gerard: Encountering, Exchanging and Exploring the Brain
Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Exploring Democracy in Ancient Athens
Landon/Robinson Middle Schools
2nd Place
Exploring New Heights: The Engineering Behind the Skyline
Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Through Pen and Lens: Gordon Parks Encountering Inequality
Hayden High School
2nd Place
More Than Bones: The Mistreatment of the Smith Sound Inuits
Washburn Rural High Schooll
3rd Place
Financier of the American Revolution: Haym Salomon and His Heroic Actions
Seaman High School
Senior Group Exhibit
(No Entries This Year)
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place
The Space Race: Exploration of the Final Frontier
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
"Traveling Down Freedom's Main Line"
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Trekking In and Out
Mater Dei Catholic School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place
Susan B. Anthony: Exploring Women's Rights
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Miracles Out of Nowhere: Exploring the KANSAS Legacy
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
Exploring the Life of Nellie Bly
Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Performance
(No Entries This Year)
Senior Group Performance
1st Place
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place
The Knox Coal Mine Disaster: Exploring the Consequences of Greed
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Exploring Severe Weather With the Legendary Mr. Tornado
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Tragedy and Greatness: The Encounters of Ron Klerk de Reus
Royal Valley Middle School
Honorable Mention
Title IX: Exploring Equality on the Playing Field
Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place
"The Americans Are Very Strong"
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Heroes Don't Always Wear Capes: Dr. Frances Kelsey's Exploration and Determination
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
Polio: Outbreaks in America
Seaman Middle School
Honorable Mention
Alan Turing: Exploring the Enigma
Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Ex Parte Endo: A Journey Towards Justice for Japanese Americans
Washburn Rural High School
2nd Place
Hallelujah, I'm a Travelin': The Freedom Rider's Exploration of the Deep South
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Encountering Controversy: Juniperro Serra: A Man on a Mission
Hayden High School
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place
Splitting the Atom: How the Largest Secret Research Program in History Ended the Second World War and Changed the Planet's Military and Science Forever
Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Crisis at Central High: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Eugene Lazowski the Unsung Hero of WWII: Initiating a Private War on Typhus to Save Thousands
Seaman High School
Honorable Mention
Cuban Missile Crisis: To the Brink of War
Seaman High School
Rosalind Franklin and the Discovery of the Double-Helix
Seaman High School
Future for the Modern Farmer
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Website
1st Place
Clyde Tombaugh's Exploration: The Encounter with Pluto and Beyond
Christ The King
2nd Place
Laura Ingalls Wilder's Impact on America's Culture and Literature
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Jesse Owens: The Buckeye Bullet
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Group Website
1st Place
Exploring the Study of Viruses: Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
Sally Ride: The Woman Who Changed Space Exploration
Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
Stan Herd: Exploring Art Through Botanical Beauty
Washburn Rural Middle School
Senior Individual Website
1st Place
Saving Infants One Score at a Time: The Exploration of Neonatal Care Through the Eyes of Virginia Apgar
Seaman High School
2nd Place
"Dr Livingstone, I Presume?": His Final Expedition
Washburn Rural High School
3rd Place
Overcoming Societal Views: Journey of War Brides During WWII
Seaman High School
Senior Group Website
1st Place
Cochlear Implants: Hope for the Hearing Impaired
Seaman High School
2nd Place
The Office of Strategic Services: Exploration Into a World of Espionage
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Rachel Carson and Her Fight for Environmental Change
Seaman High School
District Three 2015 History Day Competition Results
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place
Evolution of the Lobotomy: Martin Freeman's Controversial Procedure
Mater Dei Catholic School
2nd Place
Nelson Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom
Mater Dei Catholic School
3rd Place
"Her Deepness": Life and Leadership of Dr. Sylvia Earle
Mater Dei Catholic School
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place
Adolphus Busch: "Raise Your Glass to the King of Beer"
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Abe Fortas: Directing Justice
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Crazy Bet: A Yankee Spy in Richmond
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Cyrus K. Holliday: The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
The Leadership and Legacy of Nikola Tesla
Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
The Halo of Freedom and Light: The Leadership and Legacy of Kim Dae Jung
Washburn Rural Middle School
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Corie ten Boom: "The Measure of a Life in Not Its Duration, But Its Donation"
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Right Along Side: Ludwig Guttman and the Paralympic Games
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
Jackie Robinson
Topeka Collegiate
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place
Gloria Steinem: A Feminist's Tale
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Harvey Milk's Legacy on Equality for Gay Rights
Seaman High Schooll
3rd Place
Timothy Leary: The Idea Man
Seaman High School
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place
Charles Loring Brace: The Father of Foster Care
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Dorothy Harrison Eustis: Founder of the Seeing Eye
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Phillip K. Wrigley: Preserving Baseball One Pitch at a Time
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place
MLK Leadership Through Legacy
Topeka Collegiate
2nd Place
Leadership and Legacy: An Alvin Alley Experience
Jardine Middle School
3rd Place
Marie Curie's Legacy
Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Performance
1st Place
"The Children of Silence Must Be Taught to Sing Their Own Songs"
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Elizabeth Blackwell: A Leader in the Medical Field
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Dorothea Dix: A Legacy for the Mentally Insane
Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Performance
1st Place
Gloria Steinem: Jumping the Gender Gap
Seaman High School
Senior Group Performance
1st Place
Nothing But Magic: The Incredible Story of Earvin "Magic" Johnson
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Robert Oppenheimer, Shatterer of Worlds
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place
The Antiquities Act: An Act of the Past For the Future
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Bob Dole: Bringing Equality to the Lives of All Americans with Disabilities
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Bill Snyder: Mentoring Leadership, Creating a Legacy
Seaman Middle School
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place
The Last of the Beautiful in Midwestern Psychology
Seaman Middle School
2nd Place
Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: The Words of Winston Churchill
Seaman Middle School
3rd Place
Robert Crippen: Leading the Space Shuttle Program to Success
Seaman Middle School
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place
Fighting to Feed the World: Norman Borlaug and the Green Revolution
Seaman High School
2nd Place
Establishing Equal Opportunities for All Genders: The Life and Legacy of Patsy Mink
Seaman High School
3rd Place
James Lane: Pioneering Patriot
Washburn Rural High School
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place
Tran Ngoc "Harry" Hue: Steadfast Leader for Liberty
Seaman High School
2nd Place
A Champion of the Disabled: Senator Bob Dole's Leadership Towards a Passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act and Its Historic Legacy
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Jacob Riis: Illuminating the Other Half
Seaman High School
Junior Individual Website
1st Place
Harry Colmery and the "Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944" (G. I. Bill of Rights)
Christ the King
2nd Place
Walt Disney: Pioneer of Animation
Topeka Collegiate
3rd Place
Sam Walton and His Legacy
Topeka Collegiate
Junior Group Website
1st Place
Advancing Treatment, Transforming Lives: The Legacy of the Menninger Clinic
Washburn Rural Middle School
2nd Place
From a Small Town to the Big Screen: The Legacy of Hattie McDaniel
Washburn Rural Middle School
3rd Place
The Leadership of James Naismith, the Legacy of Basketball
Topeka Collegiate
Senior Individual Website
1st Place
Dr. Jonas Salk: The Father of Vaccination
Seaman High School
2nd Place
"And That's the Way It Is": The Leadership and Legacy of Walter Cronkite
Washburn Rural High School
3rd Place
Henrietta Lacks: The Immortal Woman
Seaman High School
Senior Group Website
1st Place
Dr. Alfred Blalock: Healing the Blues
Seaman High School
2nd Place
"Rabble Rouser" Clair Cameron Patterson and the Fight Against Tetrethyl Lead
Seaman High School
3rd Place
Fundi: The Lasting Legacy of Ella Baker
Seaman High School
GET IN TOUCH WITH History Department
History Department
Henderson Learning center
3rd Floor, Room 311
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.2060